path: root/priv
diff options
authorBadlop <>2016-02-24 12:34:53 +0100
committerBadlop <>2016-02-24 12:34:53 +0100
commit2c856c71f65d60ad23e5c13319c83f98a4986b8f (patch)
tree13845156d178ae09836c2d7b384425f861b76adf /priv
parentMake caps warning less confusing (#955) (diff)
Update translated files, as there wee many improvements
Diffstat (limited to 'priv')
9 files changed, 351 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/priv/msgs/cs.msg b/priv/msgs/cs.msg
index a370d02a..f0c74988 100644
--- a/priv/msgs/cs.msg
+++ b/priv/msgs/cs.msg
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
{"Access Configuration","Konfigurace přístupů"}.
{"Access Control List Configuration","Konfigurace seznamu přístupových práv (ACL)"}.
{"Access control lists","Seznamy přístupových práv (ACL)"}.
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
{"April",". dubna"}.
{"August",". srpna"}.
{"Backup Management","Správa zálohování"}.
+{"Backup of ~p","Záloha ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Záloha do souboru na "}.
{"Bad format","Nesprávný formát"}.
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@
{"CPU Time:","Čas procesoru"}.
+{"Database Tables at ~p","Databázové tabulky na ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Konfigurace databázových tabulek "}.
{"December",". prosince"}.
{"Default users as participants","Uživatelé jsou implicitně členy"}.
@@ -78,13 +81,16 @@
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Povolit nebo odmítnout voice žádost."}.
{"ejabberd IRC module","ejabberd IRC modul"}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","ejabberd MUC modul"}.
+{"ejabberd Multicast service","Služba ejabberd Multicast"}.
{"ejabberd Publish-Subscribe module","ejabberd Publish-Subscribe modul"}.
{"ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module","ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams modul"}.
{"ejabberd vCard module","ejabberd vCard modul"}.
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Webová administrace ejabberd"}.
+{"Empty Rooms","Prázdné konference"}.
{"Enable logging","Zaznamenávat konverzace"}.
+{"Enable message archiving","Povolit ukládání historie zpráv"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Kódování pro server ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Ukončit sezení uživatele"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Vložte seznam modulů {Modul, [Parametry]}"}.
@@ -100,6 +106,7 @@
{"Example: [{\"\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"\", \"utf-8\"}].","Příklad: [{\"\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"\", \"utf-8\"}].2\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Vyloučit Jabber ID z procesu CAPTCHA ověřování"}.
+{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Zálohovat všechny tabulky jako SQL dotazy do souboru:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportovat všechny uživatele do souboru ve formátu PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportovat uživatele na hostiteli do souboru ve formátu PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Došlo k chybě při získávání Jabber ID z vaší žádosti o voice práva"}.
@@ -137,6 +144,7 @@
{"Import Users from Dir at ","Importovat uživatele z adresáře na "}.
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importovat uživatele z jabberd14 spool souborů"}.
{"Improper message type","Nesprávný typ zprávy"}.
+{"Incoming s2s Connections:",""}.
{"Incorrect password","Nesprávné heslo"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Neplatné přiřazení: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Neplatná role: ~s"}.
@@ -149,6 +157,7 @@
{"IRC username","IRC přezdívka"}.
{"IRC Username","IRC přezdívka"}.
{"is now known as","se přejmenoval(a) na"}.
+{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Není povoleno posílat chybové zprávy do konference. Účastník (~s) odeslal chybovou zprávu (~s) a byl vyhozen z konference."}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Je zakázáno posílat soukromé zprávy"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Není dovoleno odeslání soukromé zprávy typu \"skupinová zpráva\" "}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Není povoleno odesílat soukromé zprávy do konference"}.
@@ -170,6 +179,7 @@
{"Listened Ports at ","Otevřené porty na "}.
{"Listened Ports","Otevřené porty"}.
{"List of modules to start","Seznam modulů, které mají být spuštěné"}.
