# Created by: Slaven Rezic PORTNAME= merkaartor PORTVERSION= 0.19.0 PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= astro MAINTAINER= dev2@heesakkers.info COMMENT= Openstreetmap mapping program LICENSE= GPLv2 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE LIB_DEPENDS= libgdal.so:graphics/gdal \ libproj.so:graphics/proj \ libquazip1-qt5.so:archivers/quazip USES= compiler:c++11-lang gnome pkgconfig qmake qt:5 sqlite:3 USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= openstreetmap USE_LDCONFIG= yes QMAKE_ARGS= SYSTEM_QUAZIP=1 USE_QT= buildtools_build \ concurrent core gui imageformats network printsupport svg \ webkit widgets xml OPTIONS_DEFINE= DEBUG GEOIMAGE NLS PROTOBUF ZBAR OPTIONS_DEFAULT= GEOIMAGE GEOIMAGE_DESC= Enable geotagged images (needs exiv2) GEOIMAGE_QMAKE_ON= GEOIMAGE=1 GEOIMAGE_LIB_DEPENDS= libexiv2.so:graphics/exiv2 PROTOBUF_DESC= Protobuf Binary Format support PROTOBUF_QMAKE_ON= PROTOBUF=1 PROTOBUF_LIB_DEPENDS= libprotobuf.so:devel/protobuf ZBAR_DESC= Read barcodes from walking papers (BROKEN) ZBAR_QMAKE_ON= ZBAR=1 ZBAR_LIB_DEPENDS= libzbar.so:graphics/zbar # graphics/zbar needs to be built with Qt support (and needs a Qt5 version) ZBAR_BROKEN= Does not build with option ZBAR selected DEBUG_QMAKE_OFF= NODEBUG=1 RELEASE=1 NLS_USES= qt:5 NLS_USE= QT=linguisttools_build OPTIONS_SUB= yes pre-build-NLS-on: @cd ${WRKSRC}/translations && ${LRELEASE} ../src/src.pro pre-build-PROTOBUF-on: @cd ${WRKSRC}/src/ImportExport && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/protoc --cpp_out=. \ fileformat.proto osmformat.proto post-install-NLS-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/translations @(cd ${WRKSRC}/translations && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} "merkaartor_*.qm" \ ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/translations) .include