path: root/src
diff options
authorAlexey Shchepin <>2003-04-13 19:22:46 +0000
committerAlexey Shchepin <>2003-04-13 19:22:46 +0000
commitae6669c9af44c7b9db331b779f708ee77620631e (patch)
treee7f934f366eed4de891060989db370f9cc563e79 /src
parent* src/jlib.hrl: Added jaber:iq:auth:error namespace and (diff)
* src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl: Support for members-only
conferences, invitations. Bugfix in affiliation change processing * src/jlib.hrl: Added jabber:x:conference namespace definition SVN Revision: 98
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 201 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/src/jlib.hrl b/src/jlib.hrl
index b9a9ff70..040994ac 100644
--- a/src/jlib.hrl
+++ b/src/jlib.hrl
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
-define(NS_IQDATA, "jabber:iq:data").
-define(NS_DELAY, "jabber:x:delay").
-define(NS_EVENT, "jabber:x:event").
+-define(NS_XCONFERENCE, "jabber:x:conference").
-define(NS_STATS, "").
-define(NS_MUC, "").
-define(NS_MUC_USER, "").
diff --git a/src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl b/src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl
index f5a72911..67cc2fdc 100644
--- a/src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl
+++ b/src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
persistent = false,
moderated = false, % TODO
members_by_default = true,
- members_only = false, % TODO
- allow_user_invites = false, % TODO
+ members_only = false,
+ allow_user_invites = false,
password_protected = false, % TODO
anonymous = true,
logging = false % TODO
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
?OLD_ERROR("409", "Nickname already in use.")).
?OLD_ERROR("403", "You have been banned from this room.")).
+ ?OLD_ERROR("407", "Membership required to enter this room.")).
-define(DBGFSM, true).
@@ -188,6 +190,34 @@ normal_state({route, From, "",
"error" ->
{next_state, normal_state, StateData};
+ Type when (Type == "") or (Type == "normal") ->
+ case check_invitation(From, Els, StateData) of
+ error ->
+ Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
+ Packet, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED),
+ ejabberd_router:route(
+ {,, ""},
+ From, Err),
+ {next_state, normal_state, StateData};
+ IJID ->
+ Config = StateData#state.config,
+ case Config#config.members_only of
+ true ->
+ case get_affiliation(IJID, StateData) of
+ none ->
+ NSD = set_affiliation(
+ member,
+ StateData),
+ {next_state, normal_state, NSD};
+ _ ->
+ {next_state, normal_state,
+ StateData}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {next_state, normal_state, StateData}
+ end
+ end;
_ ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
@@ -311,7 +341,13 @@ normal_state({route, From, Nick,
case Role of
none ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
- Packet, ?ERR_MUC_BANNED),
+ Packet,
+ case Affiliation of
+ outcast ->
+ _ ->
+ end),
@@ -544,15 +580,38 @@ get_affiliation(JID, StateData) ->
set_role(JID, Role, StateData) ->
LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID),
+ LJIDs = case LJID of
+ {U, S, ""} ->
+ ?DICT:fold(
+ fun(J, _, Js) ->
+ case J of
+ {U, S, _} ->
+ [J | Js];
+ _ ->
+ Js
+ end
+ end, [], StateData#state.users);
+ _ ->
+ case ?DICT:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users) of
+ true ->
+ [LJID];
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end
+ end,
Users = case Role of
none ->
- ?DICT:erase(LJID,
- StateData#state.users);
+ lists:foldl(fun(J, Us) ->
+ ?DICT:erase(J,
+ Us)
+ end, StateData#state.users, LJIDs);
_ ->
- {ok, User} = ?DICT:find(LJID, StateData#state.users),
- ?DICT:store(LJID,
- User#user{role = Role},
- StateData#state.users)
+ lists:foldl(fun(J, Us) ->
+ {ok, User} = ?DICT:find(J, Us),
+ ?DICT:store(J,
+ User#user{role = Role},
+ Us)
+ end, StateData#state.users, LJIDs)
StateData#state{users = Users}.
@@ -572,11 +631,16 @@ get_default_role(Affiliation, StateData) ->
member -> participant;
outcast -> none;
none ->
- case (StateData#state.config)#config.members_by_default of
+ case (StateData#state.config)#config.members_only of
true ->
- participant;
+ none;
_ ->
- visitor
+ case (StateData#state.config)#config.members_by_default of
+ true ->
+ participant;
+ _ ->
+ visitor
+ end
@@ -665,6 +729,30 @@ is_nick_change(JID, Nick, StateData) ->
Nick /= OldNick
+send_update_presence(JID, StateData) ->
+ LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID),
+ LJIDs = case LJID of
+ {U, S, ""} ->
+ ?DICT:fold(
+ fun(J, _, Js) ->
+ case J of
+ {U, S, _} ->
+ [J | Js];
+ _ ->
+ Js
+ end
+ end, [], StateData#state.users);
+ _ ->
+ case ?DICT:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users) of
+ true ->
+ [LJID];
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(fun(J) ->
+ send_new_presence(J, StateData)
+ end, LJIDs).