+{"List of rooms","Seznam konferencí"}.
{"Low level update script","Nízkoúrovňový aktualizační skript"}.
{"Make participants list public","Nastavit seznam účastníků jako veřejný"}.
{"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Chránit místnost pomocí CAPTCHA"}.
@@ -190,12 +200,16 @@
{"Message body","Tělo zprávy"}.
{"Middle Name","Druhé jméno"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Minimální interval mezi žádostmi o voice práva (v sekundách)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Potřebujete práva moderátora"}.
{"moderators only","moderátorům"}.
{"Modified modules","Aktualizované moduly"}.
+{"Modules at ~p","Moduly v ~p"}.
+{"Multi-User Chat","Víceuživatelský chat"}.
@@ -208,6 +222,7 @@
{"No Data","Žádná data"}.
{"Node ID","ID uzlu"}.
{"Node not found","Uzel nenalezen"}.
+{"Node ~p","Uzel ~p"}.
{"No limit","Bez limitu"}.
@@ -229,6 +244,7 @@
{"Online Users:","Online uživatelé:"}.
{"Online Users","Online uživatelé"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Doručovat upozornění jen právě přihlášeným uživatelům"}.
+{"Only members may query archives of this room","Pouze moderátoři mají povoleno měnit téma místnosti"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Jen moderátoři a účastníci mají povoleno měnit téma této místnosti"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Jen moderátoři mají povoleno měnit téma místnosti"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Pouze moderátoři mohou schválit žádosti o voice práva"}.
@@ -242,6 +258,7 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Odchozí s2s spojení"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Jsou vyžadována práva vlastníka"}.
{"Password ~b","Heslo ~b"}.
@@ -251,9 +268,12 @@
{"Path to File","Cesta k souboru"}.
{"Period: ","Čas: "}.
+{"Permanent rooms","Stálých konferencí"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Uložit položky natrvalo do úložiště"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Podotýkáme, že tato nastavení budou zálohována do zabudované databáze Mnesia. Pokud používáte ODBC modul, musíte zálohovat svoji SQL databázi samostatně."}.
+{"Please specify file name.","Zvolit jméno souboru."}.
+{"Please specify file size.","Zvolit velikost souboru."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Prosím, počkejte chvíli před posláním nové žádosti o voice práva"}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
@@ -271,6 +291,7 @@
{"Really delete message of the day?","Skutečně smazat zprávu dne?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Příjemce se nenachází v konferenční místnosti"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Zaregistrujte si účet Jabberu"}.
+{"Registered nicknames","Registrované přezdívky"}.
{"Registered Users","Registrovaní uživatelé"}.
{"Registered Users:","Registrovaní živatelé:"}.
{"Register","Zaregistrovat se"}.
@@ -288,6 +309,7 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Okamžitě obnovit binární zálohu:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Okamžitě obnovit zálohu z textového souboru:"}.
+{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Role, pro které je zpráva o stavu šířena"}.
{"Room Configuration","Nastavení místnosti"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Pravidla služby nepovolují vytvořit místnost"}.
{"Room description","Popis místnosti"}.
@@ -311,6 +333,7 @@
{"September",". září"}.
{"Server ~b","Server ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Nastavit zprávu dne a odeslat ji online uživatelům"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Nastavit zprávu dne a odeslat ji online uživatelům"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Skupiny pro sdílený seznam kontaktů"}.
@@ -352,6 +375,7 @@
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Při změně hesla došlo k chybě: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Při vytváření účtu došlo k chybě."}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Při mazání účtu došlo k chybě: "}.
+{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","IP adresa je blokována na ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Zde nezáleží na velikosti písmen: macbeth je stejný jako MacBeth a Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Na této stránce si můžete vytvořit účet na tomto serveru Jabberu. Vaše JID (Jabber IDentifikátor) bude mít tvar: uživatelskéjméno@server. Přečtěte si prosím pozorně instrukce pro vyplnění údajů."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Zde můžete zrušit registraci účtu na tomto serveru Jabberu."}.
