path: root/src/ejabberd_auth.erl
diff options
authorAlexey Shchepin <>2004-12-12 21:00:34 +0000
committerAlexey Shchepin <>2004-12-12 21:00:34 +0000
commit591bc42669ddaf88224c64ce8d6af87b1291a85d (patch)
treeac6740ffc24cc4cf90c452c57320d129174a469d /src/ejabberd_auth.erl
parent* src/web/ejabberd_web_admin.erl: Changed type of password field (diff)
* src/ejabberd_sm.erl: Added unset_presence_hook
* src/mod_last.erl: Use unset_presence_hook instead of direct call * src/ejabberd_auth.erl: Splitted into ejabberd_auth_internal.erl, ejabberd_auth_ldap.erl, and ejabberd_auth_external.erl, * src/ejabberd_auth_internal.erl: Likewise * src/ejabberd_auth_ldap.erl: Likewise * src/ejabberd_auth_external.erl: Likewise SVN Revision: 290
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ejabberd_auth.erl')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 355 deletions
diff --git a/src/ejabberd_auth.erl b/src/ejabberd_auth.erl
index d7f6b366..2c548a33 100644
--- a/src/ejabberd_auth.erl
+++ b/src/ejabberd_auth.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%%% File : ejabberd_auth.erl
%%% Author : Alexey Shchepin <>
-%%% Purpose :
+%%% Purpose : Authentification
%%% Created : 23 Nov 2002 by Alexey Shchepin <>
%%% Id : $Id$
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@
-vsn('$Revision$ ').
%% External exports
--export([start/0, start_link/0,
@@ -24,387 +22,59 @@
- plain_password_required/0,
- check_password_ldap/2, % TODO: remove
- is_user_exists_ldap/1 % TODO: remove
+ plain_password_required/0
-%% gen_server callbacks
- handle_call/3,
- handle_cast/2,
- code_change/3,
- handle_info/2,
- terminate/2]).
--record(state, {}).
--record(passwd, {user, password}).
%%% API
start() ->
- case auth_method() of
- external ->
- extauth:start(ejabberd_config:get_local_option(extauth_program));
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- gen_server:start({local, ejabberd_auth}, ejabberd_auth, [], []).
-start_link() ->
- gen_server:start_link({local, ejabberd_auth}, ejabberd_auth, [], []).
-%%% Callback functions from gen_server
-%% Func: init/1
-%% Returns: {ok, State} |
-%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
-%% ignore |
-%% {stop, Reason}
-init([]) ->
- mnesia:create_table(passwd,[{disc_copies, [node()]},
- {attributes, record_info(fields, passwd)}]),
- case auth_method() of
- internal ->
- ok;
- external ->
- ok;
- ldap ->
- LDAPServers = ejabberd_config:get_local_option(ldap_servers),
- RootDN = ejabberd_config:get_local_option(ldap_rootdn),
- Password = ejabberd_config:get_local_option(ldap_password),
- eldap:start_link("ejabberd", LDAPServers, 389, RootDN, Password),
- eldap:start_link("ejabberd_bind", LDAPServers, 389, RootDN, Password)
- end,
- {ok, #state{}}.
-%% Func: handle_call/3
-%% Returns: {reply, Reply, State} |
-%% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {noreply, State} |
-%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called)
-%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
- Reply = ok,
- {reply, Reply, State}.
-%% Func: handle_cast/2
-%% Returns: {noreply, State} |
-%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-%% Func: handle_info/2
-%% Returns: {noreply, State} |
-%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_info(_Info, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-%% Func: terminate/2
-%% Purpose: Shutdown the server
-%% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- ok.
-%%% Internal functions
-auth_method() ->
- case ejabberd_config:get_local_option(auth_method) of
- external ->
- external;
- ldap ->
- ldap;
- _ ->
- internal
- end.
-user_method() ->
- case ejabberd_config:get_local_option(user_method) of
- ldap ->
- ldap;
- _ ->
- internal
- end.
+ (auth_module()):start().
plain_password_required() ->
- case auth_method() of
- internal ->
- false;
- external ->
- true;
- ldap ->
- true
- end.
+ (auth_module()):plain_password_required().
check_password(User, Password) ->
- case auth_method() of
- internal ->
- check_password_internal(User, Password);
- external ->
- check_password_external(User, Password);
- ldap ->
- check_password_ldap(User, Password)
- end.
-check_password_external(User, Password) ->
- extauth:check_password(User, Password).
-set_password_external(User, Password) ->
- extauth:set_password(User, Password).
-is_user_exists_external(User) ->
- extauth:is_user_exists(User).
-check_password_internal(User, Password) ->
- LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
- case catch mnesia:dirty_read({passwd, LUser}) of
- [#passwd{password = Password}] ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end.
+ (auth_module()):check_password(User, Password).
check_password(User, Password, StreamID, Digest) ->
- case auth_method() of
- internal ->
- check_password_internal(User, Password, StreamID, Digest);
- external ->
- check_password_external(User, Password, StreamID, Digest);
- ldap ->
- check_password_ldap(User, Password, StreamID, Digest)
- end.
