path: root/test/elixir-config
diff options
authorgabrielgatu <>2016-09-08 11:34:42 +0200
committerMickael Remond <>2016-09-08 11:37:14 +0200
commit803270fc6b8ed3ba718f7e231b149caef70aa1ae (patch)
treecc4508758cbcec7a74568834888f3208d876a953 /test/elixir-config
parentSupport for publishing to with latest Elixir mix (diff)
Support for Elixir configuration file #1208
Contribution for Google Summer of code 2016 by Gabriel Gatu
Diffstat (limited to 'test/elixir-config')
7 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/elixir-config/attr_test.exs b/test/elixir-config/attr_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5cab5bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir-config/attr_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+defmodule Ejabberd.Config.AttrTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ alias Ejabberd.Config.Attr
+ test "extract attrs from single line block" do
+ block = quote do
+ @active false
+ end
+ block_res = Attr.extract_attrs_from_block_with_defaults(block)
+ assert {:active, false} in block_res
+ end
+ test "extract attrs from multi line block" do
+ block = quote do
+ @active false
+ @opts [http: true]
+ end
+ block_res = Attr.extract_attrs_from_block_with_defaults(block)
+ assert {:active, false} in block_res
+ assert {:opts, [http: true]} in block_res
+ end
+ test "inserts correctly defaults attr when missing in block" do
+ block = quote do
+ @active false
+ @opts [http: true]
+ end
+ block_res = Attr.extract_attrs_from_block_with_defaults(block)
+ assert {:active, false} in block_res
+ assert {:git, ""} in block_res
+ assert {:name, ""} in block_res
+ assert {:opts, [http: true]} in block_res
+ assert {:dependency, []} in block_res
+ end
+ test "inserts all defaults attr when passed an empty block" do
+ block = quote do
+ end
+ block_res = Attr.extract_attrs_from_block_with_defaults(block)
+ assert {:active, true} in block_res
+ assert {:git, ""} in block_res
+ assert {:name, ""} in block_res
+ assert {:opts, []} in block_res
+ assert {:dependency, []} in block_res
+ end
+ test "validates attrs and returns errors, if any" do
+ block = quote do
+ @not_supported_attr true
+ @active "false"
+ @opts [http: true]
+ end
+ block_res =
+ block
+ |> Attr.extract_attrs_from_block_with_defaults
+ |> Attr.validate
+ assert {:ok, {:opts, [http: true]}} in block_res
+ assert {:ok, {:git, ""}} in block_res
+ assert {:error, {:not_supported_attr, true}, :attr_not_supported} in block_res
+ assert {:error, {:active, "false"}, :type_not_supported} in block_res
+ end
+ test "returns the correct type for an attribute" do
+ assert :boolean == Attr.get_type_for_attr(:active)
+ assert :string == Attr.get_type_for_attr(:git)
+ assert :string == Attr.get_type_for_attr(:name)
+ assert :list == Attr.get_type_for_attr(:opts)
+ assert :list == Attr.get_type_for_attr(:dependency)
+ end
+ test "returns the correct default for an attribute" do
+ assert true == Attr.get_default_for_attr(:active)
+ assert "" == Attr.get_default_for_attr(:git)
+ assert "" == Attr.get_default_for_attr(:name)
+ assert [] == Attr.get_default_for_attr(:opts)
+ assert [] == Attr.get_default_for_attr(:dependency)
+ end
diff --git a/test/elixir-config/config_test.exs b/test/elixir-config/config_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c359c49c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir-config/config_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+defmodule Ejabberd.ConfigTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case
+ alias Ejabberd.Config
+ alias Ejabberd.Config.Store
+ setup_all do
+ pid = Process.whereis(Ejabberd.Config.Store)
+ unless pid != nil and Process.alive?(pid) do
+ Store.start_link
+ config_file_path = File.cwd! <> "/ejabberd.exs"
+ Config.init(config_file_path)
+ end
+ {:ok, %{}}
+ end
+ test "extracts successfully the module name from config file" do
+ assert [Ejabberd.ConfigFile] == Store.get(:module_name)
+ end
+ test "extracts successfully general opts from config file" do
+ [general] = Store.get(:general)
+ shaper = [normal: 1000, fast: 50000, max_fsm_queue: 1000]
+ assert [loglevel: 4, language: "en", hosts: ["localhost"], shaper: shaper] == general
+ end
+ test "extracts successfully listeners from config file" do
+ [listen] = Store.get(:listeners)
+ assert :ejabberd_c2s == listen.module
+ assert [port: 5222, max_stanza_size: 65536, shaper: :c2s_shaper, access: :c2s] == listen.attrs[:opts]
+ end
+ test "extracts successfully modules from config file" do
+ [module] = Store.get(:modules)
+ assert :mod_adhoc == module.module
+ assert [] == module.attrs[:opts]
+ end
+ test "extracts successfully hooks from config file" do
+ [register_hook] = Store.get(:hooks)
+ assert :register_user == register_hook.hook
+ assert [host: "localhost"] == register_hook.opts
+ assert is_function(
+ end
+ # TODO: When enalbed, this test causes the evaluation of a different config file, so
+ # the other tests, that uses the store, are compromised because the data is different.