@@ -359,8 +383,11 @@
{"Time delay","Časový posun"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Přiliš mnoho CAPTCHA žádostí"}.
+{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Příliš mnoho (~p) chybných pokusů o přihlášení z této IP adresy (~s). Adresa bude zablokována do ~s UTC"}.
+{"Too many unacked stanzas","Příliš mnoho nepotvrzených stanz"}.
{"To ~s","Pro ~s"}.
+{"Total rooms","Celkem konferencí"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Byl překročen limit"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transakce zrušena"}.
{"Transactions Committed:","Transakce potvrzena"}.
@@ -374,6 +401,7 @@
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizovat zprávu dne (neodesílat)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Aktualizovat zprávu dne pro všechny hostitele (neodesílat)"}.
+{"Update ~p","Aktualizovat ~p"}.
{"Update plan","Aktualizovat plán"}.
{"Update script","Aktualizované skripty"}.
{"Uptime:","Čas běhu:"}.
@@ -381,6 +409,7 @@
{"User JID","Jabber ID uživatele"}.
{"User Management","Správa uživatelů"}.
{"Username:","Uživatelské jméno:"}.
+{"User ~s",""}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Je zakázáno registrovat účty v tak rychlém sledu"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Poslední aktivita uživatele"}.
@@ -388,6 +417,7 @@
{"vCard User Search","Hledání uživatelů podle vizitek"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Virtuální hostitelé"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Návštěvníkům této místnosti je zakázáno měnit přezdívku"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Návštevníci nemají povoleno zasílat zprávy všem účastníkům konference"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Voice žádosti jsou v této konferenci zakázány"}.
diff --git a/priv/msgs/de.msg b/priv/msgs/de.msg
index 1d313b2a..dd22e684 100644
--- a/priv/msgs/de.msg
+++ b/priv/msgs/de.msg
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
{"Access Configuration","Zugangskonfiguration"}.
{"Access Control List Configuration","Konfiguration der Zugangskontrolllisten"}.
{"Access control lists","Zugangskontroll-Listen (ACL)"}.
@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd Web-Admin"}.
+{"Empty Rooms","Leere Räume"}.
{"Enable logging","Protokollierung aktivieren"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Nachrichtenarchivierung aktivieren"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Kodierung für Server ~b"}.
@@ -142,6 +144,7 @@
{"Import Users from Dir at ","Benutzer importieren aus dem Verzeichnis "}.
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importiere Benutzer aus jabberd14-Spool-Dateien"}.
{"Improper message type","Unzulässiger Nachrichtentyp"}.
+{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Eingehende s2s-Verbindungen:"}.
{"Incorrect password","Falsches Passwort"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Ungültige Mitgliedschaft: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Ungültige Rolle: ~s"}.
@@ -154,6 +157,7 @@
{"IRC username","IRC Benutzername"}.
{"IRC Username","IRC-Benutzername"}.
{"is now known as","ist nun bekannt als"}.
+{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Es ist nicht erlaubt Fehlermeldungen an den Raum zu senden. Der Teilnehmer (~s) hat eine Fehlermeldung (~s) gesendet und wurde aus dem Raum entfernt"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten zu senden"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten des Typs \"Gruppenchat\" zu senden"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten an den Raum zu schicken"}.
@@ -196,6 +200,7 @@
{"Message body","Nachrichtentext"}.
{"Middle Name","Zweiter Vorname"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Mindestdauer zwischen Anfragen für Sprachrechte (in Sekunden)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Moderatorrechte benötigt"}.
{"moderators only","ausschliesslich Moderatoren"}.
{"Modified modules","Geänderte Module"}.
@@ -210,7 +215,7 @@
{"New Password:","Neues Passwort:"}.
-{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrieren des Benutzernames auf"}.
