path: root/shells
diff options
authorAkinori MUSHA <>2004-05-25 18:56:27 +0000
committerAkinori MUSHA <>2004-05-25 18:56:27 +0000
commitf021c59ba058d741c1dcb2c6003799a61a0d623a (patch)
tree0ac7d317de9f933c150c3721c6674da1046dfa9a /shells
parentPull some tricks to build on pre-4.4 systems. (diff)
Readd a correct fix against the glob expansion bug.
Diffstat (limited to 'shells')
4 files changed, 715 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/shells/fd/Makefile b/shells/fd/Makefile
index d33cc62b81ca..5cbf80599e6b 100644
--- a/shells/fd/Makefile
+++ b/shells/fd/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
diff --git a/shells/fd/files/patch-doscom.c b/shells/fd/files/patch-doscom.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..06e3e51414fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shells/fd/files/patch-doscom.c
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ Properly expand globs like <"/usr/"*> and </usr\/*>.
+--- doscom.c.orig Tue Jan 6 15:36:55 2004
++++ doscom.c Fri May 21 00:23:39 2004
+@@ -1701,7 +1701,7 @@
+ } while (!strchr("ynYN", key));
+ if (key == 'n' || key == 'N') return(RET_SUCCESS);
+ }
+- if (!(wild = evalwild(argv[n]))) {
++ if (!(wild = evalwild(argv[n], 0))) {
+ doserror(argv[n], ER_FILENOTFOUND);
+ return(RET_FAIL);
+ }
+@@ -1779,7 +1779,7 @@
+ return(RET_FAIL);
+ }
+- if (!(wild = evalwild(argv[1]))) {
++ if (!(wild = evalwild(argv[1], 0))) {
+ doserror(argv[1], ER_FILENOTFOUND);
+ return(RET_FAIL);
+ }
+@@ -2190,7 +2190,7 @@
+ copyflag |= CF_VERBOSE;
+ }
+ for (n = 0; n < nf; n++) {
+- if (!(wild = evalwild(arg[n]))) {
++ if (!(wild = evalwild(arg[n], 0))) {
+ if (nf > 1) continue;
+ doserror(arg[n], ER_FILENOTFOUND);
+ ret = RET_FAIL;
diff --git a/shells/fd/files/patch-pathname.c b/shells/fd/files/patch-pathname.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ce2902a2456c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shells/fd/files/patch-pathname.c
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+ Properly expand globs like <"/usr/"*> and </usr\/*>.
+--- pathname.c.orig Sat Apr 24 05:25:17 2004
++++ pathname.c Fri May 21 01:10:00 2004
+@@ -147,13 +147,10 @@
+ #else
+ static int NEAR _regexp_exec __P_((char **, char *));
+ #endif
+-static char *NEAR catpath __P_((char *, char *, int *, int, int));
+-#ifdef NODIRLOOP
+-static int NEAR _evalwild __P_((int, char ***, char *, char *, int));
+-static int NEAR _evalwild __P_((int, char ***, char *, char *, int,
+- int, devino_t *));
++static void NEAR addstrbuf __P_((strbuf_t *, char *, int));
++static void NEAR duplwild(wild_t *, wild_t *);
++static void NEAR freewild(wild_t *);
++static int NEAR _evalwild __P_((int, char ***, wild_t *));
