path: root/src
diff options
authorMickael Remond <>2016-03-25 17:44:12 +0100
committerMickael Remond <>2016-03-25 17:44:12 +0100
commit381065397fa53bee7fcfdb1fe5b8dc3068e06863 (patch)
tree04b2c9f70f5df24be52d9922727b6790a3aab3b3 /src
parentProper naming for LDAP test function for shared roster (diff)
Fix issue getting shared roster
I rollbacked to correct version and slightly refactored the code
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 662 deletions
diff --git a/src/mod_shared_roster_ldap.erl b/src/mod_shared_roster_ldap.erl
index dd6a7f6d..34588b90 100644
--- a/src/mod_shared_roster_ldap.erl
+++ b/src/mod_shared_roster_ldap.erl
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
%%% Author : Realloc <>
%%% Marcin Owsiany <>
%%% Evgeniy Khramtsov <>
-%%% Contributor : Mike Kaganski <>
%%% Description : LDAP shared roster management
%%% Created : 5 Mar 2005 by Alexey Shchepin <>
@@ -27,6 +26,8 @@
@@ -43,14 +44,15 @@
out_subscription/4, mod_opt_type/1, opt_type/1]).
--define(ERROR_MSG(Fmt, Args), error_logger:error_msg(Fmt, Args)).
--define(CACHE_SIZE, 1).
--define(CACHE_VALIDITY, 300). %% in seconds
--define(LDAP_SEARCH_TIMEOUT, 5). %% Timeout for LDAP search queries in seconds
+-define(CACHE_SIZE, 1000).
+-define(USER_CACHE_VALIDITY, 300). %% in seconds
+-define(GROUP_CACHE_VALIDITY, 300).
+-define(LDAP_SEARCH_TIMEOUT, 5). %% Timeout for LDAP search queries in seconds
-define(INVALID_SETTING_MSG, "~s is not properly set! ~s will not function.").
@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@
group_attr = <<"">> :: binary(),
group_desc = <<"">> :: binary(),
user_desc = <<"">> :: binary(),
+ user_uid = <<"">> :: binary(),
uid_format = <<"">> :: binary(),
uid_format_re = <<"">> :: binary(),
filter = <<"">> :: binary(),
@@ -76,38 +79,12 @@
rfilter = <<"">> :: binary(),
gfilter = <<"">> :: binary(),
auth_check = true :: boolean(),
- %% Group data parameters
- group_base = <<"">> :: binary(),
- %% - Subgroup of roster filter
- %% This filter defines which groups are displayed in the shared roster
- %% Valid values are 'all' or "LDAP filter string" or "LDAP filter string containing %g"
- shgfilter = <<"">> :: binary(),
- shg_attr = <<"">> :: binary(),
- %% - Subgroup of group filter
- group_is_dn = true :: boolean(),
- member_attr = <<"">> :: binary(),
- %% User data parameters
- member_selection_mode = memberattr_dn :: memberattr_normal | memberattr_dn |
- group_children,
- %% Algorithm control parameters
- subscribe_all = false :: binary(),
- roster_cache_size = ?CACHE_SIZE :: non_neg_integer(),
- roster_cache_validity = ?CACHE_VALIDITY :: non_neg_integer()}).
-%% If #state.member_selection_mode is memberattr_normal or memberattr_dn,
-%% then members is list of member_attr values;
-%% if #state.member_selection_mode is group_children,
-%% then members is dn of the group (to make it possible to search for its subtree)
--record(group_info, {desc, members}).
--record(user_info, {us, name}).
+ user_cache_size = ?CACHE_SIZE :: non_neg_integer(),
+ group_cache_size = ?CACHE_SIZE :: non_neg_integer(),
+ user_cache_validity = ?USER_CACHE_VALIDITY :: non_neg_integer(),
+ group_cache_validity = ?GROUP_CACHE_VALIDITY :: non_neg_integer()}).
--record(shared_roster_item, {us, name, groups}).
-% Groups visible to this group
-% grp may be atom 'all' or a group name string.
-% shgrps is a list containing one or more grp
--record(shg_data, {grp, shgrps}).
+-record(group_info, {desc, members}).
%% API
@@ -115,12 +92,12 @@
start_link(Host, Opts) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE),
gen_server:start_link({local, Proc}, ?MODULE,
- [Host, Opts], []).
+ [Host, Opts], []).
start(Host, Opts) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE),
ChildSpec = {Proc, {?MODULE, start_link, [Host, Opts]},
- permanent, 1000, worker, [?MODULE]},
+ permanent, 1000, worker, [?MODULE]},
supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, ChildSpec).
