path: root/misc/tkman/files/patch-ab
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Diffstat (limited to 'misc/tkman/files/patch-ab')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/misc/tkman/files/patch-ab b/misc/tkman/files/patch-ab
index 58843d5df30f..1e88eee37ee7 100644
--- a/misc/tkman/files/patch-ab
+++ b/misc/tkman/files/patch-ab
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
---- tkmandesc.tcl.orig Wed Mar 1 19:55:54 2000
-+++ tkmandesc.tcl Sat May 20 07:57:33 2000
-@@ -223,8 +223,9 @@
- set mani(manTitleList) $man(manTitleList)
- if {![info exists env(MANPATH)] || [string equal [string trim $env(MANPATH)] ""]} {
-- puts stderr "You must set a MANPATH environment variable,\nwhich is a colon-separated list of directories in which\nto find man pages, for example /usr/man:/usr/share/man.\n(See the help page for an explanation of why\nalternatives to the MANPATH are a bad thing.)"
-- exit 1
-+# puts stderr "You must set a MANPATH environment variable,\nwhich is a colon-separated list of directories in which\nto find man pages, for example /usr/man:/usr/share/man.\n(See the help page for an explanation of why\nalternatives to the MANPATH are a bad thing.)"
-+# exit 1
-+ set env(MANPATH) [join $manx(mastermen) ":"]
- }
- set manx(MANPATH0) $env(MANPATH)
+--- tkmandesc.tcl.orig Wed Apr 2 01:31:38 2003
++++ tkmandesc.tcl Sun Oct 19 11:09:54 2003
+@@ -224,8 +224,9 @@
+ set mani(manTitleList) $man(manTitleList)
+ if {![info exists env(MANPATH)] || [string trim $env(MANPATH)] eq ""} {
+- puts stderr "You must set a MANPATH environment variable,\nwhich is a colon-separated list of directories in which\nto find man pages, for example /usr/man:/usr/share/man.\n(See the help page for an explanation of why\nalternatives to the MANPATH are a bad thing.)"
+- exit 1
++# puts stderr "You must set a MANPATH environment variable,\nwhich is a colon-separated list of directories in which\nto find man pages, for example /usr/man:/usr/share/man.\n(See the help page for an explanation of why\nalternatives to the MANPATH are a bad thing.)"
++# exit 1
++ set env(MANPATH) [join $manx(mastermen) ":"]
+ }
+ set manx(MANPATH0) $env(MANPATH)