diff options
authorMakoto Matsushita <>2002-05-11 13:42:48 +0000
committerMakoto Matsushita <>2002-05-11 13:42:48 +0000
commit32100e5ae18d905dcae546b3ec17638db9d15698 (patch)
parentMark FORBIDDEN if PACKAGE_BUILDING. These ports cannot build without (diff)
This port is divided into ports/emulators/vmware-tools{2,3}
(already repocopied to these directories, so no histories are lost). Thanks for using this port, and if you are VMware 3.x user use ports/emulators/vmware-tools3 instead. VMware 2.x users also are happy with ports/emulators/vmware-tools2.
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/emulators/vmware-tools/Makefile b/emulators/vmware-tools/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 23ca8ff9c1f8..000000000000
--- a/emulators/vmware-tools/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: VMware tools for FreeBSD
-# Date created: 10 Aug 2000
-# Whom:
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= vmware-tools
-CATEGORIES= emulators
-DISTNAME= vmware-freebsd-tools
-LIB_DEPENDS= c.3:${PORTSDIR}/misc/compat3x
-RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/sbin/vmware-guestd:${PORTSDIR}/emulators/vmware-guestd
-WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/vmware-freebsd-tools
-NO_BUILD= yes
-RESTRICTED= "Not sure if we can redistribute this."
-VMWARE_VER= 3.0.0
-BUILD_VER= 1455
-MOUNT_DEV?= /dev/acd0c
-MOUNT_PT?= /mnt
-MOUNT= /sbin/mount
-UMOUNT= /sbin/umount
-.include <>
-.if ${XFREE86_VERSION} == 3
- @${DO_NADA}
- @${DO_NADA}
- @${ECHO} ""
- @${ECHO} "========================================================================"
- @${ECHO} "Choose \"Settings\" -> \"VMware Tools Install...\" from the Wrokstation menu"
- @${ECHO} "to connect the VM's CD-ROM drive temporarily to installation CD image."
- @${ECHO} "========================================================================"
- @${ECHO} ""
-.if !defined(BATCH)
- @${ECHO} "This port mounts ${MOUNT_DEV} to ${MOUNT_PT}."
- @${ECHO} ""
- @${ECHO} -n "Are you ready? [Y/n]: "
- @(read line; \
- case "$${line}" in \
- [Nn]*) \
- ${FALSE} ;; \
- *) \
- ${TRUE} ;; \
- esac)
- -${UMOUNT} ${MOUNT_PT} 2>&1 >/dev/null
- -${UMOUNT} ${MOUNT_DEV} 2>&1 >/dev/null
- ${MOUNT} -t cd9660 ${MOUNT_DEV} ${MOUNT_PT}
- ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/vmware-toolbox ${PREFIX}/bin
-.if ${XFREE86_VERSION} == 3
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/XF86Config.dist ${PREFIX}/etc/XF86Config_VMware
- @${ECHO} ""
- @${ECHO} "You have installed XFree86 3.x X Server for VMware."
- @${ECHO} "${PREFIX}/etc/XF86Config_VMware is a sample XF86Config file."
- @${ECHO} "Copy this file to /etc/XF86Config before starting X."
- -${LOCALBASE}/sbin/vmware-guestd --cmd toolinstall.end
-.include <>
diff --git a/emulators/vmware-tools/pkg-comment b/emulators/vmware-tools/pkg-comment
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d6183bd4376..000000000000
--- a/emulators/vmware-tools/pkg-comment
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-VMware tools for FreeBSD guest OS
diff --git a/emulators/vmware-tools/pkg-descr b/emulators/vmware-tools/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index e8deec969f96..000000000000
--- a/emulators/vmware-tools/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-VMware tools support FreeBSD _guest_ OS running on VMware Workstation.
-Beware, this port is _not_ for FreeBSD _host_ OS.
-VMware tools for FreeBSD consist of vmware-toolbox which supports
-seamless operation between the Host and the Guest OS, dual-boot
-configulation files, and special XFree86 3.x server for Guest OS.
-However, we cannot install dual-boot configuration since it requires
-to modify /etc files.
-This ports will install vmware-toolbox to your computer, and
-XFree86 X server if you set XFREE86_VERSION to 3 in /etc/make.conf,
-If you already use XFree86 4.1.0 or later, you may use 'vmware'
-driver for X server. Vmware-guestd is installed as a separate port,
-ports/emulators/vmware-guestd, but this port install guestd automatically.
diff --git a/emulators/vmware-tools/pkg-plist b/emulators/vmware-tools/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 51edd7fd6855..000000000000
--- a/emulators/vmware-tools/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@