stop(Host) ->
@@ -132,92 +109,109 @@ stop(Host) ->
%% Hooks
get_user_roster(Items, {U, S} = US) ->
- {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(S, ?MODULE),
- SRUsers = get_shared_roster(State, US),
- %%?ERROR_MSG("XXXXXX get_user_roster: SRUsers=~p", [SRUsers]),
- %% If partially subscribed users are also in shared roster,
- %% show them as totally subscribed:
- {NewItems1, SRUsersRest} = lists:mapfoldl(
- fun(Item, SRUsers1) ->
- {_, _, {U1, S1, _}} = Item#roster.usj,
- US1 = {U1, S1},
- case lists:keytake(US1,, SRUsers1) of
- %%case dict:find(US1, SRUsers1) of
- {value, _, SRUsers2} -> {Item#roster{subscription = both, ask = none}, SRUsers2};
- %%{ok, _GroupNames} -> {Item#roster{subscription = both, ask = none}, dict:erase(US1, SRUsers1)};
- false -> {Item, SRUsers1}
- end
- end,
- SRUsers, Items),
- %% Export items in roster format:
+ SRUsers = get_user_to_groups_map(US, true),
+ {NewItems1, SRUsersRest} = lists:mapfoldl(fun (Item,
+ SRUsers1) ->
+ {_, _, {U1, S1, _}} =
+ Item#roster.usj,
+ US1 = {U1, S1},
+ case dict:find(US1,
+ SRUsers1)
+ of
+ {ok, _GroupNames} ->
+ {Item#roster{subscription
+ =
+ both,
+ ask =
+ none},
+ dict:erase(US1,
+ SRUsers1)};
+ error ->
+ {Item, SRUsers1}
+ end
+ end,
+ SRUsers, Items),
SRItems = [#roster{usj = {U, S, {U1, S1, <<"">>}},
- us = US,
- jid = {U1, S1, <<"">>},
- name = Name,
- subscription = both,
- ask = none,
- groups = Groups} ||
- #shared_roster_item{us = {U1, S1}, name = Name, groups = Groups} <- SRUsersRest],
- %% SRItems = [#roster{usj = {U, S, {U1, S1, <<"">>}},
- %% us = US, jid = {U1, S1, <<"">>},
- %% name = get_user_name(U1, S1), subscription = both,
- %% ask = none, groups = GroupNames}
- %% || {{U1, S1}, GroupNames} <- dict:to_list(SRUsersRest)],
+ us = US, jid = {U1, S1, <<"">>},
+ name = get_user_name(U1, S1), subscription = both,
+ ask = none, groups = GroupNames}
+ || {{U1, S1}, GroupNames} <- dict:to_list(SRUsersRest)],
SRItems ++ NewItems1.
%% This function in use to rewrite the roster entries when moving or renaming
%% them in the user contact list.
process_item(RosterItem, _Host) ->
- {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(_Host, ?MODULE),
- {User,Server,_Resource} = RosterItem#roster.jid,
- USTo = {User,Server},
- SR = get_shared_roster(State,,
- case lists:keysearch(USTo,, SR) of
- false ->
- RosterItem;
- {value, #shared_roster_item{groups = Groups}} when RosterItem#roster.subscription == remove ->
- %% Roster item cannot be removed:
- %% We simply reset the original groups:
- RosterItem#roster{subscription = both, ask = none,
- groups=Groups};
- _ ->
- RosterItem#roster{subscription = both, ask = none}
+ USFrom =,
+ {User, Server, _Resource} = RosterItem#roster.jid,
+ USTo = {User, Server},
+ Map = get_user_to_groups_map(USFrom, false),
+ case dict:find(USTo, Map) of
+ error -> RosterItem;
+ {ok, []} -> RosterItem;
+ {ok, GroupNames}
+ when RosterItem#roster.subscription == remove ->
+ RosterItem#roster{subscription = both, ask = none,
+ groups = GroupNames};
+ _ -> RosterItem#roster{subscription = both, ask = none}
get_subscription_lists({F, T}, User, Server) ->
- U = jid:nodeprep(User),
- S = jid:nameprep(Server),
- {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(S, ?MODULE),
- SRJIDs = get_presense_subscribers(State, {U, S}),
-%?INFO_MSG("SRJIDs: ~p", [SRJIDs]),
+ LUser = jid:nodeprep(User),
+ LServer = jid:nameprep(Server),
+ US = {LUser, LServer},
+ DisplayedGroups = get_user_displayed_groups(US),
+ SRUsers = lists:usort(lists:flatmap(fun (Group) ->
+ get_group_users(LServer, Group)
+ end,
+ DisplayedGroups)),
+ SRJIDs = [{U1, S1, <<"">>} || {U1, S1} <- SRUsers],
{lists:usort(SRJIDs ++ F), lists:usort(SRJIDs ++ T)}.
-get_jid_info({Subscription, Groups}, User, Server, JID) ->
- {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(Server, ?MODULE),
+get_jid_info({Subscription, Groups}, User, Server,
+ JID) ->
+ LUser = jid:nodeprep(User),
+ LServer = jid:nameprep(Server),
+ US = {LUser, LServer},
{U1, S1, _} = jid:tolower(JID),
US1 = {U1, S1},
- SR = get_shared_roster(State, {User, Server}),
- case lists:keysearch(US1,, SR) of
- false -> {Subscription, Groups};
- {value, #shared_roster_item{groups = GroupNames}} when Groups == [] -> {both, GroupNames};
- _ -> {both, Groups}
+ SRUsers = get_user_to_groups_map(US, false),
+ case dict:find(US1, SRUsers) of
+ {ok, GroupNames} ->
+ NewGroups = if Groups == [] -> GroupNames;
+ true -> Groups
+ end,
+ {both, NewGroups};
+ error -> {Subscription, Groups}
-in_subscription(Acc, User, Server, JID, Type, _Reason) ->
+in_subscription(Acc, User, Server, JID, Type,
+ _Reason) ->
process_subscription(in, User, Server, JID, Type, Acc).
out_subscription(User, Server, JID, Type) ->
- process_subscription(out, User, Server, JID, Type, false).
-process_subscription(Direction, User, Server, JID, _Type, Acc) ->
- {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(Server, ?MODULE),
- {U1, S1, _} = jid:tolower(JID),
+ process_subscription(out, User, Server, JID, Type,
+ false).
+process_subscription(Direction, User, Server, JID,
+ _Type, Acc) ->
+ LUser = jid:nodeprep(User),
+ LServer = jid:nameprep(Server),
+ US = {LUser, LServer},
+ {U1, S1, _} =
+ jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(JID)),
US1 = {U1, S1},
- SR = get_shared_roster(State, {User, Server}),
- case lists:keysearch(US1,, SR) of
- false -> Acc;
- _ when Direction == in -> {stop, false};
- _ -> stop
+ DisplayedGroups = get_user_displayed_groups(US),
+ SRUsers = lists:usort(lists:flatmap(fun (Group) ->
+ get_group_users(LServer, Group)
+ end,
+ DisplayedGroups)),
+ case lists:member(US1, SRUsers) of
+ true ->
+ case Direction of
+ in -> {stop, false};
+ out -> stop
+ end;
+ false -> Acc
@@ -225,509 +219,236 @@ process_subscription(Direction, User, Server, JID, _Type, Acc) ->
init([Host, Opts]) ->
State = parse_options(Host, Opts),
- if
- State#state.roster_cache_size > 0 ->
- cache_tab:new(shared_roster_ldap_sr,
- [{max_size, State#state.roster_cache_size},
- {lru, false}, % We don't need LRU algorithm
- {life_time, State#state.roster_cache_validity}]);
- true ->
- false
- end,
- ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get, Host,
- ?MODULE, get_user_roster, 70),
+ cache_tab:new(shared_roster_ldap_user,
+ [{max_size, State#state.user_cache_size}, {lru, false},
+ {life_time, State#state.user_cache_validity}]),
+ cache_tab:new(shared_roster_ldap_group,
+ [{max_size, State#state.group_cache_size}, {lru, false},
+ {life_time, State#state.group_cache_validity}]),
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get, Host, ?MODULE,
+ get_user_roster, 70),
ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_in_subscription, Host,
- ?MODULE, in_subscription, 30),
+ ?MODULE, in_subscription, 30),
ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_out_subscription, Host,
- ?MODULE, out_subscription, 30),
+ ?MODULE, out_subscription, 30),
ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get_subscription_lists, Host,
- ?MODULE, get_subscription_lists, 70),
- ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get_jid_info, Host,
- ?MODULE, get_jid_info, 70),
- ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_process_item, Host,
- ?MODULE, process_item, 50),
+ ?MODULE, get_subscription_lists, 70),
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get_jid_info, Host, ?MODULE,
+ get_jid_info, 70),
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_process_item, Host, ?MODULE,
+ process_item, 50),
- State#state.servers,
- State#state.backups,
- State#state.port,
- State#state.dn,
- State#state.password,
- State#state.tls_options),
+ State#state.servers, State#state.backups,
+ State#state.port, State#state.dn,
+ State#state.password, State#state.tls_options),
{ok, State}.
handle_call(get_state, _From, State) ->
{reply, {ok, State}, State};
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
{reply, {error, badarg}, State}.
-handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
+handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}.
-handle_info(_Info, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, State) ->
Host =,
- ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get, Host,
- ?MODULE, get_user_roster, 70),
+ ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get, Host, ?MODULE,
+ get_user_roster, 70),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_in_subscription, Host,
- ?MODULE, in_subscription, 30),
+ ?MODULE, in_subscription, 30),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_out_subscription, Host,
- ?MODULE, out_subscription, 30),
- ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get_subscription_lists, Host,
- ?MODULE, get_subscription_lists, 70),
+ ?MODULE, out_subscription, 30),
+ ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get_subscription_lists,
+ Host, ?MODULE, get_subscription_lists, 70),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get_jid_info, Host,
- ?MODULE, get_jid_info, 70),
+ ?MODULE, get_jid_info, 70),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_process_item, Host,
- ?MODULE, process_item, 50).
+ ?MODULE, process_item, 50).
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}.
%%% Internal functions
-do_eldap_search(PoolName, Opts) ->
- case eldap_pool:search(PoolName, Opts) of
- #eldap_search_result{entries = Es} ->
- %% A result with entries. Return their list.
- Es;
- Err ->
- %% Something else. Pretend we got no results.
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error searching: ~p ~p", [Err, Opts]),
- []
+get_user_to_groups_map({_, Server} = US, SkipUS) ->
+ DisplayedGroups = get_user_displayed_groups(US),
+ lists:foldl(fun (Group, Dict1) ->
+ GroupName = get_group_name(Server, Group),
+ lists:foldl(fun (Contact, Dict) ->
+ if SkipUS, Contact == US -> Dict;
+ true ->
+ dict:append(Contact,
+ GroupName, Dict)
+ end
+ end,
+ Dict1, get_group_users(Server, Group))
+ end,
+ dict:new(), DisplayedGroups).
+eldap_search(State, FilterParseArgs, AttributesList) ->
+ case apply(eldap_filter, parse, FilterParseArgs) of
+ {ok, EldapFilter} ->
+ case eldap_pool:search(State#state.eldap_id,
+ [{base, State#state.base},
+ {filter, EldapFilter},
+ {timeout, ?LDAP_SEARCH_TIMEOUT},
+ {deref_aliases, State#state.deref_aliases},
+ {attributes, AttributesList}])
+ of
+ #eldap_search_result{entries = Es} ->
+ %% A result with entries. Return their list.
+ Es;
+ _ ->
+ %% Something else. Pretend we got no results.
+ []
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ %% Filter parsing failed. Pretend we got no results.
+ []
-%% Pass given Filter or FilterTemplate and SubstList to eldap_filter:parse,
-%% and if successful, run LDAP search on the whole subtree of Base, using
-%% resulting filter, retrieving given AttributesList. Return the result entries.
-%% On any error, print an error message and return an empty list of results.
-eldap_search(State, Base, EldapFilter, AttributesList) when is_tuple(EldapFilter) ->
- do_eldap_search(State#state.eldap_id,
- [{base, Base},
-%% {scope, wholeSubtree} %% This is the default
- {filter, EldapFilter},
- {timeout, ?LDAP_SEARCH_TIMEOUT},
- {deref_aliases, State#state.deref_aliases},
- {attributes, AttributesList}]);
-%% Filter is string
-eldap_search(State, Base, Filter, AttributesList) ->
- eldap_search(State, Base, Filter, [], AttributesList).
-eldap_search(State, Base, FilterTemplate, SubstList, AttributesList) ->
- case apply(eldap_filter, parse, [eldap_filter:do_sub(FilterTemplate, SubstList)]) of
- {ok, EldapFilter} ->
- %% Filter parsing succeeded
- eldap_search(State, Base, EldapFilter, AttributesList);
- Err ->
- %% Filter parsing failed. Pretend we got no results.
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error parsing filter: ~p", [Err]),
- []
+get_user_displayed_groups({User, Host}) ->
+ {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(Host, ?MODULE),
+ GroupAttr = State#state.group_attr,
+ Entries = eldap_search(State,
+ [eldap_filter:do_sub(State#state.rfilter,
+ [{<<"%u">>, User}])],
+ [GroupAttr]),
+ Reply = lists:flatmap(fun (#eldap_entry{attributes =
+ Attrs}) ->
+ case Attrs of
+ [{GroupAttr, ValuesList}] -> ValuesList;
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ end,
+ Entries),
+ lists:usort(Reply).
+get_group_users(Host, Group) ->
+ {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(Host, ?MODULE),
+ case cache_tab:dirty_lookup(shared_roster_ldap_group,
+ {Group, Host},
+ fun () -> search_group_info(State, Group) end) of
+ {ok, #group_info{members = Members}}
+ when Members /= undefined ->
+ Members;
+ _ -> []
-%% The same as above, but gets the Attributes for the specified DN.
-%% Note that this function doesn't honor the State's base DN;
-%% TODO: fix this (create a custom check?)
-eldap_search_dn(State, DN, EldapFilter, AttributesList) when is_tuple(EldapFilter) ->
- do_eldap_search(State#state.eldap_id,
- [{scope, baseObject},
- {base, DN},
- {filter, EldapFilter},
- {timeout, ?LDAP_SEARCH_TIMEOUT},
- {deref_aliases, State#state.deref_aliases},
- {attributes, AttributesList}]);
-%% Filter is string.
-eldap_search_dn(State, DN, Filter, AttributesList) ->
- case eldap_filter:parse(Filter) of
- {ok, EldapFilter} ->
- %% Filter parsing succeeded
- eldap_search_dn(State, DN, EldapFilter, AttributesList);
- Err ->
- %% Filter parsing failed. Pretend we got no results.
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error parsing filter: ~p", [Err]),
- []
+get_group_name(Host, Group) ->
+ {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(Host, ?MODULE),
+ case cache_tab:dirty_lookup(shared_roster_ldap_group,
+ {Group, Host},
+ fun () -> search_group_info(State, Group) end)
+ of
+ {ok, #group_info{desc = GroupName}}
+ when GroupName /= undefined ->
+ GroupName;
+ _ -> Group
-intersection(L1,L2) -> lists:filter(fun(X) -> lists:member(X,L1) end, L2).
-filter_roster(Roster, all) -> Roster;
-filter_roster(_, []) -> [];
-filter_roster(Roster, IncludeGroups) when is_list(IncludeGroups) ->
- lists:foldl(
- fun(RosterItem, Acc) ->
- case intersection(IncludeGroups, RosterItem#shared_roster_item.groups) of
- [] -> Acc;
- CommonGroups -> [RosterItem#shared_roster_item{groups=CommonGroups} | Acc]
- end
- end,
- [], Roster).
-get_user_visible_groups(UserGroups, VisibilityMap) ->
- lists:foldl(
- fun(Group, Acc) ->
- case (lists:keysearch(Group, #shg_data.grp, VisibilityMap)) of
- {value, #shg_data{shgrps=Gs}} when is_list(Gs) -> Gs ++ Acc;
- _ -> Acc
- end
- end,
- UserGroups, UserGroups).
-%% Returns [#shared_roster_item];
-%% Removes the US from returned data
-%% If State#state.user_groups_only is 'true', then it removes all users that are not in US's groups,
-%% and also removes the groups from the users that the US is not member of.
-get_shared_roster(State, {_, Server} = US) ->
- case (catch get_full_roster(State, Server)) of
- {ok, {VisibilityMap, FullRoster}} ->
- %%?ERROR_MSG("XXXXXX get_shared_roster: VMap=~p FullRoster=~p", [VisibilityMap, FullRoster]),
- CommonRosterGroups = lists:foldl(
- fun(_, all) -> all;
- (#shg_data{grp=all, shgrps=all}, _) -> all;
- (#shg_data{grp=all, shgrps=Gs}, Acc) when is_list(Gs) -> Gs ++ Acc;
- (_, Acc) -> Acc
- end,
- [], VisibilityMap),
- case lists:keytake(US,, FullRoster) of
- false -> filter_roster(FullRoster, CommonRosterGroups);
- {value, #shared_roster_item{groups=UserGroups}, Roster2} ->
- VisibleGroups = case (CommonRosterGroups) of
- all -> all;
- CRG -> get_user_visible_groups(UserGroups, VisibilityMap) ++ CRG
- end,
- filter_roster(Roster2, VisibleGroups)
- end;
- {'EXIT', CatchData} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error getting shared roster for user ~p: ~p", [US, CatchData]), [];
- _Unexpected -> []
+get_user_name(User, Host) ->
+ {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(Host, ?MODULE),
+ case cache_tab:dirty_lookup(shared_roster_ldap_user,
+ {User, Host},
+ fun () -> search_user_name(State, User) end)
+ of
+ {ok, UserName} -> UserName;
+ error -> User
-%% 1. If user is not a member of shared roster -> no additional subscriptions
-%% 2. Else if ldap_subscribe_all is set AND this user is member of a group published to all ->
-%% add all registered users of this vhost
-%% 3. Else add only those groups this user' groups are published to
-get_presense_subscribers(State, {_, Server} = US) ->
- case (catch get_full_roster(State, Server)) of
- {ok, {VisibilityMap, FullRoster}} ->
- case lists:keytake(US,, FullRoster) of
- false -> []; % Case #1
- {value, #shared_roster_item{groups=UserGroups}, Roster2} ->
- AllGroups = lists:usort(lists:foldl(
- fun(#shared_roster_item{groups=Gs}, Acc) -> Gs ++ Acc end,
- [], FullRoster)),
- Fun = case (State#state.subscribe_all) of
- true -> % Possible case 2
- fun(_, all) -> all;
- (#shg_data{grp=all, shgrps=all}, _) -> all;
- (#shg_data{grp=all, shgrps=Gs}, Acc) when is_list(Gs) ->
- case intersection(Gs, UserGroups) of
- [] -> Acc;
- _SomeCommon -> all
- end;
- (#shg_data{grp=G, shgrps=Gs}, Acc) when is_list(Gs) ->
- case intersection(Gs, UserGroups) of
- [] -> Acc;
- _SomeCommon -> [G | Acc]
- end;
- (_, Acc) -> Acc
- end;
- _False -> % Case 3
- fun(#shg_data{grp=all}, Acc) -> AllGroups ++ Acc;
- (#shg_data{grp=G, shgrps=Gs}, Acc) when is_list(Gs) ->
- case intersection(Gs, UserGroups) of
- [] -> Acc;
- _SomeCommon -> [G | Acc]
- end;
- (_, Acc) -> Acc
- end
- end,
- PublishTo = lists:foldl(Fun, [], VisibilityMap),
- case (PublishTo) of
- all ->
- [{U1, S1, <<"">>} || {U1, S1} <- ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Server)];
- Groups ->
- [{U1, S1, <<"">>} || #shared_roster_item{us = {U1, S1}} <- filter_roster(Roster2, UserGroups ++ Groups)]
- end
- end;
- {'EXIT', CatchData} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error getting shared roster for user ~p: ~p", [US, CatchData]), [];
- _Unexpected -> []
- end.
-get_full_roster(State, Server) when State#state.roster_cache_size > 0 ->
- cache_tab:dirty_lookup(shared_roster_ldap_sr,
- {Server},
- fun() -> search_roster_info(State, Server) end);
-get_full_roster(State, Server) ->
- search_roster_info(State, Server).
-search_visible_groups(State, _) when State#state.shgfilter == all ->
- [{all, all}];
-search_visible_groups(State, _) when State#state.shgfilter == none ->
- [{all, none}];
-search_visible_groups(State, Groups) ->
- case (string:str(State#state.shgfilter, "%g")) of
- 0 -> [{all, search_group_visible_groups(State, "")}];
- _ -> lists:map(
- fun(Group) -> {Group, search_group_visible_groups(State, Group)} end,
- Groups)
- end.
-search_group_visible_groups(State, Group) ->
- Entries = eldap_search(State, State#state.group_base, State#state.shgfilter, [{<<"%g">>, Group}], [State#state.shg_attr]),
- lists:usort(lists:flatmap(
- fun(#eldap_entry{attributes = Attrs}) ->
- case Attrs of
- [{_GroupAttr, ValuesList}] ->
- ValuesList;
- _ ->
- []
- end
- end, Entries)).
-group2name(all, _) -> all;
-group2name(none, _) -> none;
-group2name(Group, GroupNames) ->
- case (lists:keysearch(Group, 1, GroupNames)) of
- {value, {_, Name}} -> Name;
- _ -> false
- end.
-groups2names(all, _) -> all;
-groups2names(none, _) -> none;
-groups2names(GroupList, GroupNames) ->
- lists:foldl(
- fun(G, Acc) ->
- case (group2name(G, GroupNames)) of
- false -> Acc;
- Name -> [Name | Acc]
- end
- end,
- [], GroupList).
-prep_vis_map(VisGroups, GroupNames) ->
- lists:foldl(
- fun({G, Gs}, Acc) ->
- case (group2name(G, GroupNames)) of
- false -> Acc;
- Name -> [#shg_data{grp=Name, shgrps=groups2names(Gs, GroupNames)} | Acc]
- end
- end,
- [], VisGroups).
-search_roster_info(State, _Host) ->
- Entries = eldap_search(State, State#state.group_base, State#state.rfilter, [State#state.group_attr]),
- AllGroupIds = lists:usort(lists:flatmap(
- fun(#eldap_entry{attributes = Attrs}) ->
- case Attrs of
- [{_GroupAttr, ValuesList}] ->
- ValuesList;
- _ ->
- []
- end
- end, Entries)),
- VisGroups = search_visible_groups(State, AllGroupIds),
- %%?ERROR_MSG("XXXXXX search_roster_info: VisGroups=~p", [VisGroups]),
- {GroupNames, RosterItems} = case State#state.member_selection_mode of
- group_children ->
- {GroupNames0, UsersDict0} = lists:foldl(
- fun(Group, {GrNAcc, Dict1} = Acc) ->
- case search_group_info(State, Group) of
- {ok, #group_info{desc = GroupName, members = GroupDN}} ->
- {[{Group, GroupName} | GrNAcc], search_users_info(State, GroupDN, GroupName, Dict1)};
- _ -> Acc %% Error getting group data -> No users!
- end
- end,
- {[], dict:new()}, AllGroupIds),
- {GroupNames0, dict:fold(
- fun(#user_info{us=US, name=UserName}, Groups, AccIn) ->
- [#shared_roster_item{us = US, name = UserName, groups = Groups} | AccIn]
- end,
- [], UsersDict0)};
- _ ->
- {GroupNames1, UsersDict1} = lists:foldl(
- fun(Group, {GrNAcc, Dict1} = Acc) ->
- case search_group_info(State, Group) of
- {ok, #group_info{desc = GroupName, members = Members}} ->
- {[{Group, GroupName} | GrNAcc], lists:foldl(
- fun(Member, Dict) -> dict:append(Member, GroupName, Dict) end,
- Dict1, Members)};
- _ -> Acc %% Error getting group data -> No users!
- end
- end,
- {[], dict:new()}, AllGroupIds),
- %%?ERROR_MSG("UsersDict1: ~p", [UsersDict1]),
- %%?ERROR_MSG("GroupNames1: ~p", [GroupNames1]),
- {GroupNames1, dict:fold(
- fun(Member, Groups, AccIn) ->
- case search_user_info(State, Member) of
- {ok, #user_info{us=US, name=UserName}} ->
- %%?ERROR_MSG("XXXX found user: ~p ~p ~p", [UserName, Groups, US]),
- [#shared_roster_item{us = US, name = UserName, groups = Groups} | AccIn];
- _ -> AccIn
- end
- end,
- [], UsersDict1)}
- end,
- VisibilityMap = prep_vis_map(VisGroups, GroupNames),
- {ok, {VisibilityMap, RosterItems}}.
search_group_info(State, Group) ->
- AttList = case State#state.member_selection_mode of
- group_children -> [State#state.group_desc];
- _ -> [State#state.group_desc, State#state.member_attr]
- end,
- SearchResult = case State#state.group_is_dn of
- true -> eldap_search_dn(State,
- Group,
- State#state.gfilter,
- AttList);
- _ -> eldap_search(State,
- State#state.group_base,
- State#state.gfilter,
- [{<<"%g">>, Group}],
- AttList)
- end,
- case SearchResult of
+ Extractor = case State#state.uid_format_re of
+ <<"">> ->
+ fun (UID) ->
+ catch eldap_utils:get_user_part(UID,
+ State#state.uid_format)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ fun (UID) ->
+ catch get_user_part_re(UID,
+ State#state.uid_format_re)
+ end
+ end,
+ AuthChecker = case State#state.auth_check of
+ true -> fun ejabberd_auth:is_user_exists/2;
+ _ -> fun (_U, _S) -> true end
+ end,
+ case eldap_search(State,
+ [eldap_filter:do_sub(State#state.gfilter,
+ [{<<"%g">>, Group}])],
+ [State#state.group_attr, State#state.group_desc,
+ State#state.uid])
+ of
[] ->
- LDAPEntries ->
- case State#state.member_selection_mode of
- group_children ->
- [#eldap_entry{object_name=Name, attributes=Attrs} | _] = LDAPEntries,
- {ok, #group_info{desc = eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.group_desc, Attrs),
- members = Name}};
- _ ->
- {GroupDesc, MembersLists} = lists:foldl(
- fun(#eldap_entry{attributes=Attrs}, {DescAcc, MembersAcc}) ->
- case {eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.group_desc, Attrs),
- lists:keysearch(State#state.member_attr, 1, Attrs)} of
- {Desc, {value, {GroupMemberAttr, Members}}}
- when GroupMemberAttr == State#state.member_attr ->
- {Desc, lists:usort(Members ++ MembersAcc)};
- _ ->
- {DescAcc, MembersAcc}
- end
- end,
- {Group, []}, LDAPEntries),
- {ok, #group_info{desc = GroupDesc,
- members = lists:usort(MembersLists)}}
- end
+ LDAPEntries ->
+ {GroupDesc, MembersLists} = lists:foldl(fun(Entry, Acc) ->
+ extract_members(State, Extractor, AuthChecker, Entry, Acc)
+ end,
+ {Group, []}, LDAPEntries),
+ {ok, #group_info{desc = GroupDesc, members = lists:usort(lists:flatten(MembersLists))}}
-%% Takes the attributes from LDAP user search;
-%% returns error or {ok, #user_info}
-construct_user(State, Attrs) ->
- Extractor = case State#state.uid_format_re of
- <<"">> -> fun(UID) ->
- catch eldap_utils:get_user_part(UID, State#state.uid_format)
- end;
- _ -> fun(UID) ->
- catch get_user_part_re(UID, State#state.uid_format_re)
- end
- end,
- AuthChecker = case State#state.auth_check of
- true -> fun ejabberd_auth:is_user_exists/2;
- _ -> fun(_U, _S) -> true end
- end,
+extract_members(State, Extractor, AuthChecker, #eldap_entry{attributes = Attrs}, {DescAcc, JIDsAcc}) ->
Host =,
- case {eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.uid, Attrs),
- eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.user_desc, Attrs)} of
- {UID, Desc} when UID /= "" ->
- %% By returning "" get_ldap_attr means "not found"
- case Extractor(UID) of
- {ok, UID1} ->
- UID2 = jid:nodeprep(UID1),
- case UID2 of
- error -> error;
- _ ->
- case AuthChecker(UID2, Host) of
- true -> {ok, #user_info{us={UID2, Host}, name=Desc}};
- _ -> error
- end
- end;
- _ -> error
- end;
+ case {eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.group_attr, Attrs),
+ eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.group_desc, Attrs),
+ lists:keysearch(State#state.uid, 1, Attrs)} of
+ {ID, Desc, {value, {GroupMemberAttr, Members}}} when ID /= <<"">>,
+ GroupMemberAttr == State#state.uid ->
+ JIDs = lists:foldl(fun({ok, UID}, L) ->
+ PUID = jid:nodeprep(UID),
+ case PUID of
+ error ->
+ L;
+ _ ->
+ case AuthChecker(PUID, Host) of
+ true ->
+ [{PUID, Host} | L];
+ _ ->
+ L
+ end
+ end;
+ (_, L) -> L
+ end,
+ [],
+ lists:map(Extractor, Members)),
+ {Desc, [JIDs | JIDsAcc]};
_ ->
- error
+ {DescAcc, JIDsAcc}
-%% This function is used when State#state.member_selection_mode is group_children
-%% Returns UsersDict to which the users (#user_info) of this group are added
-%%search_users_info(State, GroupInfo) ->
-search_users_info(State, GroupDN, GroupName, UsersDict) ->
- SearchResult = eldap_search(State,
- GroupDN,
- State#state.ufilter,
- [State#state.user_desc, State#state.uid]),
- lists:foldl(
- fun(#eldap_entry{attributes=Attrs}, Dict1) ->
- case construct_user(State, Attrs) of
- {ok, UserInfo} ->
- dict:append(UserInfo, GroupName, Dict1);
- _ -> Dict1
- end
- end, UsersDict, SearchResult).
-%% This function is used when State#state.member_selection_mode is either memberattr_normal or memberattr_dn
-search_user_info(State, User) ->
- %%?ERROR_MSG("XXX search_user_info: searching for ~p", [User]),
- SearchResult = case State#state.member_selection_mode of
- memberattr_dn -> eldap_search_dn(State,
- User,
- State#state.ufilter,
- [State#state.user_desc, State#state.uid]);
- memberattr_normal -> eldap_search(State,
- State#state.base,
- State#state.ufilter,
- [{<<"%u">>, User}],
- [State#state.user_desc, State#state.uid])
- end,
- case SearchResult of
- [#eldap_entry{attributes=Attrs}|_] ->
- construct_user(State, Attrs);
- [] ->
- %%?ERROR_MSG("XX not found", []),
- error
+search_user_name(State, User) ->
+ case eldap_search(State,
+ [eldap_filter:do_sub(State#state.ufilter,
+ [{<<"%u">>, User}])],
+ [State#state.user_desc, State#state.user_uid])
+ of
+ [#eldap_entry{attributes = Attrs} | _] ->
+ case {eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.user_uid,
+ Attrs),
+ eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.user_desc, Attrs)}
+ of
+ {UID, Desc} when UID /= <<"">> -> {ok, Desc};
+ _ -> error
+ end;
+ [] -> error
%% Getting User ID part by regex pattern
get_user_part_re(String, Pattern) ->
case catch re:run(String, Pattern) of
- {match, Captured} ->
- {First, Len} = lists:nth(2,Captured),
- Result = string:sub_string(String, First+1, First+Len),
- {ok,Result};
- _ -> {error, badmatch}
+ {match, Captured} ->
+ {First, Len} = lists:nth(2, Captured),
+ Result = str:sub_string(String, First + 1, First + Len),
+ {ok, Result};
+ _ -> {error, badmatch}
-% select(SelectFirst, First, Second) ->
-% case SelectFirst of
-% true -> First;
-% _ -> Second
-% end.
-% prepare_filter(Opts, Name, Default, ReturnParsed) ->
-% F = gen_mod:get_opt(Name, Opts, Default),
-% prepare_filter(F, Name, ReturnParsed).
-% prepare_filter(F, Name, ReturnParsed) ->
-% case eldap_filter:parse(F) of
-% {ok, EldapFilter} ->
-% case ReturnParsed of
-% true -> EldapFilter;
-% _ -> F
-% end;
-% _ ->
-% ?ERROR_MSG(?INVALID_SETTING_MSG, [atom_to_list(Name), ?MODULE]),
-% []
-% end.
parse_options(Host, Opts) ->
Eldap_ID = jlib:atom_to_binary(gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE)),
Cfg = eldap_utils:get_config(Host, Opts),
@@ -761,114 +482,84 @@ parse_options(Host, Opts) ->
(false) -> false;
(true) -> true
end, true),
- RosterCacheValidity = gen_mod:get_opt(
+ UserCacheValidity = gen_mod:get_opt(
+ {ldap_user_cache_validity, Host}, Opts,
+ fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I end,
+ GroupCacheValidity = gen_mod:get_opt(
{ldap_group_cache_validity, Host}, Opts,
fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I end,
- RosterCacheSize = gen_mod:get_opt(
- {ldap_roster_cache_size, Host}, Opts,
+ UserCacheSize = gen_mod:get_opt(
+ {ldap_user_cache_size, Host}, Opts,
+ fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I end,
+ GroupCacheSize = gen_mod:get_opt(
+ {ldap_group_cache_size, Host}, Opts,
fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I end,
ConfigFilter = gen_mod:get_opt({ldap_filter, Host}, Opts,
- fun check_filter/1, <<"">>),
+ fun check_filter/1, <<"">>),
ConfigUserFilter = gen_mod:get_opt({ldap_ufilter, Host}, Opts,
- fun check_filter/1, <<"">>),
+ fun check_filter/1, <<"">>),
ConfigGroupFilter = gen_mod:get_opt({ldap_gfilter, Host}, Opts,
- fun check_filter/1, <<"">>),
+ fun check_filter/1, <<"">>),
RosterFilter = gen_mod:get_opt({ldap_rfilter, Host}, Opts,
- fun check_filter/1, <<"">>),
+ fun check_filter/1, <<"">>),
SubFilter = <<"(&(", UIDAttr/binary, "=",
- UIDAttrFormat/binary, ")(", GroupAttr/binary, "=%g))">>,
+ UIDAttrFormat/binary, ")(", GroupAttr/binary, "=%g))">>,
UserSubFilter = case ConfigUserFilter of
- <<"">> ->
- eldap_filter:do_sub(SubFilter, [{<<"%g">>, <<"*">>}]);
- UString -> UString
- end,
+ <<"">> ->
+ eldap_filter:do_sub(SubFilter, [{<<"%g">>, <<"*">>}]);
+ UString -> UString
+ end,
GroupSubFilter = case ConfigGroupFilter of
- <<"">> ->
- eldap_filter:do_sub(SubFilter,
- [{<<"%u">>, <<"*">>}]);
- GString -> GString
+ <<"">> ->
+ eldap_filter:do_sub(SubFilter,
+ [{<<"%u">>, <<"*">>}]);
+ GString -> GString
Filter = case ConfigFilter of
- <<"">> -> SubFilter;
- _ ->
- <<"(&", SubFilter/binary, ConfigFilter/binary, ")">>
- end,
+ <<"">> -> SubFilter;
+ _ ->
+ <<"(&", SubFilter/binary, ConfigFilter/binary, ")">>
+ end,
UserFilter = case ConfigFilter of
- <<"">> -> UserSubFilter;
- _ ->
- <<"(&", UserSubFilter/binary, ConfigFilter/binary, ")">>
- end,
+ <<"">> -> UserSubFilter;
+ _ ->
+ <<"(&", UserSubFilter/binary, ConfigFilter/binary, ")">>
+ end,
GroupFilter = case ConfigFilter of
- <<"">> -> GroupSubFilter;
- _ ->
- <<"(&", GroupSubFilter/binary, ConfigFilter/binary,
- ")">>
- end,
- GroupBase = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_group_base, Opts, fun iolist_to_binary/1,
- Cfg#eldap_config.base),
- GroupIsDN = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_group_is_dn, Opts,
- fun(on) -> true;
- (off) -> false;
- (false) -> false;
- (true) -> true
- end, true),
- MemberSelMode = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_member_selection_mode, Opts,
- fun(memberattr_normal) -> memberattr_normal;
- (memberattr_dn) -> memberattr_dn;
- (group_children) -> group_children;
- (Invalid) ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Invalid ldap_member_selection_mode '~p'. "
- "Value 'memberattr_normal' will be used instead.",
- [Invalid])
- end, memberattr_normal),
- SubscribeAll = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_subscribe_all, Opts,
- fun(on) -> true;
- (off) -> false;
- (false) -> false;
- (true) -> true
- end, false),
- % MemberIsDN = (MemberSelMode == member_attr_dn) or (MemberSelMode == group_children),
- ShGFilter = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_shgfilter, Opts,
- fun(all) -> all;
- (none) -> none;
- (S) -> check_filter(S)
- end, all),
- ShGAttr = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_shgattr, Opts,
- fun iolist_to_binary/1,
- << GroupAttr/binary >>),
+ <<"">> -> GroupSubFilter;
+ _ ->
+ <<"(&", GroupSubFilter/binary, ConfigFilter/binary,
+ ")">>
+ end,
#state{host = Host, eldap_id = Eldap_ID,
- servers = Cfg#eldap_config.servers,
- backups = Cfg#eldap_config.backups,
+ servers = Cfg#eldap_config.servers,
+ backups = Cfg#eldap_config.backups,
port = Cfg#eldap_config.port,
- tls_options = Cfg#eldap_config.tls_options,
- dn = Cfg#eldap_config.dn,
+ tls_options = Cfg#eldap_config.tls_options,
+ dn = Cfg#eldap_config.dn,
password = Cfg#eldap_config.password,
base = Cfg#eldap_config.base,
deref_aliases = Cfg#eldap_config.deref_aliases,
- group_attr = GroupAttr, group_desc = GroupDesc,
- user_desc = UserDesc, uid = UserUID,
- uid_format = UIDAttrFormat,
- uid_format_re = UIDAttrFormatRe, filter = Filter,
- ufilter = UserFilter, rfilter = RosterFilter,
- gfilter = GroupFilter, auth_check = AuthCheck,
- group_base = GroupBase,
- member_attr = UIDAttr,
- member_selection_mode = MemberSelMode,
- group_is_dn = GroupIsDN,
- shgfilter = ShGFilter,
- shg_attr = ShGAttr,
- subscribe_all = SubscribeAll,
- roster_cache_size = RosterCacheSize,
- roster_cache_validity = RosterCacheValidity}.
+ uid = UIDAttr,
+ group_attr = GroupAttr, group_desc = GroupDesc,
+ user_desc = UserDesc, user_uid = UserUID,
+ uid_format = UIDAttrFormat,
+ uid_format_re = UIDAttrFormatRe, filter = Filter,
+ ufilter = UserFilter, rfilter = RosterFilter,
+ gfilter = GroupFilter, auth_check = AuthCheck,
+ user_cache_size = UserCacheSize,
+ user_cache_validity = UserCacheValidity,
+ group_cache_size = GroupCacheSize,
+ group_cache_validity = GroupCacheValidity}.
check_filter(F) ->
- NewF = iolist_to_binary(F),
- {ok, _} = eldap_filter:parse(NewF),
- NewF.
+ NewF = iolist_to_binary(F),
+ {ok, _} = eldap_filter:parse(NewF),
+ NewF.
mod_opt_type(deref_aliases) ->
fun (never) -> never;
@@ -936,20 +627,6 @@ mod_opt_type(ldap_user_cache_validity) ->
fun (I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I end;
mod_opt_type(ldap_userdesc) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1;
mod_opt_type(ldap_useruid) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1;
-mod_opt_type(ldap_group_base) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1;
-mod_opt_type(ldap_group_is_dn) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end;
-mod_opt_type(ldap_member_selection_mode) ->
- fun(memberattr_normal) -> memberattr_normal;
- (memberattr_dn) -> memberattr_dn;
- (group_children) -> group_children
- end;
-mod_opt_type(ldap_subscribe_all) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end;
-mod_opt_type(ldap_shgfilter) ->
- fun(all) -> all;
- (none) -> none;
- (S) -> check_filter(S)
- end;
-mod_opt_type(ldap_shgattr) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1;
mod_opt_type(_) ->
[ldap_auth_check, ldap_filter, ldap_gfilter,
ldap_group_cache_size, ldap_group_cache_validity,
@@ -961,9 +638,7 @@ mod_opt_type(_) ->
ldap_deref_aliases, ldap_encrypt, ldap_password,
ldap_port, ldap_rootdn, ldap_servers,
ldap_tls_cacertfile, ldap_tls_certfile, ldap_tls_depth,
- ldap_tls_verify, ldap_group_base, ldap_group_is_dn,
- ldap_member_selection_mode, ldap_subscribe_all,
- ldap_shgfilter, ldap_shgattr].
+ ldap_tls_verify].
opt_type(ldap_filter) -> fun check_filter/1;
opt_type(ldap_gfilter) -> fun check_filter/1;