PORTNAME= intellij-pty4j PORTVERSION= 0.11.4 CATEGORIES= java devel MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Pty4J's native library LICENSE= EPL LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= gmake USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= JetBrains GH_PROJECT= pty4j GH_TAGNAME= 61a48c06c79f13f5766a35bb6af4816f481f0940 .include "${.CURDIR}/../intellij/common.mk" .include # The directory we need to install Pty4J's native library in depends # on the install target's architecture. We rebuild libpty.so instead # of using one of the bundled ones which are FreeBSD 10.x only. .if ${ARCH} == "amd64" PTY4J_ARCH= x86-64 .elif ${ARCH} == "i386" PTY4J_ARCH= x86 .else PTY4J_ARCH= .endif .if ${PTY4J_ARCH} != "" # Despite what the name might suggest using the linux_x86_64 target # will always build libpty.so for the native platform. BUILD_WRKSRC= ${WRKSRC}/native MAKEFILE= Makefile_freebsd ALL_TARGET= linux_x86_64 PLIST_FILES+= ${IDEA_HOME}/lib/libpty/freebsd/${PTY4J_ARCH}/libpty.so .else # If native Pty4J support is missing IntelliJ IDEA will still work but # without the ability to open terminals. NO_BUILD= yes .endif do-install: .if ${PTY4J_ARCH} != "" ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${IDEA_HOME}/lib/libpty/freebsd/${PTY4J_ARCH} # See above why we always use freebsd/x86-64/ here ${INSTALL_LIB} ${WRKSRC}/os/freebsd/x86-64/libpty.so ${STAGEDIR}${IDEA_HOME}/lib/libpty/freebsd/${PTY4J_ARCH}/ .endif .include