+{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrieren des Benutzernames auf "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Der Benutzername ~s existiert im Raum nicht"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Kein Text für die Ankündigungsnachricht angegeben"}.
@@ -239,6 +244,7 @@
{"Online Users:","Angemeldete Benutzer:"}.
{"Online Users","Angemeldete Benutzer"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Benachrichtigungen nur an verfügbare Benutzer schicken"}.
+{"Only members may query archives of this room","Nur Mitglieder dürfen den Verlauf dieses Raumes abrufen"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Nur Moderatoren und Mitglieder dürfen das Thema in diesem Raum ändern"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Nur Moderatoren dürfen das Thema in diesem Raum ändern"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Nur Moderatoren können Anfragen für Sprachrechte bestätigen"}.
@@ -252,6 +258,7 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Ausgehende s2s-Verbindungen"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Besitzerrechte benötigt"}.
{"Password ~b","Passwort ~b"}.
@@ -261,10 +268,12 @@
{"Path to File","Pfad zur Datei"}.
{"Period: ","Zeitraum: "}.
-{"Permanent rooms","permanente Chaträume"}.
+{"Permanent rooms","Permanente Chaträume"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Einträge dauerhaft speichern"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Beachten sie, das diese Optionen nur die eingebaute Mnesia-Datenbank sichern. Wenn sie das ODBC-Modul verwenden, müssen sie die SQL-Datenbank manuell sichern."}.
+{"Please specify file name.","Bitte geben Sie den Dateinamen an."}.
+{"Please specify file size.","Bitte geben Sie die Dateigröße an."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Bitte warten sie ein wenig, bevor sie eine weitere Anfrage für Sprachrechte senden"}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
@@ -300,6 +309,7 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Stelle binäre Sicherung sofort wieder her:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Stelle Klartext-Sicherung sofort wieder her:"}.
+{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Rollen, für die der Status übertragen wird"}.
{"Room Configuration","Raum-Konfiguration"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Anlegen des Raumes aufgrund der Dienstrichtlinien verweigert"}.
{"Room description","Raum Beschreibung"}.
@@ -323,6 +333,7 @@
{"Server ~b","Server ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Setze Nachricht des Tages und sende sie an alle angemeldeten Benutzer"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Setze Nachricht des Tages auf allen Hosts und sende sie an alle angemeldeten Benutzer"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Gruppen der gemeinsamen Kontaktliste"}.
@@ -406,6 +417,7 @@
{"vCard User Search","vCard-Benutzer-Suche"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Virtuelle Hosts"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Besucher dürfen in diesem Raum ihren Benutzernamen nicht ändern"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Besucher dürfen nicht an alle Teilnehmer Nachrichten verschicken"}.
{"Voice request","Anfrage für Sprachrechte"}.
diff --git a/priv/msgs/he.msg b/priv/msgs/he.msg
index 2fa51b74..65092de4 100644
--- a/priv/msgs/he.msg
+++ b/priv/msgs/he.msg
@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@
{"Online Users","משתמשים מקוונים"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","מסור התראות למשתמשים זמינים בלבד"}.
+{"Only members may query archives of this room","רק חברים רשאים לתשאל ארכיונים של חדר זה"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","רק אחראים ומשתתפים רשאים לשנות את הנושא בחדר זה"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","רק אחראים רשאים לשנות את הנושא בחדר זה"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","רק אחראים יכולים לאשר בקשות ביטוי"}.
diff --git a/priv/msgs/ja.msg b/priv/msgs/ja.msg
index d6a9a0a4..404a1620 100644
--- a/priv/msgs/ja.msg
+++ b/priv/msgs/ja.msg
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
{"Access Configuration","アクセス設定"}.
{"Access Control List Configuration","アクセスコントロールリスト設定"}.
{"Access control lists","アクセスコントロールリスト"}.
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","イベント通知と同時にペイロードを配送する"}.