+ # So, until a good way is found, this test should remain disabed.
+ #
+ # test "init/2 with force:true re-initializes the config store with new data" do
+ # config_file_path = File.cwd! <> "/ejabberd_different_from_default.exs"
+ # Config.init(config_file_path, true)
+ #
+ # assert [Ejabberd.ConfigFile] == Store.get(:module_name)
+ # assert [[loglevel: 4, language: "en", hosts: ["localhost"]]] == Store.get(:general)
+ # assert [] == Store.get(:modules)
+ # assert [] == Store.get(:listeners)
+ #
+ # Store.stop
+ # end
diff --git a/test/elixir-config/ejabberd_logger.exs b/test/elixir-config/ejabberd_logger.exs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d13f79aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir-config/ejabberd_logger.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+defmodule Ejabberd.Config.EjabberdLoggerTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case
+ import ExUnit.CaptureIO
+ alias Ejabberd.Config
+ alias Ejabberd.Config.Store
+ alias Ejabberd.Config.Validation
+ alias Ejabberd.Config.EjabberdLogger
+ setup_all do
+ pid = Process.whereis(Ejabberd.Config.Store)
+ unless pid != nil and Process.alive?(pid) do
+ Store.start_link
+ config_file_path = File.cwd! <> "/ejabberd_for_validation.exs"
+ Config.init(config_file_path)
+ end
+ {:ok, %{}}
+ end
+ test "outputs correctly when attr is not supported" do
+ error_msg = "[ WARN ] Annotation @attr_not_supported is not supported.\n"
+ [_mod_irc, _mod_configure, mod_time] = Store.get(:modules)
+ fun = fn ->
+ mod_time
+ |> Validation.validate
+ |> EjabberdLogger.log_errors
+ end
+ assert capture_io(fun) == error_msg
+ end
+ test "outputs correctly when dependency is not found" do
+ error_msg = "[ WARN ] Module :mod_adhoc was not found, but is required as a dependency.\n"
+ [_mod_irc, mod_configure, _mod_time] = Store.get(:modules)
+ fun = fn ->
+ mod_configure
+ |> Validation.validate
+ |> EjabberdLogger.log_errors
+ end
+ assert capture_io(fun) == error_msg
+ end
diff --git a/test/elixir-config/shared/ejabberd.exs b/test/elixir-config/shared/ejabberd.exs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d0243bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir-config/shared/ejabberd.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+defmodule Ejabberd.ConfigFile do
+ use Ejabberd.Config
+ def start do
+ [loglevel: 4,
+ language: "en",
+ hosts: ["localhost"],
+ shaper: shaper]
+ end
+ defp shaper do
+ [normal: 1000,
+ fast: 50000,
+ max_fsm_queue: 1000]
+ end
+ listen :ejabberd_c2s do
+ @opts [
+ port: 5222,
+ max_stanza_size: 65536,
+ shaper: :c2s_shaper,
+ access: :c2s]
+ end
+ module :mod_adhoc do
+ end
+ hook :register_user, [host: "localhost"], fn(user, server) ->
+ info("User registered: #{user} on #{server}")
+ end
diff --git a/test/elixir-config/shared/ejabberd_different_from_default.exs b/test/elixir-config/shared/ejabberd_different_from_default.exs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3940968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir-config/shared/ejabberd_different_from_default.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+defmodule Ejabberd.ConfigFile do
+ use Ejabberd.Config
+ def start do
+ [loglevel: 4,
+ language: "en",
+ hosts: ["localhost"]]
+ end
diff --git a/test/elixir-config/shared/ejabberd_for_validation.exs b/test/elixir-config/shared/ejabberd_for_validation.exs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c0196c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir-config/shared/ejabberd_for_validation.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+defmodule Ejabberd.ConfigFile do
+ use Ejabberd.Config
+ def start do
+ [loglevel: 4,
+ language: "en",
+ hosts: ["localhost"]]
+ end
+ module :mod_time do
+ @attr_not_supported true
+ end
+ module :mod_configure do
+ @dependency [:mod_adhoc]
+ end
+ module :mod_irc do
+ end
diff --git a/test/elixir-config/validation_test.exs b/test/elixir-config/validation_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1df77596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir-config/validation_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+defmodule Ejabberd.Config.ValidationTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case
+ alias Ejabberd.Config
+ alias Ejabberd.Config.Store
+ alias Ejabberd.Config.Validation
+ setup_all do
+ pid = Process.whereis(Ejabberd.Config.Store)
+ unless pid != nil and Process.alive?(pid) do
+ Store.start_link
+ config_file_path = File.cwd! <> "/ejabberd_for_validation.exs"
+ Config.init(config_file_path)
+ end
+ {:ok, %{}}
+ end
+ test "validates correctly the modules" do
+ [mod_irc, mod_configure, mod_time] = Store.get(:modules)
+ [{:error, _mod, errors}] = Validation.validate(mod_configure)
+ assert %{dependency: [mod_adhoc: :not_found]} == errors
+ [{:error, _mod, errors}] = Validation.validate(mod_time)
+ assert %{attribute: [{{:attr_not_supported, true}, :attr_not_supported}]} == errors
+ [{:ok, _mod}] = Validation.validate(mod_irc)
+ end