send_new_presence(NJID, StateData) ->
{ok, #user{jid = RealJID,
@@ -1022,13 +1110,13 @@ process_admin_items_set(UJID, Items, StateData) ->
(A == admin) or (A == owner)->
SD1 = set_affiliation(JID, A, SD),
SD2 = set_role(JID, moderator, SD1),
- catch send_new_presence(JID, SD2),
+ send_update_presence(JID, SD2),
{JID, affiliation, member, Reason} ->
SD1 = set_affiliation(
JID, member, SD),
SD2 = set_role(JID, participant, SD1),
- catch send_new_presence(JID, SD2),
+ send_update_presence(JID, SD2),
{JID, role, R, Reason} ->
SD1 = set_role(JID, R, SD),
@@ -1036,7 +1124,7 @@ process_admin_items_set(UJID, Items, StateData) ->
{JID, affiliation, A, Reason} ->
SD1 = set_affiliation(JID, A, SD),
- catch send_new_presence(JID, SD1),
+ send_update_presence(JID, SD1),
) of
@@ -1119,7 +1207,7 @@ find_changed_items(UJID, UAffiliation, URole,
UAffiliation, URole,
Items, StateData,
- [{JID,
+ [{jlib:jid_remove_resource(JID),
@@ -1274,7 +1362,32 @@ can_change_ra(FAffiliation, FRole,
-send_kickban_presence(UJID, Reason, Code, StateData) ->
+send_kickban_presence(JID, Reason, Code, StateData) ->
+ LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID),
+ LJIDs = case LJID of
+ {U, S, ""} ->
+ ?DICT:fold(
+ fun(J, _, Js) ->
+ case J of
+ {U, S, _} ->
+ [J | Js];
+ _ ->
+ Js
+ end
+ end, [], StateData#state.users);
+ _ ->
+ case ?DICT:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users) of
+ true ->
+ [LJID];
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(fun(J) ->
+ send_kickban_presence1(J, Reason, Code, StateData)
+ end, LJIDs).
+send_kickban_presence1(UJID, Reason, Code, StateData) ->
{ok, #user{jid = RealJID,
nick = Nick}} =
?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(UJID), StateData#state.users),
@@ -1317,7 +1430,6 @@ process_iq_owner(From, set, SubEl, StateData) ->
case {xml:get_tag_attr_s("xmlns", XEl),
xml:get_tag_attr_s("type", XEl)} of
{?NS_XDATA, "cancel"} ->
{result, [], StateData};
{?NS_XDATA, "submit"} ->
set_config(XEl, StateData);
@@ -1367,48 +1479,6 @@ process_iq_owner(From, get, SubEl, StateData) ->
-% case xml:get_subtag(SubEl, "item") of
-% false ->
-% {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST};
-% Item ->
-% FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData),
-% FRole = get_role(From, StateData),
-% case xml:get_tag_attr("role", Item) of
-% false ->
-% case xml:get_tag_attr("affiliation", Item) of
-% false ->
-% {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST};
-% {value, StrAffiliation} ->
-% case catch list_to_affiliation(StrAffiliation) of
-% {'EXIT', _} ->
-% {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST};
-% SAffiliation ->
-% if
-% FAffiliation == owner ->
-% Items = items_with_affiliation(
-% SAffiliation, StateData),
-% {result, Items, StateData};
-% true ->
-% {error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED}
-% end
-% end
-% end;
-% {value, StrRole} ->
-% case catch list_to_role(StrRole) of
-% {'EXIT', _} ->
-% {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST};
-% SRole ->
-% if
-% FAffiliation == owner ->
-% Items = items_with_role(SRole, StateData),
-% {result, Items, StateData};
-% true ->
-% {error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED}
-% end
-% end
-% end
-% end.
-define(XFIELD(Type, Label, Var, Val),
{xmlelement, "field", [{"type", Type},
@@ -1677,3 +1747,73 @@ get_title(StateData) ->
+% Invitation support
+check_invitation(From, Els, StateData) ->
+ FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData),
+ CanInvite = (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_user_invites
+ orelse (FAffiliation == admin) orelse (FAffiliation == owner),
+ case xml:remove_cdata(Els) of
+ [{xmlelement, "x", Attrs1, Els1} = XEl] ->
+ case xml:get_tag_attr_s("xmlns", XEl) of
+ case xml:remove_cdata(Els1) of
+ [{xmlelement, "invite", Attrs2, Els2} = InviteEl] ->
+ case jlib:string_to_jid(
+ xml:get_attr_s("to", Attrs2)) of
+ error ->
+ error;
+ JID ->
+ case CanInvite of
+ true ->
+ Reason =
+ xml:get_path_s(
+ InviteEl,
+ [{elem, "reason"}, cdata]),
+ IEl =
+ [{xmlelement, "invite",
+ [{"from",
+ jlib:jid_to_string(From)}],
+ [{xmlelement, "reason", [],
+ [{xmlcdata, Reason}]}]}],
+ PasswdEl = [],
+ Msg =
+ {xmlelement, "message",
+ [{"type", "normal"}],
+ [{xmlelement, "x",
+ [{"xmlns", ?NS_MUC_USER}],
+ IEl ++ PasswdEl},
+ {xmlelement, "x",
+ [{"xmlns",
+ {"jid",
+ jlib:jid_to_string(
+ {,
+ ""})}],
+ [{xmlcdata, Reason}]}]},
+ ejabberd_router:route(
+ {,
+ ""},
+ JID,
+ Msg),
+ JID;
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end.