{"Disc only copy","ディスクだけのコピー"}.
-{"Displayed Groups:","表示グループ"}.
+{"Displayed Groups:","表示グループ:"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","パスワードは誰にも教えないようにしてください。Jabber サーバーの管理者があなたにパスワードを尋ねることはありません。"}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","テキストファイルにバックアップ: "}.
{"Dump to Text File","テキストファイルに出力"}.
@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd ウェブ管理"}.
+{"Empty Rooms","空のルーム"}.
{"Enable logging","ロギングを有効"}.
{"Enable message archiving","メッセージアーカイブを有効化"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","サーバーのエンコーディング ~b"}.
@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Example: [{\"\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"\", \"utf-8\"}].","例: [{\"\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
-{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","CAPTCHA 試験を免除する Jabber ID"}.
+{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","CAPTCHA 入力を免除する Jabber ID"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","すべてのテーブルをSQL形式でファイルにエクスポート: "}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","サーバーにあるすべてのユーザーデータを PIEFXIS ファイルにエクスポート (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","ホストのユーザーデータを PIEFXIS ファイルにエクスポート (XEP-0227):"}.
@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","項目を入力してユーザーを検索してください"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","項目を入力してユーザーを検索を行えます (* を使用すると部分文字列にマッチします)"}.
-{"From ~s","差出人 ~s"}.
+{"From ~s","From ~s"}.
{"Full Name","氏名"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","オンラインユーザー数を取得"}.
@@ -142,6 +144,7 @@
{"Import Users from Dir at ","ディレクトリからユーザーをインポート: "}.
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","jabberd14 Spool ファイルからユーザーをインポート"}.
{"Improper message type","誤ったメッセージタイプです"}.
+{"Incoming s2s Connections:","内向き s2s コネクション:"}.
{"Incorrect password","パスワードが違います"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","無効な分掌です: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","無効な役です: ~s"}.
@@ -154,6 +157,7 @@
{"IRC username","IRC ユーザー名"}.
{"IRC Username","IRC ユーザー名"}.
{"is now known as","は名前を変更しました: "}.
+{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","このルームにエラーメッセージを送ることは許可されていません。参加者(~s)はエラーメッセージを(~s)を送信してルームからキックされました。"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","種別が\"groupchat\" であるプライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","この会議にプライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","プライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
@@ -196,6 +200,7 @@
{"Message body","本文"}.
{"Middle Name","ミドルネーム"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","発言権の要求の最小時間間隔 (秒)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","モデレーター権限が必要です"}.
{"moderators only","モデレーターにのみ"}.
{"Modified modules","更新されたモジュール"}.
@@ -221,7 +226,7 @@
{"No limit","制限なし"}.
-{"No resource provided","リソースが提供されませんでした"}.
+{"No resource provided","リソースが指定されていません"}.
{"Not Found","見つかりません"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","アイテムがノードから消された時に購読者へ通知する"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","ノード設定に変更があった時に購読者へ通知する"}.
@@ -239,6 +244,7 @@
{"Online Users:","オンラインユーザー:"}.
{"Online Users","オンラインユーザー"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","有効なユーザーにのみ告知を送信する"}.
+{"Only members may query archives of this room","メンバーのみがこのルームのアーカイブを取得できます"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","モデレーターと参加者のみがチャットルームの件名を変更できます"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","モデレーターのみがチャットルームの件名を変更できます"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","モデレーターだけが発言権の要求を承認できます"}.
@@ -252,7 +258,8 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","外向き s2s コネクション"}.
{"Owner privileges required","主宰者の権限が必要です"}.
{"Password ~b","パスワード ~b"}.
{"Password Verification:","パスワード (確認):"}.
@@ -265,6 +272,8 @@
{"Persist items to storage","アイテムをストレージに保存する"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","これらのオプションは組み込みの Mnesia データーベースのバックアップのみを行うことに注意してください。もし ODBC モジュールを使用している場合は、SQL データーベースのバックアップを別に行う必要があります。"}.