+ #ifndef _NOUSEHASH
+ static int NEAR calchash __P_((char *));
+ static VOID NEAR inithash __P_((VOID_A));
+@@ -1282,245 +1279,228 @@
+ # endif /* !USEREGCOMP */
+ #endif /* !USERE_COMP */
+-static char *NEAR catpath(path, file, plenp, flen, isoverwrite)
+-char *path, *file;
+-int *plenp, flen, isoverwrite;
++static void NEAR addstrbuf(sp, s, len)
++strbuf_t *sp;
++char *s;
++int len;
+ {
+- char *new;
+- int i, sc;
+-#if MSDOS || (defined (FD) && !defined (_NODOSDRIVE))
+- if (*plenp >= 2 && _dospath(path)) i = 2;
+- else
+- i = 0;
++ sp -> s = c_realloc(sp -> s, sp -> len + len, &(sp -> size));
++ memcpy(&(sp -> s[sp -> len]), s, len);
++ sp -> len += len;
++ sp -> s[sp -> len] = '\0';
+- if (*plenp <= i) sc = 0;
+- else {
+- sc = 1;
+- if (path[i] == _SC_) {
+- for (i++; i < *plenp; i++) if (path[i] != _SC_) break;
+- if (i >= *plenp) sc = 0;
+- }
+- }
++static void NEAR duplwild(dst, src)
++wild_t *dst, *src;
++ memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(wild_t));
++ dst -> fixed.s = (char *)malloc2(src -> fixed.size);
++ memcpy(dst -> fixed.s, src -> fixed.s, src -> fixed.len + 1);
++ dst -> path.s = (char *)malloc2(src -> path.size);
++ memcpy(dst -> path.s, src -> path.s, src -> path.len + 1);
+- if (isoverwrite) new = realloc2(path, *plenp + sc + flen + 1);
+- else {
+- new = malloc2(*plenp + sc + flen + 1);
+- strncpy(new, path, *plenp);
++#ifndef NODIRLOOP
++ if (src -> ino) {
++ dst -> ino = (devino_t *)malloc2(src -> nino
++ * sizeof(devino_t));
++ memcpy(dst -> ino, src -> ino, src -> nino * sizeof(devino_t));
+ }
+- if (sc) new[(*plenp)++] = _SC_;
+- strncpy2(&(new[*plenp]), file, flen);
+- *plenp += flen;
+- return(new);
++#endif /* !NODIRLOOP */
+ }
+-#ifdef NODIRLOOP
+-static int NEAR _evalwild(argc, argvp, s, fixed, len)
+-int argc;
+-char ***argvp, *s, *fixed;
+-int len;
+-static int NEAR _evalwild(argc, argvp, s, fixed, len, nino, ino)
+-int argc;
+-char ***argvp, *s, *fixed;
+-int len, nino;
+-devino_t *ino;
++static void NEAR freewild(wp)
++wild_t *wp;
+ {
++ if (wp -> fixed.s) free(wp -> fixed.s);
++ if (wp -> path.s) free(wp -> path.s);
+ #ifndef NODIRLOOP
+- devino_t *dupino;
++ if (wp -> ino) free(wp -> ino);
+ #endif
++static int NEAR _evalwild(argc, argvp, wp)
++int argc;
++char ***argvp;
++wild_t *wp;
+ DIR *dirp;
+ struct dirent *dp;
+ struct stat st;
+ reg_t *re;
++ wild_t dupl;
++ ALLOC_T flen, plen;
+ char *cp;
+- int i, n, l;
++ int i, n, w, pc, quote, isdir;
+- if (!*s) {
+- if (len) {
+- fixed = realloc2(fixed, len + 1 + 1);
+- fixed[len++] = _SC_;
+- fixed[len] = '\0';
+- *argvp = (char **)realloc2(*argvp,
+- (argc + 2) * sizeof(char *));
+- (*argvp)[argc++] = fixed;
++ if (!*(wp -> s)) return(argc);
++ flen = wp -> fixed.len;
++ plen = wp -> path.len;
++ quote = wp -> quote;
++ if (wp -> fixed.len) addstrbuf(&(wp -> path), _SS_, 1);
++ for (i = w = 0; wp -> s[i]; i++) {
++ pc = parsechar(&(wp -> s[i]), -1,
++ _SC_, 0, &(wp -> quote), NULL);
++ if (pc == PC_OPQUOTE || pc == PC_CLQUOTE) {
++ if (!(wp -> flags & EA_STRIPQ))
++ addstrbuf(&(wp -> fixed), &(wp -> s[i]), 1);
++ continue;
++ }
++ else if (pc == PC_WORD) {
++ addstrbuf(&(wp -> fixed), &(wp -> s[i]), 1);
++ addstrbuf(&(wp -> path), &(wp -> s[i]), 1);
++ i++;
++ }
++ else if (pc == PC_META) {
++ if (wp -> flags & EA_KEEPMETA)
++ addstrbuf(&(wp -> fixed), &(wp -> s[i]), 1);
++ if (wp -> s[i + 1] == _SC_) continue;
++ if (wp -> quote == '\''
++ || (wp -> quote == '"'
++ && !strchr(DQ_METACHAR, wp -> s[i + 1]))) {
++ if (!(wp -> flags & EA_KEEPMETA))
++ addstrbuf(&(wp -> fixed),
++ &(wp -> s[i]), 1);
++ addstrbuf(&(wp -> path), &(wp -> s[i]), 1);
++ }
++ i++;
++ }
++ else if (pc == _SC_) break;
++ else if (pc == PC_NORMAL && strchr("?*[", wp -> s[i])) {
++ if (w >= 0 && wp -> s[i] == '*') w++;
++ else w = -1;
+ }
+-#ifndef NODIRLOOP
+- if (ino) free(ino);
+- return(argc);
+- }
+-#if MSDOS || (defined (FD) && !defined (_NODOSDRIVE))
+- if (!len && _dospath(s)) {
+- fixed = malloc2(2 + 1);
+- fixed[0] = *s;
+- fixed[1] = ':';
+- fixed[2] = '\0';
+-# ifdef NODIRLOOP
+- return(_evalwild(argc, argvp, &(s[2]), fixed, 2));
+-# else
+- return(_evalwild(argc, argvp, &(s[2]), fixed, 2, nino, ino));
+-# endif
++ addstrbuf(&(wp -> fixed), &(wp -> s[i]), 1);
++ addstrbuf(&(wp -> path), &(wp -> s[i]), 1);
+ }
+- n = 0;
+- for (i = 0; s[i]; i++) {
+- if (s[i] == _SC_) break;
+- if (s[i] == '*' || s[i] == '?'
+- || s[i] == '[' || s[i] == ']') n = 1;
+- if (iskanji1(s, i)) i++;
++ if (!(wp -> s[i])) isdir = 0;
++ else {
++ isdir = 1;
++ addstrbuf(&(wp -> fixed), _SS_, 1);
+ }
+- if (!i) {
+- fixed = realloc2(fixed, len + 1 + 1);
+- fixed[len++] = _SC_;
+- fixed[len] = '\0';
+-#ifdef NODIRLOOP
+- return(_evalwild(argc, argvp, &(s[1]), fixed, len));
+- return(_evalwild(argc, argvp, &(s[1]), fixed, len, nino, ino));
+- }
++ if (!w) {
++ if (wp -> path.len <= plen) w++;
++ else if (Xstat(wp -> path.s, &st) < 0) return(argc);
+- if (!n) {
+- fixed = catpath(fixed, s, &len, i, 1);
+- if (Xstat(fixed, &st) < 0) free(fixed);
+- else if (s[i]) {
+- if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) free(fixed);
+- else {
+-#ifdef NODIRLOOP
+- return(_evalwild(argc, argvp,
+- &(s[i + 1]), fixed, len));
+- ino = (devino_t *)realloc2(ino,
+- (nino + 1) * sizeof(devino_t));
+- ino[nino].dev = st.st_dev;
+- ino[nino++].ino = st.st_ino;
+- return(_evalwild(argc, argvp,
