The apptools project includes a set of packages that Enthought has found useful in creating a number of applications. - apptools.appscripting: Framework for scripting applications. - Provides a plugin for displaying documents and examples. - Provides an abstraction for files and folders in a file system. - apptools.logger: Convenience functions for creating logging handlers - apptools.naming: Manages naming contexts, supporting non-string data types and scoped preferences - apptools.permissions: Supports limiting access to parts of an application unless the user is appropriately authorised (not full-blown security). - apptools.persistence: Supports pickling and restoring the state of an object. - apptools.preferences: Manages application preferences. - apptools.selection: Manages the communication between providers and listener of selected items in an application. - apptools.scripting: A framework for automatic recording of Python scripts. - apptools.sweet_pickle: Handles class-level versioning, to support loading of saved data that exist over several generations of internal class structures. - apptools.template: Supports creating templatizable object hierarchies. - apptools.type_manager: Manages type extensions, including factories to generate adapters, and hooks for methods and functions. - apptools.undo: Supports undoing and scripting application commands. WWW: