path: root/Tools/portbuild
diff options
authorSatoshi Asami <>1999-06-22 10:43:10 +0000
committerSatoshi Asami <>1999-06-22 10:43:10 +0000
commitc2ae7d52ff2d671c6af4273d4e41a79ad4bf8e55 (patch)
tree5b3b51feb946f34dc2c976ce1de3b6af9f8fc2a3 /Tools/portbuild
parentAdd support for 4-current. Add /compat to list of directories to (diff)
Driver script for whole build process. It will
(1) cvsup (2) run cvs update on the ports and doc trees (3) generate new index (4) generate new duds list (5) move old packages and distfiles out of the way (6) build packages (7) build packages again (to salvage those died with transient errors) (8) generate restricted list (9) generate no-cdrom list Steps (3)-(9) are repeated for 4-current and 3-stable.
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/portbuild')
2 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..a0e94249c1d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# configurable variables
+usage () {
+ echo "usage: [-nobuild] [-noindex] [-noduds] [-nocvsup] branch"
+ exit 1
+umask 002
+export PORTSDIR=${pb}/usr/ports
+me=$(hostname -s)
+echo "Subject: $me package building logs"
+echo "Called with arguments: "${1+"$@"}
+if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ usage
+if [ -e ${lock} ]; then
+ echo "Skipped since lock file exists"
+ exit 1
+touch ${lock}
+# optional arguments
+while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
+ case "x$1" in
+ x-nobuild)
+ nobuild=1
+ ;;
+ x-noindex)
+ noindex=1
+ ;;
+ x-noduds)
+ noduds=1
+ ;;
+ x-nocvsup)
+ nocvsup=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# mandatory argument
+if [ "x$branch" != x3 -a "x$branch" != x4 ]; then
+ usage
+cd ${pb}/usr/ports
+if [ "$nocvsup" = 0 ]; then
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "running cvsup"
+ echo "================================================"
+ su ${user} -c 'cvsup -g -L 1 /etc/supfile.cvsup'
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "running cvs update"
+ echo "================================================"
+ su ${user} -c 'cvs -q update -d -P'
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "running make checksubdirs"
+ echo "================================================"
+ make checksubdirs
+# generate new Makefile
+if [ "$noindex" = 0 ]; then
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "generating index"
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo -n "started at "
+ date
+ ${scripts}/makeindex ${branch} || exit 1
+ echo -n "ended at "
+ date
+ echo $(wc -l <INDEX) "lines in INDEX"
+ chown ${user} INDEX
+make parallel > ../../${branch}/Makefile
+if [ "$noduds" = 0 ]; then
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "generating duds"
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo -n "started at "
+ date
+ ${scripts}/makeduds ${branch}
+ echo -n "ended at "
+ date
+ echo $(wc -l < ${pb}/${branch}/duds) "items in duds"
+ echo "duds diff:"
+ diff ${pb}/${branch}/duds.old ${pb}/${branch}/duds
+ cp -p ${pb}/${branch}/duds ${pb}/${branch}/duds.old
+echo "================================================"
+echo "running cvs update on /usr/opt/doc"
+echo "================================================"
+cd ${pb}/usr/opt/doc
+su ${user} -c 'cvs -q update -d -P'
+echo "================================================"
+echo "setting up nodes"
+echo "================================================"
+echo -n "started at "
+for node in $(awk '{print $1}' ${pb}/mlist); do
+ echo "setting up $node"
+ scp -p -a $scripts/setupnode $node:$scripts
+ ssh -n $node $scripts/setupnode $me $pb $branch &
+echo -n "ended at "
+cd ${pb}
+if [ "$nobuild" = 0 ]; then
+ rm -rf bak/distfiles
+ mv -f distfiles bak
+ mkdir distfiles
+ chown -R ${user} distfiles
+ cd ${pb}/${branch}/bak
+ rm -rf errors logs packages old-errors
+ cd ${pb}/${branch}
+ mv -f errors logs packages old-errors make.* bak
+ mkdir -p errors logs packages/All
+ chown -R ${user} errors logs packages
+ cp -p tarballs/XFree86- packages/All
+ cp -p tarballs/Motif-*.tgz packages/All
+ count=$(awk '{sum+=$2}END{print sum+NR/2}' ${pb}/mlist)
+ cd ${pb}/${branch}/packages/All
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "building packages (phase 1)"
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo -n "started at "
+ date
+ make -k -j$count -f ../../Makefile > ../../make.0 2>&1 </dev/null
+ echo -n "ended at "
+ date
+ echo $(ls -1 ${pb}/${branch}/packages/All | wc -l) "packages built"
+ echo $(echo $(du -sk ${pb}/${branch}/packages | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 | bc) "MB of packages"
+ echo $(echo $(du -sk ${pb}/distfiles | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 | bc) "MB of distfiles"
+ cd ${pb}/${branch}
+ if grep -q 'ptimeout: killing' make.0; then
+ echo "The following port(s) timed out:"
+ grep 'ptimeout: killing' make.0 | sed -e 's/^.*ptimeout:/ptimeout:/'
+ fi
+ cp -rp errors old-errors
+ cd ${pb}/${branch}/old-errors
+ ${pb}/scripts/processlogs
+ cd ${pb}/${branch}/packages/All
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "building packages (phase 2)"
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo -n "started at "
+ date
+ make -k -j$count -f ../../Makefile > ../../make.1 2>&1 </dev/null
+ echo -n "ended at "
+ date
+ echo $(ls -1 ${pb}/${branch}/packages/All | wc -l) "packages built"
+ echo $(echo $(du -sk ${pb}/${branch}/packages | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 | bc) "MB of packages"
+ echo $(echo $(du -sk ${pb}/distfiles | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 | bc) "MB of distfiles"
+ cd ${pb}/${branch}
+ if grep -q 'ptimeout: killing' make.1; then
+ echo "The following port(s) timed out:"
+ grep 'ptimeout: killing' make.1 | sed -e 's/^.*ptimeout:/ptimeout:/'
+ fi
+ cd ${pb}/${branch}/old-errors
+ new=""
+ for i in *.log; do
+ if [ ! -f ../errors/$i ]; then
+ new="$new $(basename $i .log)"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "x$new" != "x" ]; then
+ echo "The following ports didn't build the first time around: $new"
+ fi
+ cd ${PORTSDIR}
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "creating restricted list"
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo -n "started at "
+ date
+ make ECHO_MSG=/usr/bin/true clean-restricted-list > ${pb}/${branch}/
+ echo -n "ended at "
+ date
+ echo $(grep -c '^#' ${pb}/${branch}/ "ports in ${pb}/${branch}/"
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "creating cdrom list"
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo -n "started at "
+ date
+ make ECHO_MSG=/usr/bin/true clean-for-cdrom-list > ${pb}/${branch}/
+ echo -n "ended at "
+ date
+ echo $(grep -c '^#' ${pb}/${branch}/ "ports in ${pb}/${branch}/"
+rm -f ${lock}
diff --git a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages2 b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages2
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..33f38c998eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages2
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+${pb}/scripts/dopackages 4 2>&1 \
+ | tee /a/asami/portbuild/4/build.log \
+ | sendmail
+${pb}/scripts/dopackages -nocvsup 3 2>&1 \
+ | tee /a/asami/portbuild/3/build.log \
+ | sendmail