+- &(s[i + 1]), fixed, len, nino, ino));
+- }
+- }
+- else {
+- *argvp = (char **)realloc2(*argvp,
+- (argc + 2) * sizeof(char *));
+- (*argvp)[argc++] = fixed;
++ wp -> s += i;
++ if (isdir) {
++ if (!w && (st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)
++ return(argc);
++ (wp -> s)++;
+ }
++ if (*(wp -> s)) {
+ #ifndef NODIRLOOP
+- if (ino) free(ino);
++ if (!w) {
++ wp -> ino = (devino_t *)realloc2(wp -> ino,
++ (wp -> nino + 1) * sizeof(devino_t));
++ wp -> ino[wp -> nino].dev = st.st_dev;
++ wp -> ino[(wp -> nino)++].ino = st.st_ino;
++ }
+ #endif
++ return(_evalwild(argc, argvp, wp));
++ }
++ if (!(wp -> fixed.len)) return(argc);
++ *argvp = (char **)realloc2(*argvp,
++ (argc + 2) * sizeof(char *));
++ (*argvp)[argc++] = wp -> fixed.s;
++ wp -> fixed.s = NULL;
+ return(argc);
+ }
+- if (i == 2 && s[i] && s[0] == '*' && s[1] == '*') {
+-#ifdef NODIRLOOP
+- argc = _evalwild(argc, argvp, &(s[3]), strdup2(fixed), len);
+- if (!ino) dupino = NULL;
+- else {
+- dupino = (devino_t *)malloc2(nino * sizeof(devino_t));
+- for (n = 0; n < nino; n++) {
+- dupino[n].dev = ino[n].dev;
+- dupino[n].ino = ino[n].ino;
+- }
+- }
+- argc = _evalwild(argc, argvp,
+- &(s[3]), strdup2(fixed), len, nino, dupino);
++ if (w != 2 || !isdir || strcmp(&(wp -> path.s[plen]), "**")) w = -1;
++ wp -> fixed.len = flen;
++ wp -> path.len = plen;
++ wp -> fixed.s[flen] = wp -> path.s[plen] = '\0';
++ if (w > 0) {
++ duplwild(&dupl, wp);
++ dupl.s += i + 1;
++ argc = _evalwild(argc, argvp, &dupl);
++ freewild(&dupl);
+ re = NULL;
+ }
+- else if (!(re = regexp_init(s, i))) {
+- if (fixed) free(fixed);
+-#ifndef NODIRLOOP
+- if (ino) free(ino);
+- return(argc);
++ else {
++ cp = malloc2(i + 2);
++ n = 0;
++ if (quote) cp[n++] = quote;
++ memcpy(&(cp[n]), wp -> s, i);
++ n += i;
++ if (wp -> quote) cp[n++] = wp -> quote;
++ re = regexp_init(cp, n);
++ free(cp);
++ if (!re) return(argc);
++ wp -> s += i + 1;
+ }
+- if (!(dirp = Xopendir((len) ? fixed : "."))) {
++ if (wp -> path.len) cp = wp -> path.s;
++ else if (wp -> fixed.len) cp = _SS_;
++ else cp = ".";
++ if (!(dirp = Xopendir(cp))) {
+ regexp_free(re);
+- if (fixed) free(fixed);
+-#ifndef NODIRLOOP
+- if (ino) free(ino);
+ return(argc);
+ }
++ addstrbuf(&(wp -> path), _SS_, 1);
+ while ((dp = Xreaddir(dirp))) {
+ if (isdotdir(dp -> d_name)) continue;
+- l = len;
+- cp = catpath(fixed, dp -> d_name, &l, strlen(dp -> d_name), 0);
+- if (s[i]) {
+- if (Xstat(cp, &st) < 0
++ duplwild(&dupl, wp);
++ n = strlen(dp -> d_name);
++ addstrbuf(&(dupl.fixed), dp -> d_name, n);
++ addstrbuf(&(dupl.path), dp -> d_name, n);
++ if (isdir) {
++ if (re) n = regexp_exec(re, dp -> d_name, 1);
++ else n = (*(dp -> d_name) == '.') ? 0 : 1;