+{"Please specify file name.","ファイル名を指定してください。"}.
+{"Please specify file size.","ファイルサイズを指定してください。"}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","新しい発言権の要求を送るまで少し間をおいてください"}.
@@ -300,6 +309,7 @@
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","ejabberd の再起動時にバイナリバックアップからリストア (メモリ少):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","直ちにバイナリバックアップからリストア:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","直ちにプレーンテキストバックアップからリストア:"}.
+{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","プレゼンスをブロードキャストするロール"}.
{"Room Configuration","チャットルームの設定"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","サービスポリシーによってチャットルームの作成が禁止されています"}.
{"Room description","チャットルームの説明"}.
@@ -322,6 +332,7 @@
{"Send announcement to all users","すべてのユーザーにアナウンスを送信"}.
{"Server ~b","サーバー ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","お知らせメッセージを設定し、オンラインユーザーに送信"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","全ホストのお知らせメッセージを設定し、オンラインユーザーに送信"}.
@@ -367,7 +378,7 @@
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","このIPアドレスはアクセスを禁止されています ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","大文字と小文字は区別しません: macbeth は MacBeth や Macbeth と同じです。"}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","ここはこの Jabber サーバーにアカウントを作成するページです。あなたの JID (JabberID) は username@server のような形式になります。注意事項どおり、正しく項目を記入してください。"}.
-{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","ここはこの Jabber サーバーのアカウントを削除するページです。"}.
+{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","このページはサーバー上のJabberアカウントを削除するページです。"}.
{"Time delay","遅延時間"}.
@@ -376,7 +387,7 @@
{"Too many unacked stanzas","多くのスタンザが応答していません"}.
{"To ~s","宛先 ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","チャットルーム数"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","トラフィックレートの制限を超えました"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","トランザクションの失敗:"}.
{"Transactions Committed:","トランザクションのコミット:"}.
@@ -394,7 +405,7 @@
{"Update script","スクリプトの更新"}.
-{"Use of STARTTLS required","STARTTLS の使用が必要です"}.
+{"Use of STARTTLS required","STARTTLS の使用が必須です"}.
{"User JID","ユーザー JID"}.
{"User Management","ユーザー管理"}.
@@ -408,6 +419,7 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","バーチャルホスト"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","傍聴者はこのチャットルームでニックネームを変更することはできません"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","傍聴者はすべての在室者にメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","この会議では、発言権の要求はできません"}.
{"Voice request","発言権を要求"}.
diff --git a/priv/msgs/pl.msg b/priv/msgs/pl.msg
index 4bab696c..03fbd3d0 100644
--- a/priv/msgs/pl.msg
+++ b/priv/msgs/pl.msg
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
{"Access Configuration","Konfiguracja dostępu"}.
{"Access Control List Configuration","Konfiguracja listy dostępowej"}.
{"Access Control Lists","Lista dostępowa"}.
@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd: Panel Administracyjny"}.
+{"Empty Rooms","Puste pokoje"}.
{"Enable logging","Włącz logowanie"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Włącz archiwizowanie rozmów"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Kodowanie znaków dla serwera ~b"}.
@@ -142,6 +144,7 @@
{"Import Users from Dir at ","Importuj użytkowników z katalogu na "}.
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importuj użytkowników z plików roboczych serwera jabberd14"}.
{"Improper message type","Nieprawidłowy typ wiadomości"}.
+{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Przychodzące połączenia s2s:"}.
{"Incorrect password","Nieprawidłowe hasło"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Nieprawidłowa przynależność: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Nieprawidłowa rola: ~s"}.
@@ -154,6 +157,7 @@
{"IRC username","Nazwa użytkownika IRC"}.
{"IRC Username","Nazwa użytkownika IRC"}.
{"is now known as","jest teraz znany jako"}.
+{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Użytkownik nie może wysyłać wiadomości o błędach do pokoju. Użytkownik (~s) wysłał błąd (~s) i został wyrzucony z pokoju"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Nie można wysyłać prywatnych wiadomości typu \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nie wolno wysyłac prywatnych wiadomości na konferencję"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Wysyłanie prywatnych wiadomości jest zabronione"}.
@@ -196,6 +200,7 @@
{"Message body","Treść wiadomości"}.
{"Middle Name","Drugie imię"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Minimalny odstęp między żądaniami głosowymi (w sekundach)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Wymagane uprawnienia moderatora"}.
{"moderators only","tylko moderatorzy"}.
{"Modified modules","Zmodyfikowane moduły"}.
@@ -239,6 +244,7 @@
{"Online Users:","Użytkownicy zalogowani:"}.
{"Online Users","Użytkownicy zalogowani"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Dostarczaj powiadomienia tylko dostępnym użytkownikom"}.
+{"Only members may query archives of this room","Tylko moderatorzy mogą przeglądać archiwa tego pokoju"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Tylko moderatorzy i uczestnicy mogą zmienić temat tego pokoju"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Tylko moderatorzy mogą zmienić temat tego pokoju"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Tylko moderatorzy mogą zatwierdzać żądania głosowe"}.
@@ -252,6 +258,7 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Wychodzące połączenia s2s"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Wymagane uprawnienia właściciela"}.
{"Password ~b","Hasło ~b"}.
@@ -265,6 +272,8 @@
{"Persist items to storage","Przechowuj na stałe dane PubSub"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Te opcje kopii zapasowych dotyczą tylko wbudowanej bazy danych typu Mnesia. Jeśli korzystasz z modułu ODBC, musisz wykonać kopie bazy we własnym zakresie."}.
+{"Please specify file name.","Proszę podać nazwę pliku."}.
+{"Please specify file size.","Proszę podać rozmiar pliku."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Proszę poczekać chwile, zanim wyślesz nowe żądanie głosowe"}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
@@ -300,6 +309,7 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Natychmiast odtwórz kopię binarną:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Natychmiast odtwórz kopię z postaci tekstowej:"}.
{"Restore","Przywróć z kopii"}.
+{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Role dla których wysyłane są statusy"}.
{"Room Configuration","Konfiguracja pokoju"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Zasady serwera zabraniają tworzyć nowe pokoje"}.
{"Room description","Opis pokoju"}.
@@ -323,6 +333,7 @@
{"Server ~b","Serwer ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Wyślij wiadomość dnia do wszystkich zalogowanych użytkowników"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Ustaw wiadomość dnia dla wszystkich hostów i wyślij do zalogowanych uzytkowników"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Wspólne grupy kontaktów"}.
@@ -406,6 +417,7 @@
{"vCard User Search","Wyszukiwanie vCard użytkowników"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Wirtualne Hosty"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Uczestnicy tego pokoju nie mogą zmieniać swoich nicków"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Odwiedzający nie mogą wysyłać wiadomości do wszystkich obecnych"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Głosowe żądania są wyłączone w tym pokoju"}.
diff --git a/priv/msgs/pt-br.msg b/priv/msgs/pt-br.msg
index c866608e..3e7b28ee 100644
--- a/priv/msgs/pt-br.msg
+++ b/priv/msgs/pt-br.msg
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
{"Access Configuration","Configuração de Acesso"}.
{"Access Control List Configuration","Configuração da Lista de Controle de Acesso"}.
{"Access control lists","Listas de Controle de Acesso"}.
@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd Web Admin"}.
+{"Empty Rooms","Salas vazias"}.
{"Enable logging","Permitir criação de logs"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Habilitar arquivamento de mensagens"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Codificação para o servidor ~b"}.
@@ -121,7 +123,7 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Obter a Data do Último Login"}.
{"Get User Password","Obter Senha do Usuário"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Obter Estatísticas do Usuário"}.
