path: root/src/ejabberd_acme.erl
diff options
authorKonstantinos Kallas <>2017-06-09 15:49:27 +0300
committerKonstantinos Kallas <>2017-06-09 15:49:27 +0300
commit53d47483c8423bf75fda3db33a444938d7aae1cf (patch)
tree647f91dc7e1e5a6e5b4251223af95efdc14752f9 /src/ejabberd_acme.erl
parentSupport for new_cert (diff)
Implement some basic account handling functions
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ejabberd_acme.erl')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ejabberd_acme.erl b/src/ejabberd_acme.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..517fdf10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ejabberd_acme.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+-module (ejabberd_acme).
+-export([ scenario/3
+ , scenario0/0
+ , directory/1
+ , get_account/3
+ , new_account/4
+ , update_account/4
+ ]).
+-define(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 5000). % 5 seconds.
+-define(DIRURL, "directory").
+-define(REGURL, "/acme/reg/").
+-define(DEFAULT_KEY_FILE, "private_key_temporary").
+directory(DirURL) ->
+ Options = [],
+ HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
+ case httpc:request(get, {DirURL, []}, HttpOptions, Options) of
+ {ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
+ %% Decode the json string
+ {Directories} = jiffy:decode(Body),
+ StrDirectories = [{bitstring_to_list(X), bitstring_to_list(Y)} ||
+ {X,Y} <- Directories],
+ % Find and save the replay nonce
+ Nonce = get_nonce(Head),
+ %% Return Map of Directories
+ NewDirs = maps:from_list(StrDirectories),
+ {ok, NewDirs, Nonce};
+ {ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, _Body}} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Got unexpected status code from <~s>: ~B",
+ [DirURL, Code]),
+ Nonce = get_nonce(Head),
+ {error, unexpected_code, Nonce};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Error requesting directory from <~s>: ~p",
+ [DirURL, Reason]),
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+new_account(NewAccURl, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
+ %% Make the request body
+ ReqBody = jiffy:encode({[{ <<"resource">>, <<"new-reg">>}] ++ Req}),
+ {_, SignedBody} = sign_json_jose(PrivateKey, ReqBody, NewAccURl, Nonce),
+ %% Encode the Signed body with jiffy
+ FinalBody = jiffy:encode(SignedBody),
+ Options = [],
+ HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
+ case httpc:request(post,
+ {NewAccURl, [], "application/jose+json", FinalBody}, HttpOptions, Options) of
+ {ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
+ %% Decode the json string
+ {Return} = jiffy:decode(Body),
+ TOSUrl = get_TOS(Head),
+ % Find and save the replay nonce
+ NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
+ {ok, {TOSUrl, Return}, NewNonce};
+ {ok, {{_, 409 = Code, _}, Head, Body}} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Got status code: ~B from <~s>, Body: ~s",
+ [NewAccURl, Code, Body]),
+ NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
+ {error, key_in_use, NewNonce};
+ {ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Got unexpected status code from <~s>: ~B, Body: ~s",
+ [NewAccURl, Code, Body]),
+ NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
+ {error, unexpected_code, NewNonce};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Error requesting directory from <~s>: ~p",
+ [NewAccURl, Reason]),
+ {error, Reason, Nonce}
+ end.
+update_account(AccURl, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
+ %% Make the request body
+ ReqBody = jiffy:encode({[{ <<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}] ++ Req}),
+ {_, SignedBody} = sign_json_jose(PrivateKey, ReqBody, AccURl, Nonce),
+ %% Encode the Signed body with jiffy
+ FinalBody = jiffy:encode(SignedBody),
+ Options = [],
+ HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
+ case httpc:request(post,
+ {AccURl, [], "application/jose+json", FinalBody}, HttpOptions, Options) of
+ {ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
+ %% Decode the json string
+ {Return} = jiffy:decode(Body),
+ % Find and save the replay nonce
+ NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
+ {ok, Return, NewNonce};
+ {ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Got unexpected status code from <~s>: ~B, Body: ~s",
+ [AccURl, Code, Body]),
+ NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
+ {error, unexpected_code, NewNonce};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Error requesting directory from <~s>: ~p",
+ [AccURl, Reason]),
+ {error, Reason, Nonce}
+ end.