++ if (!n || Xstat(dupl.path.s, &st) < 0
+ || (st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) {
+- free(cp);
++ freewild(&dupl);
+ continue;
+ }
+ #ifndef NODIRLOOP
+- dupino = (devino_t *)malloc2((nino + 1)
+- * sizeof(devino_t));
+- for (n = 0; n < nino; n++) {
+- dupino[n].dev = ino[n].dev;
+- dupino[n].ino = ino[n].ino;
+- }
+- dupino[n].dev = st.st_dev;
+- dupino[n].ino = st.st_ino;
+ if (!re) {
+- if (*(dp -> d_name) == '.') {
+- free(cp);
+-#ifndef NODIRLOOP
+- free(dupino);
++ for (n = 0; n < dupl.nino; n++)
++ if (dupl.ino[n].dev == st.st_dev
++ && dupl.ino[n].ino == st.st_ino)
++ break;
++ if (n < dupl.nino) {
++ freewild(&dupl);
+ continue;
+ }
+-#ifdef NODIRLOOP
+- argc = _evalwild(argc, argvp, s, cp, l);
+- for (n = 0; n < nino; n++)
+- if (ino[n].dev == st.st_dev
+- && ino[n].ino == st.st_ino) break;
+- if (n < nino) {
+- free(cp);
+- free(dupino);
+- }
+- else argc = _evalwild(argc, argvp,
+- s, cp, l, nino + 1, dupino);
+- }
+- else if (!regexp_exec(re, dp -> d_name, 1)) {
+- free(cp);
+-#ifndef NODIRLOOP
+- free(dupino);
+ }
+-#ifdef NODIRLOOP
+- else argc = _evalwild(argc, argvp, &(s[i + 1]), cp, l);
+- else argc = _evalwild(argc, argvp,
+- &(s[i + 1]), cp, l, nino + 1, dupino);
++ dupl.ino = (devino_t *)realloc2(dupl.ino,
++ (dupl.nino + 1) * sizeof(devino_t));
++ dupl.ino[dupl.nino].dev = st.st_dev;
++ dupl.ino[(dupl.nino)++].ino = st.st_ino;
+ #endif
++ addstrbuf(&(dupl.fixed), _SS_, 1);
++ argc = _evalwild(argc, argvp, &dupl);
+ }
+- else if (!re || !regexp_exec(re, dp -> d_name, 1)) free(cp);
+- else {
++ else if (regexp_exec(re, dp -> d_name, 1)) {
+ *argvp = (char **)realloc2(*argvp,
+ (argc + 2) * sizeof(char *));
+- (*argvp)[argc++] = cp;
++ (*argvp)[argc++] = dupl.fixed.s;
++ dupl.fixed.s = NULL;
+ }
++ freewild(&dupl);
+ }
+ Xclosedir(dirp);
+ regexp_free(re);
+- if (fixed) free(fixed);
+-#ifndef NODIRLOOP
+- if (ino) free(ino);
+ return(argc);
+ }
+@@ -1531,18 +1511,29 @@
+ return(strpathcmp2(*((char **)vp1), *((char **)vp2)));
+ }
+-char **evalwild(s)
++char **evalwild(s, flags)
+ char *s;
++int flags;
+ {
++ wild_t w;
+ char **argv;
+ int argc;
+ argv = (char **)malloc2(1 * sizeof(char *));
+-#ifdef NODIRLOOP
+- argc = _evalwild(0, &argv, s, NULL, 0);
+- argc = _evalwild(0, &argv, s, NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
++ w.s = s;
++ w.fixed.s = c_realloc(NULL, 0, &(w.fixed.size));
++ w.path.s = c_realloc(NULL, 0, &(w.path.size));
++ w.fixed.len = w.path.len = (ALLOC_T)0;
++ w.quote = '\0';
++#ifndef NODIRLOOP
++ w.nino = 0;
++ w.ino = NULL;
+ #endif
++ w.flags = flags;
++ argc = _evalwild(0, &argv, &w);
++ freewild(&w);
+ if (!argc) {
+ free(argv);
+ return(NULL);
+@@ -3188,60 +3179,29 @@
+ char ***argvp;
+ int flags;
+ {
+- char *cp, **wild;
+- ALLOC_T size;
+- int i, j, n, pc, w, quote;
++ char **wild;
++ int i, n;
+ for (n = 0; n < argc; n++) {
+- cp = c_realloc(NULL, 0, &size);
+- for (i = j = w = 0, quote = '\0'; (*argvp)[n][i]; i++) {
+- cp = c_realloc(cp, j + 1, &size);
+- pc = parsechar(&((*argvp)[n][i]), -1,
+- '\0', 0, &quote, NULL);
+- if (pc == PC_OPQUOTE || pc == PC_CLQUOTE) {
+- if (flags & EA_STRIPQ) continue;
+- }
+- else if (pc == PC_WORD) cp[j++] = (*argvp)[n][i++];
+- else if (pc == PC_META) {
+- i++;
+- if (quote
+- && !strchr(DQ_METACHAR, (*argvp)[n][i]))
+- cp[j++] = PMETA;
+- }
+- else if (pc != PC_NORMAL) /*EMPTY*/;
+- else if (!strchr("?*[", (*argvp)[n][i])) /*EMPTY*/;
+- else if ((wild = evalwild((*argvp)[n]))) {
+- w = countvar(wild);
+- if (w > 1) {
+- *argvp = (char **)realloc2(*argvp,
+- (argc + w) * sizeof(char *));
+- if (!*argvp) {
+- free(cp);
+- freevar(wild);
+- return(argc);
+- }
+- memmove((char *)(&((*argvp)[n + w])),
+- (char *)(&((*argvp)[n + 1])),
+- (argc - n) * sizeof(char *));
+- argc += w - 1;
+- }
+- free((*argvp)[n]);
+- free(cp);
+- memmove((char *)(&((*argvp)[n])),
+- (char *)wild, w * sizeof(char *));
+- free(wild);
+- n += w - 1;
+- break;
+- }
+- cp[j++] = (*argvp)[n][i];
++ if (!(wild = evalwild((*argvp)[n], flags))) {
++ stripquote((*argvp)[n], flags);
++ continue;
+ }
+- if (!w) {
+- cp[j] = '\0';
+- free((*argvp)[n]);
+- (*argvp)[n] = cp;
+- }
++ i = countvar(wild);
++ if (i > 1) {
++ *argvp = (char **)realloc2(*argvp,
++ (argc + i) * sizeof(char *));
++ memmove((char *)(&((*argvp)[n + i])),
++ (char *)(&((*argvp)[n + 1])),
++ (argc - n) * sizeof(char *));
++ argc += i - 1;
++ }
++ free((*argvp)[n]);
++ memmove((char *)(&((*argvp)[n])),
++ (char *)wild, i * sizeof(char *));
++ free(wild);
++ n += i - 1;
+ }
+ return(argc);
+ }
+ Complete the previous fix and make <'/usr/'*> work.
+--- pathname.c.orig Sun May 23 02:04:49 2004
++++ pathname.c Sun May 23 02:14:10 2004
+@@ -1340,9 +1340,9 @@
+ if (wp -> fixed.len) addstrbuf(&(wp -> path), _SS_, 1);
+- for (i = w = 0; wp -> s[i]; i++) {
++ for (i = w = 0; wp -> s[i] && wp -> s[i] != _SC_; i++) {
+ pc = parsechar(&(wp -> s[i]), -1,
+- _SC_, 0, &(wp -> quote), NULL);
++ '\0', 0, &(wp -> quote), NULL);
+ if (pc == PC_OPQUOTE || pc == PC_CLQUOTE) {
+ if (!(wp -> flags & EA_STRIPQ))
+ addstrbuf(&(wp -> fixed), &(wp -> s[i]), 1);
+@@ -1368,7 +1368,6 @@
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+- else if (pc == _SC_) break;
+ else if (pc == PC_NORMAL && strchr("?*[", wp -> s[i])) {
+ if (w >= 0 && wp -> s[i] == '*') w++;
+ else w = -1;
+ Fix the buggy fixes above and unbreak <*/...>.
