PORTNAME= picard-plugins PORTVERSION= 2.0.20220214 CATEGORIES= audio python MAINTAINER= jhale@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Plugins for Picard tagger LICENSE= GPLv2+ GPLv3+ MIT WTFPL LICENSE_COMB= multi USES= python:3.7+ USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= metabrainz GH_TAGNAME= dac5623 PORTSCOUT= limit:^2\. NO_ARCH= yes BUILD_WRKSRC= ${WRKSRC}/build PLUGINSDIR= ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/picard/plugins OPTIONS_DEFINE= BPM DOCS MOODBAR OPTIONS_GROUP= REPLAYGAIN OPTIONS_GROUP_REPLAYGAIN= FLAC MP3 VORBIS WAVPACK OPTIONS_SUB= yes BPM_DESC= Beats per minute BPM_RUN_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}aubio>=0.4.5:audio/py-aubio@${PY_FLAVOR} BPM_SUB_FILES= pkg-message.bmp BPM_SUB_LIST= GCC_VER=${GCC_DEFAULT:S/.//} BPM_VARS= PKGMESSAGE+=${.CURDIR}/pkg-message.bmp MOODBAR_DESC= Generate moodbar files MOODBAR_RUN_DEPENDS= moodbar:audio/moodbar REPLAYGAIN_DESC= ReplayGain audio normalization FLAC_RUN_DEPENDS= metaflac:audio/flac MP3_RUN_DEPENDS= mp3gain:audio/mp3gain VORBIS_RUN_DEPENDS= vorbisgain:audio/vorbisgain WAVPACK_RUN_DEPENDS= wvgain:audio/wavpack do-build: # Plugins that include a separate UI (those with an __init__.py) must # be installed into their own subdirectories under PLUGINSDIR. Plugins # written as a single .py file must be installed directly in PLUGINSDIR. # We copy them into the correct hierarchy and compile them here. @${MKDIR} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/plugins @(cd ${WRKSRC}/plugins; \ for dir in *; \ do \ if [ -f $${dir}/[Rr][Ee][Aa][Dd][Mm][Ee]* ]; \ then ${MKDIR} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/doc/$${dir}; \ ${MV} $${dir}/[Rr][Ee][Aa][Dd][Mm][Ee]* ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/doc/$${dir}; \ fi; \ if [ -d $${dir}/docs ]; \ then ${MKDIR} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/doc/$${dir}; \ ${MV} $${dir}/docs/* ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/doc/$${dir}; \ ${RM} -r $${dir}/docs; \ fi; \ if [ -f $${dir}/__init__.py ]; \ then ${CP} -R $${dir} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/plugins; \ else ${CP} -R $${dir}/* ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/plugins; \ fi; \ done;) ${FIND} ${BUILD_WRKSRC} -type f \( -name '.*' -o -name '*.bak' -o -name '*.orig' \) -exec ${RM} {} \; ${PYTHON_CMD} -m compileall ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/plugins ${PYTHON_CMD} -O -m compileall ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/plugins do-install: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} (cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/doc; ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}) @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PLUGINSDIR} (cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/plugins; ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . ${STAGEDIR}${PLUGINSDIR}) .include