PORTNAME= quickqanava PORTVERSION= 0.1 CATEGORIES= graphics MAINTAINER= adridg@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Library for QML-based Graph Visualisation LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/licence.txt USES= cmake compiler:c++14-lang qt:5 USE_QT= core declarative gui network quickcontrols2 \ buildtools_build qmake_build USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= cneben GH_PROJECT= QuickQanava GH_TAGNAME= ab88d77ec62175b9fd499a154ffaf92f7bf23989 # There are no releases, even though the project is years old, # and the site mentions "alpha, pre-1.0". Once there's an actual # release, can switch to DISTVERSION and release-tarballs. .include