path: root/src/mod_sip_proxy.erl
diff options
authorEvgeniy Khramtsov <>2014-06-02 10:16:08 +0400
committerEvgeniy Khramtsov <>2014-06-02 10:16:34 +0400
commit0aea9c74bd3aad5059cb2f34c31ffecfa88ce524 (patch)
treef70cd1c8f7d5912515f88604409a96d92346bf22 /src/mod_sip_proxy.erl
parentAdd global static shared_key option (diff)
Rename option 'route' to 'record_route' and add new option 'routes'
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/mod_sip_proxy.erl b/src/mod_sip_proxy.erl
index 2294ba45..b6d75bc6 100644
--- a/src/mod_sip_proxy.erl
+++ b/src/mod_sip_proxy.erl
@@ -49,12 +49,10 @@ route(#sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req, LServer, Opts) ->
true ->
route_statelessly(Req, LServer, Opts);
false ->
- ConfiguredRoute = get_configured_route(LServer),
- ConfiguredBareRoute = ConfiguredRoute#uri{user = <<"">>},
+ ConfiguredRRoute = get_configured_record_route(LServer),
case esip:get_hdrs('route', Hdrs) of
[{_, URI, _}|_] ->
- BareURI = URI#uri{user = <<"">>},
- case cmp_uri(BareURI, ConfiguredBareRoute) of
+ case cmp_uri(URI, ConfiguredRRoute) of
true ->
case is_signed_by_me(URI#uri.user, Hdrs) of
true ->
@@ -280,7 +278,7 @@ add_via(#sip_socket{type = Transport}, LServer, #sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req) ->
add_record_route_and_set_uri(URI, LServer, #sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req) ->
case is_request_within_dialog(Req) of
false ->
- RR_URI = get_configured_route(LServer),
+ RR_URI = get_configured_record_route(LServer),
{MSecs, Secs, _} = now(),
TS = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(MSecs*1000000 + Secs)),
Sign = make_sign(TS, Hdrs),
@@ -338,14 +336,25 @@ get_configured_vias(LServer) ->
end, L)
end, []).
-get_configured_route(LServer) ->
+get_configured_record_route(LServer) ->
- LServer, mod_sip, route,
+ LServer, mod_sip, record_route,
fun(IOList) ->
S = iolist_to_binary(IOList),
#uri{} = esip:decode_uri(S)
end, #uri{host = LServer, params = [{<<"lr">>, <<"">>}]}).
+get_configured_routes(LServer) ->
+ gen_mod:get_module_opt(
+ LServer, mod_sip, routes,
+ fun(L) ->
+ lists:map(
+ fun(IOList) ->
+ S = iolist_to_binary(IOList),
+ #uri{} = esip:decode_uri(S)
+ end, L)
+ end, [#uri{host = LServer, params = [{<<"lr">>, <<"">>}]}]).
mark_transaction_as_complete(TrID, State) ->
NewTrIDs = lists:delete(TrID, State#state.tr_ids),
State#state{tr_ids = NewTrIDs}.
@@ -370,24 +379,23 @@ choose_best_response(#state{responses = Responses} = State) ->
-%% TODO: this is *totally* wrong.
-%% Rewrite this using URI comparison rules
-cmp_uri(#uri{user = U, host = H, port = P},
- #uri{user = U, host = H, port = P}) ->
- true;
-cmp_uri(_, _) ->
- false.
+%% Just compare host part only.
+cmp_uri(#uri{host = H1}, #uri{host = H2}) ->
+ jlib:nameprep(H1) == jlib:nameprep(H2).
+is_my_route(URI, URIs) ->
+ lists:any(fun(U) -> cmp_uri(URI, U) end, URIs).
prepare_request(LServer, #sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req) ->
- ConfiguredRoute = get_configured_route(LServer),
- ConfiguredBareRoute = ConfiguredRoute#uri{user = <<"">>},
+ ConfiguredRRoute = get_configured_record_route(LServer),
+ ConfiguredRoutes = get_configured_routes(LServer),
Hdrs1 = lists:flatmap(
fun({Hdr, HdrList}) when Hdr == 'route';
Hdr == 'record-route' ->
case lists:filter(
fun({_, URI, _}) ->
- BareURI = URI#uri{user = <<"">>},
- not cmp_uri(BareURI, ConfiguredBareRoute)
+ not cmp_uri(URI, ConfiguredRRoute)
+ and not is_my_route(URI, ConfiguredRoutes)
end, HdrList) of
[] ->