path: root/src/treap.erl
diff options
authorBadlop <>2013-03-14 10:33:02 +0100
committerBadlop <>2013-03-14 10:33:02 +0100
commit9deb294328bb3f9eb6bd2c0e7cd500732e9b5830 (patch)
tree7e1066c130250627ee0abab44a135f583a28d07f /src/treap.erl
parentlist_to_integer/2 only works in OTP R14 and newer (diff)
Accumulated patch to binarize and indent code
Diffstat (limited to 'src/treap.erl')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/src/treap.erl b/src/treap.erl
index 1826f02c..607f2c8a 100644
--- a/src/treap.erl
+++ b/src/treap.erl
@@ -26,19 +26,17 @@
- insert/4,
- delete/2,
- delete_root/1,
- get_root/1,
- lookup/2,
- is_empty/1,
- fold/3,
- from_list/1,
+-export([empty/0, insert/4, delete/2, delete_root/1,
+ get_root/1, lookup/2, is_empty/1, fold/3, from_list/1,
-empty() ->
- nil.
+-type hashkey() :: {non_neg_integer(), any()}.
+-type treap() :: {hashkey(), any(), any(), treap(), treap()} | nil.
+empty() -> nil.
insert(Key, Priority, Value, Tree) ->
HashKey = {erlang:phash2(Key), Key},
@@ -46,147 +44,124 @@ insert(Key, Priority, Value, Tree) ->
insert1(nil, HashKey, Priority, Value) ->
{HashKey, Priority, Value, nil, nil};
-insert1({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, Right} = Tree,
+insert1({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, Right} =
+ Tree,
HashKey, Priority, Value) ->
- if
- HashKey < HashKey1 ->
- heapify({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1,
- insert1(Left, HashKey, Priority, Value),
- Right});
- HashKey > HashKey1 ->
- heapify({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1,
- Left,
- insert1(Right, HashKey, Priority, Value)});
- Priority == Priority1 ->
- {HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, Right};
- true ->
- insert1(delete_root(Tree), HashKey, Priority, Value)
+ if HashKey < HashKey1 ->
+ heapify({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1,
+ insert1(Left, HashKey, Priority, Value), Right});
+ HashKey > HashKey1 ->
+ heapify({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left,
+ insert1(Right, HashKey, Priority, Value)});
+ Priority == Priority1 ->
+ {HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, Right};
+ true ->
+ insert1(delete_root(Tree), HashKey, Priority, Value)
-heapify({_HashKey, _Priority, _Value, nil, nil} = Tree) ->
+heapify({_HashKey, _Priority, _Value, nil, nil} =
+ Tree) ->
-heapify({HashKey, Priority, Value,
- nil = Left,
- {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, LeftR, RightR}} = Tree) ->
- if
- PriorityR > Priority ->
- {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR,
- {HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, LeftR},
- RightR};
- true ->
- Tree
+heapify({HashKey, Priority, Value, nil = Left,
+ {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, LeftR, RightR}} =
+ Tree) ->
+ if PriorityR > Priority ->
+ {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR,
+ {HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, LeftR}, RightR};
+ true -> Tree
heapify({HashKey, Priority, Value,
{HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL, RightL},
- nil = Right} = Tree) ->
- if
- PriorityL > Priority ->
- {HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL,
- LeftL,
- {HashKey, Priority, Value, RightL, Right}};
- true ->
- Tree
+ nil = Right} =
+ Tree) ->
+ if PriorityL > Priority ->
+ {HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL,
+ {HashKey, Priority, Value, RightL, Right}};
+ true -> Tree
heapify({HashKey, Priority, Value,
{HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL, RightL} = Left,
- {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, LeftR, RightR} = Right} = Tree) ->
- if
- PriorityR > Priority ->
- {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR,
- {HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, LeftR},
- RightR};
- PriorityL > Priority ->
- {HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL,
- LeftL,
- {HashKey, Priority, Value, RightL, Right}};
- true ->
- Tree
+ {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, LeftR, RightR} = Right} =
+ Tree) ->
+ if PriorityR > Priority ->
+ {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR,
+ {HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, LeftR}, RightR};
+ PriorityL > Priority ->
+ {HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL,
+ {HashKey, Priority, Value, RightL, Right}};
+ true -> Tree
delete(Key, Tree) ->
HashKey = {erlang:phash2(Key), Key},
delete1(HashKey, Tree).