-check_password_internal(User, Password, StreamID, Digest) ->
- LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
- case catch mnesia:dirty_read({passwd, LUser}) of
- [#passwd{password = Passwd}] ->
- DigRes = if
- Digest /= "" ->
- Digest == sha:sha(StreamID ++ Passwd);
- true ->
- false
- end,
- if DigRes ->
- true;
- true ->
- (Passwd == Password) and (Password /= "")
- end;
- _ ->
- false
- end.
+ (auth_module()):check_password(User, Password, StreamID, Digest).
set_password(User, Password) ->
- case auth_method() of
- internal ->
- set_password_internal(User,Password);
- external ->
- set_password_external(User,Password);
- ldap -> {error, not_allowed}
- end.
-set_password_internal(User, Password) ->
- case jlib:nodeprep(User) of
- error -> {error, invalid_jid};
- LUser ->
- F = fun() ->
- mnesia:write(#passwd{user = LUser,
- password = Password})
- end,
- mnesia:transaction(F)
- end.
+ (auth_module()):set_password(User, Password).
try_register(User, Password) ->
- case auth_method() of
- internal ->
- try_register_internal(User, Password);
- external ->
- {error, not_allowed};
- ldap ->
- {error, not_allowed}
- end.
-try_register_internal(User, Password) ->
- case jlib:nodeprep(User) of
- error -> {error, invalid_jid};
- LUser ->
- F = fun() ->
- case mnesia:read({passwd, LUser}) of
- [] ->
- mnesia:write(#passwd{user = LUser,
- password = Password}),
- ok;
- [_E] ->
- exists
- end
- end,
- mnesia:transaction(F)
- end.
+ (auth_module()):try_register(User, Password).
dirty_get_registered_users() ->
- mnesia:dirty_all_keys(passwd).
+ (auth_module()):dirty_get_registered_users().
get_password(User) ->
- LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
- case catch mnesia:dirty_read(passwd, LUser) of
- [#passwd{password = Password}] ->
- Password;
- _ ->
- false
- end.
+ (auth_module()):get_password(User).
get_password_s(User) ->
- LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
- case catch mnesia:dirty_read(passwd, LUser) of
- [#passwd{password = Password}] ->
- Password;
- _ ->
- []
- end.
+ (auth_module()):get_password_s(User).
is_user_exists(User) ->
- case auth_method() of
- internal ->
- is_user_exists_internal(User);
- external ->
- is_user_exists_external(User);
- ldap ->
- is_user_exists_ldap(User)
- end.
-is_user_exists_internal(User) ->
- LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
- case catch mnesia:dirty_read({passwd, LUser}) of
- [] ->
- false;
- [_] ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end.
+ (auth_module()):is_user_exists(User).
remove_user(User) ->
- case user_method() of
- internal ->
- remove_user_internal(User);
- ldap ->
- {error, not_allowed}
- end.
-remove_user_internal(User) ->
- LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
- F = fun() ->
- mnesia:delete({passwd, LUser})
- end,
- mnesia:transaction(F),
- catch mod_roster:remove_user(User),
- catch mod_offline:remove_user(User),
- catch mod_last:remove_user(User),
- catch mod_vcard:remove_user(User),
- catch mod_private:remove_user(User).
+ (auth_module()):remove_user(User).
remove_user(User, Password) ->
- case user_method() of
- internal ->
- remove_user_internal(User, Password);
- ldap ->
- not_allowed
- end.
-remove_user_internal(User, Password) ->
- LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
- F = fun() ->
- case mnesia:read({passwd, LUser}) of
- [#passwd{password = Password}] ->
- mnesia:delete({passwd, LUser}),
- ok;
- [_] ->
- not_allowed;
- _ ->
- not_exists
- end
- end,
- case mnesia:transaction(F) of
- {atomic, ok} ->
- catch mod_roster:remove_user(User),
- catch mod_offline:remove_user(User),
- catch mod_last:remove_user(User),
- catch mod_vcard:remove_user(User),
- catch mod_private:remove_user(User),
- ok;
- {atomic, Res} ->
- Res;
- _ ->
- bad_request
- end.
-check_password_ldap(User, Password, StreamID, Digest) ->
- check_password_ldap(User, Password).
-check_password_external(User, Password, StreamID, Digest) ->
- check_password_external(User, Password).
+ (auth_module()):remove_user(User, Password).
-check_password_ldap(User, Password) ->
- case find_user_dn(User) of
- false ->
- false;
- DN ->
- case eldap:bind("ejabberd_bind", DN, Password) of
- ok ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end
- end.
-is_user_exists_ldap(User) ->
- case find_user_dn(User) of
- false ->
- false;
- _DN ->
- true
- end.
+%%% Internal functions
-find_user_dn(User) ->
- Attr = ejabberd_config:get_local_option(ldap_uidattr),
- Filter = eldap:equalityMatch(Attr, User),
- Base = ejabberd_config:get_local_option(ldap_base),
- case eldap:search("ejabberd", [{base, Base},
- {filter, Filter},
- {attributes, []}]) of
- #eldap_search_result{entries = [E | _]} ->
- E#eldap_entry.object_name;
+auth_module() ->
+ case ejabberd_config:get_local_option(auth_method) of
+ external ->
+ ejabberd_auth_external;
+ ldap ->
+ ejabberd_auth_ldap;
_ ->
- false
+ ejabberd_auth_internal