PORTNAME= game_sdl2 PORTVERSION= 7.4.11 CATEGORIES= devel python MASTER_SITES= http://www.renpy.org/dl/${PORTVERSION}/ \ GENTOO PKGNAMEPREFIX= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX} DISTNAME= py${PORTNAME}-2.1.0-for-renpy-${DISTVERSION} MAINTAINER= jbeich@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Reimplementation of portions of the pygame API using SDL2 LICENSE= LGPL21+ ZLIB LICENSE_COMB= multi LIB_DEPENDS= libpng.so:graphics/png # Upstream tends to reroll distfiles before moving under /release/ PORTSCOUT= site:http://www.renpy.org/dl/release/ USES= jpeg localbase python:2.7+ sdl USE_SDL= image2 mixer2 ttf2 USE_PYTHON= autoplist distutils cython EXCLUDE= gen gen3 PKG-INFO '*.egg-info' EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS=${EXCLUDE:S,^,--exclude ,} BINARY_ALIAS= cython=cython-${PYTHON_VER} post-install: ${FIND} ${STAGEDIR}${PYTHONPREFIX_SITELIBDIR} -name \*.so \ -exec ${STRIP_CMD} {} + .include