-delete1(_HashKey, nil) ->
- nil;
-delete1(HashKey, {HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, Right} = Tree) ->
- if
- HashKey < HashKey1 ->
- {HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, delete1(HashKey, Left), Right};
- HashKey > HashKey1 ->
- {HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, delete1(HashKey, Right)};
- true ->
- delete_root(Tree)
+delete1(_HashKey, nil) -> nil;
+ {HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, Right} = Tree) ->
+ if HashKey < HashKey1 ->
+ {HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, delete1(HashKey, Left),
+ Right};
+ HashKey > HashKey1 ->
+ {HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left,
+ delete1(HashKey, Right)};
+ true -> delete_root(Tree)
delete_root({HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, Right}) ->
case {Left, Right} of
- {nil, nil} ->
- nil;
- {_, nil} ->
- Left;
- {nil, _} ->
- Right;
- {{HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL, RightL},
- {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, LeftR, RightR}} ->
- if
- PriorityL > PriorityR ->
- {HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL,
- LeftL,
- delete_root({HashKey, Priority, Value, RightL, Right})};
- true ->
- {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR,
- delete_root({HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, LeftR}),
- RightR}
- end
+ {nil, nil} -> nil;
+ {_, nil} -> Left;
+ {nil, _} -> Right;
+ {{HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL, RightL},
+ {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, LeftR, RightR}} ->
+ if PriorityL > PriorityR ->
+ {HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL,
+ delete_root({HashKey, Priority, Value, RightL, Right})};
+ true ->
+ {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR,
+ delete_root({HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, LeftR}),
+ RightR}
+ end
-is_empty(nil) ->
- true;
-is_empty({_HashKey, _Priority, _Value, _Left, _Right}) ->
+is_empty(nil) -> true;
+is_empty({_HashKey, _Priority, _Value, _Left,
+ _Right}) ->
-get_root({{_Hash, Key}, Priority, Value, _Left, _Right}) ->
+get_root({{_Hash, Key}, Priority, Value, _Left,
+ _Right}) ->
{Key, Priority, Value}.
lookup(Key, Tree) ->
HashKey = {erlang:phash2(Key), Key},
lookup1(Tree, HashKey).
-lookup1(nil, _HashKey) ->
- error;
-lookup1({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, Right}, HashKey) ->
- if
- HashKey < HashKey1 ->
- lookup1(Left, HashKey);
- HashKey > HashKey1 ->
- lookup1(Right, HashKey);
- true ->
- {ok, Priority1, Value1}
+lookup1(nil, _HashKey) -> error;
+lookup1({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, Right},
+ HashKey) ->
+ if HashKey < HashKey1 -> lookup1(Left, HashKey);
+ HashKey > HashKey1 -> lookup1(Right, HashKey);
+ true -> {ok, Priority1, Value1}
-fold(_F, Acc, nil) ->
- Acc;
-fold(F, Acc, {{_Hash, Key}, Priority, Value, Left, Right}) ->
+fold(_F, Acc, nil) -> Acc;
+fold(F, Acc,
+ {{_Hash, Key}, Priority, Value, Left, Right}) ->
Acc1 = F({Key, Priority, Value}, Acc),
Acc2 = fold(F, Acc1, Left),
fold(F, Acc2, Right).
-to_list(Tree) ->
- to_list(Tree, []).
+to_list(Tree) -> to_list(Tree, []).
-to_list(nil, Acc) ->
- Acc;
+to_list(nil, Acc) -> Acc;
to_list(Tree, Acc) ->
Root = get_root(Tree),
- to_list(delete_root(Tree), [Root|Acc]).
+ to_list(delete_root(Tree), [Root | Acc]).
-from_list(List) ->
- from_list(List, nil).
+from_list(List) -> from_list(List, nil).
-from_list([{Key, Priority, Value}|Tail], Tree) ->
+from_list([{Key, Priority, Value} | Tail], Tree) ->
from_list(Tail, insert(Key, Priority, Value, Tree));
-from_list([], Tree) ->
- Tree.
+from_list([], Tree) -> Tree.