+get_account(AccURl, PrivateKey, Nonce) ->
+ %% Make the request body
+ ReqBody = jiffy:encode({[
+ { <<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}
+ ]}),
+ %% Jose Sign
+ {_, SignedBody} = sign_json_jose(PrivateKey, ReqBody, AccURl, Nonce),
+ %% Encode the Signed body with jiffy
+ FinalBody = jiffy:encode(SignedBody),
+ Options = [],
+ HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
+ case httpc:request(post,
+ {AccURl, [], "application/jose+json", FinalBody}, HttpOptions, Options) of
+ {ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
+ %% Decode the json string
+ {Return} = jiffy:decode(Body),
+ TOSUrl = get_TOS(Head),
+ % Find and save the replay nonce
+ NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
+ {ok, {TOSUrl, Return}, NewNonce};
+ {ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Got unexpected status code from <~s>: ~B, Head: ~s",
+ [AccURl, Code, Body]),
+ NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
+ {error, unexpected_code, NewNonce};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Error requesting directory from <~s>: ~p",
+ [AccURl, Reason]),
+ {error, Reason, Nonce}
+ end.
+%% Useful funs
+get_nonce(Head) ->
+ {"replay-nonce", Nonce} = proplists:lookup("replay-nonce", Head),
+ Nonce.
+%% Very bad way to extract this
+%% TODO: Find a better way
+get_TOS(Head) ->
+ try
+ [{_, Link}] = [{K, V} || {K, V} <- Head,
+ K =:= "link" andalso lists:suffix("\"terms-of-service\"", V)],
+ [Link1, _] = string:tokens(Link, ";"),
+ Link2 = string:strip(Link1, left, $<),
+ string:strip(Link2, right, $>)
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ no_tos
+ end.
+sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Url, Nonce) ->
+ % Generate a public key
+ PubKey = jose_jwk:to_public(Key),
+ {_, BinaryPubKey} = jose_jwk:to_binary(PubKey),
+ PubKeyJson = jiffy:decode(BinaryPubKey),
+ % Jws object containing the algorithm
+ %% TODO: Dont hardcode the alg
+ JwsObj = jose_jws:from(
+ #{ <<"alg">> => <<"ES256">>
+ % , <<"b64">> => true
+ , <<"jwk">> => PubKeyJson
+ , <<"nonce">> => list_to_bitstring(Nonce)
+ }),
+ %% Signed Message
+ jose_jws:sign(Key, Json, JwsObj).
+%% Debugging Funcs -- They are only used for the development phase
+%% A typical acme workflow
+scenario(CAUrl, AccId, PrivateKey) ->
+ DirURL = CAUrl ++ "/" ++ ?DIRURL,
+ {ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = directory(DirURL),
+ AccURL = CAUrl ++ ?REGURL ++ AccId,
+ {ok, {_TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = get_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Nonce0).
+new_user_scenario(CAUrl) ->
+ PrivateKey = generate_key(),
+ DirURL = CAUrl ++ "/" ++ ?DIRURL,
+ {ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = directory(DirURL),
+ #{"new-reg" := NewAccURL} = Dirs,
+ Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [<<"">>]}],
+ {ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = new_account(NewAccURL, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
+ {_, AccId} = proplists:lookup(<<"id">>, Account),
+ AccURL = CAUrl ++ ?REGURL ++ integer_to_list(AccId),
+ Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}],
+ {ok, Account1, Nonce2} = update_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce1),
+ {Account1, PrivateKey}.
+generate_key() ->
+ jose_jwk:generate_key({ec, secp256r1}).
+%% Just a test
+scenario0() ->
+ PrivateKey = jose_jwk:from_file(?DEFAULT_KEY_FILE),
+ % scenario("http://localhost:4000", "2", PrivateKey).
+ new_user_scenario("http://localhost:4000").