# New Ports Collection Makefile for: p5-sdl # Date created: 2002-10-06 # Whom: Klaus Goger # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= SDL PORTVERSION= 2.2.6 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= devel perl5 MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_PERL_CPAN} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR=SDL PKGNAMEPREFIX= p5- DISTNAME= SDL_Perl-v${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= spam@rm-rf.kiev.ua COMMENT= Perl Bindings for SDL BUILD_DEPENDS= p5-YAML>=0.62:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/p5-YAML LIB_DEPENDS= png.6:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/png \ jpeg.11:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/jpeg USE_SDL= sdl PERL_MODBUILD= yes OPTIONS= SDL_TTF "Enable TTF support" on \ SDL_NET "Enable NET support" on \ SDL_GFX "Enable GFX support" on \ SDL_IMAGE "Enable IMAGE support" on \ SDL_MIXER "Enable MIXER support" on .include .if !defined(WITHOUT_SDL_TTF) USE_SDL+= ttf .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_SDL_NET) USE_SDL+= net .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_SDL_GFX) USE_SDL+= gfx .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_SDL_IMAGE) USE_SDL+= image .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_SDL_MIXER) USE_SDL+= mixer .endif USE_LDCONFIG= yes MAN3PREFIX= ${PREFIX}/lib/perl5/${PERL_VERSION} MAN3= SDL.3 \ SDL::App.3 \ SDL::Cdrom.3 \ SDL::Color.3 \ SDL::Cursor.3 \ SDL::Event.3 \ SDL::Font.3 \ SDL::Game::Rect.3 \ SDL::MPEG.3 \ SDL::Mixer.3 \ SDL::Music.3 \ SDL::OpenGL.3 \ SDL::Palette.3 \ SDL::Rect.3 \ SDL::SFont.3 \ SDL::Sound.3 \ SDL::Surface.3 \ SDL::TTFont.3 \ SDL::Timer.3 \ SDL::Tool::Font.3 \ SDL::Tool::Graphic.3 \ SDL::Tutorial.3 \ SDL::Tutorial::Animation.3 \ SDL::Tutorial::Drawing.3 \ SDL::Tutorial::Images.3 \ SDL::Tutorial::LunarLander.3 \ SDL::Video.3 post-install: @if [ -n "${PERL}" ]; then \ PERL_THREADED=`${PERL} -V | ${GREP} -- -Dusethreads=y || ${TRUE}`; \ if [ -z ${PERL_THREADED} ]; then \ ${ECHO_MSG}; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "SDL_PERL must be built with a threaded Perl, reinstall Perl with WITH_THREADS=yes"; \ ${ECHO_MSG}; \ fi; \ fi .include