+--- pathname.c.orig Sun May 23 02:14:10 2004
++++ pathname.c Wed May 26 00:11:07 2004
+@@ -1332,7 +1332,14 @@
+ char *cp;
+ int i, n, w, pc, quote, isdir;
+- if (!*(wp -> s)) return(argc);
++ if (!*(wp -> s)) {
++ if (!(wp -> fixed.len)) return(argc);
++ *argvp = (char **)realloc2(*argvp,
++ (argc + 2) * sizeof(char *));
++ (*argvp)[argc++] = wp -> fixed.s;
++ wp -> fixed.s = NULL;
++ return(argc);
++ }
+ flen = wp -> fixed.len;
+ plen = wp -> path.len;
+@@ -1394,24 +1401,15 @@
+ (wp -> s)++;
+ }
+- if (*(wp -> s)) {
+ #ifndef NODIRLOOP
+- if (!w) {
+- wp -> ino = (devino_t *)realloc2(wp -> ino,
+- (wp -> nino + 1) * sizeof(devino_t));
+- wp -> ino[wp -> nino].dev = st.st_dev;
+- wp -> ino[(wp -> nino)++].ino = st.st_ino;
+- }
+- return(_evalwild(argc, argvp, wp));
++ if (!w) {
++ wp -> ino = (devino_t *)realloc2(wp -> ino,
++ (wp -> nino + 1) * sizeof(devino_t));
++ wp -> ino[wp -> nino].dev = st.st_dev;
++ wp -> ino[(wp -> nino)++].ino = st.st_ino;
+ }
+- if (!(wp -> fixed.len)) return(argc);
+- *argvp = (char **)realloc2(*argvp,
+- (argc + 2) * sizeof(char *));
+- (*argvp)[argc++] = wp -> fixed.s;
+- wp -> fixed.s = NULL;
+- return(argc);
++ return(_evalwild(argc, argvp, wp));
+ }
+ if (w != 2 || !isdir || strcmp(&(wp -> path.s[plen]), "**")) w = -1;
+@@ -1447,7 +1445,8 @@
+ regexp_free(re);
+ return(argc);
+ }
+- addstrbuf(&(wp -> path), _SS_, 1);
++ if (wp -> path.len || wp -> fixed.len)
++ addstrbuf(&(wp -> path), _SS_, 1);
+ while ((dp = Xreaddir(dirp))) {
+ if (isdotdir(dp -> d_name)) continue;
diff --git a/shells/fd/files/patch-pathname.h b/shells/fd/files/patch-pathname.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..644c82e9289c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shells/fd/files/patch-pathname.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ Properly expand globs like <"/usr/"*> and </usr\/*>.
+--- pathname.h.orig Sat Apr 24 03:37:06 2004
++++ pathname.h Fri May 21 00:23:15 2004
+@@ -104,6 +104,12 @@
+ #define CM_RECALC 0100
+ #define CM_REHASH 0200
++typedef struct _strbuf_t {
++ char *s;
++ ALLOC_T size;
++ ALLOC_T len;
++} strbuf_t;
+ #ifndef NODIRLOOP
+ typedef struct _devino_t {
+ dev_t dev;
+@@ -111,6 +117,18 @@
+ } devino_t;
+ #endif
++typedef struct _wild_t {
++ char *s;
++ strbuf_t fixed;
++ strbuf_t path;
++ int quote;
++#ifndef NODIRLOOP
++ int nino;
++ devino_t *ino;
++ u_char flags;
++} wild_t;
+ #ifdef NOUID_T
+ typedef u_short uid_t;
+ typedef u_short gid_t;
+@@ -202,7 +220,7 @@
+ extern int regexp_exec __P_((reg_t *, char *, int));
+ extern VOID regexp_free __P_((reg_t *));
+ extern int cmppath __P_((CONST VOID_P, CONST VOID_P));
+-extern char **evalwild __P_((char *));
++extern char **evalwild __P_((char *, int));
+ #ifndef _NOUSEHASH
+ hashlist **duplhash __P_((hashlist **));
+ #endif