-{"Grant voice to this person?","Dar 'voice' a esta usuário?"}.
+{"Grant voice to this person?","Dar voz a esta pessoa?"}.
{"Group ","Grupo "}.
{"has been banned","foi banido"}.
@@ -142,6 +144,7 @@
{"Import Users from Dir at ","Importar usuários a partir do diretório em "}.
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importar usuários de arquivos jabberd14 (spool files)"}.
{"Improper message type","Tipo de mensagem incorreto"}.
+{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Conexões que entram de s2s"}.
{"Incorrect password","Senha incorreta"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Afiliação não válida: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Cargo (role) é não válido: ~s"}.
@@ -154,6 +157,7 @@
{"IRC username","Usuário IRC"}.
{"IRC Username","Usuário IRC"}.
{"is now known as","é agora conhecido como"}.
+{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Não é permitido o envio de mensagens de erro a esta sala. O membro (~s) enviou uma mensagem de erro (~s) e foi desconectado (\"kicked\")."}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir o envio de mensagens privadas para a sala"}.
@@ -196,6 +200,7 @@
{"Message body","Corpo da mensagem"}.
{"Middle Name","Nome do meio"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","O intervalo mínimo entre requisições de voz (em segundos)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Se necessita privilégios de moderador"}.
{"moderators only","apenas moderadores"}.
{"Modified modules","Módulos atualizados"}.
@@ -239,6 +244,7 @@
{"Online Users","Usuários conectados"}.
{"Online Users:","Usuários online"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Somente enviar notificações aos usuários disponíveis"}.
+{"Only members may query archives of this room","Somente os membros podem procurar nos arquivos desta sala"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Somente os moderadores e os participamentes podem alterar o assunto desta sala"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Somente os moderadores podem alterar o assunto desta sala"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Somente moderadores podem aprovar requisições de voz"}.
@@ -252,6 +258,7 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Conexões que partem de s2s"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Se requer privilégios de proprietário da sala"}.
{"Password ~b","Senha ~b"}.
@@ -265,6 +272,8 @@
{"Persist items to storage","Persistir elementos ao armazenar"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Observe que tais opções farão backup apenas da base de dados Mnesia. Caso você esteja utilizando o modulo ODBC, você precisará fazer backup de sua base de dados SQL separadamente."}.
+{"Please specify file name.","Por favor informe o nome do arquivo."}.
+{"Please specify file size.","Por favor informe o tamanho do arquivo."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Por favor, espere antes de enviar uma nova requisição de voz"}.
{"Port ~b","Porta ~b"}.
@@ -300,6 +309,7 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restaurar backup binário imediatamente"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Restaurar backup formato texto imediatamente:"}.
+{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Para quem a presença será notificada"}.
{"Room Configuration","Configuração de salas"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Sala não pode ser criada devido à política do serviço"}.
{"Room description","Descrição da Sala"}.
@@ -323,6 +333,7 @@
{"Server ~b","Servidor ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Definir mensagem do dia e enviar a todos usuários online"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Definir mensagem do dia em todos os hosts e enviar para os usuários online"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Grupos Shared Roster"}.
@@ -330,7 +341,7 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Tabela Ordinária"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Parar Serviço"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s convidou você para a sala ~s"}.
-{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clientes jabber podem salvar a sua senha no seu computador. Use o recurso somente se você considera este computador seguro o suficiente."}.
+{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clientes jabber podem salvar a sua senha no seu computador. Use recurso somente se você considera este computador seguro o suficiente."}.
{"Specify the access model","Especificar os modelos de acesso"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Especificar o tipo de mensagem para o evento"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Especificar o modelo do publicante"}.
@@ -343,7 +354,7 @@
{"Stop Modules at ","Parar módulos em "}.
{"Stop Modules","Parar módulos"}.
-{"Stopped Nodes","Nós parados"}.
+{"Stopped Nodes","Nos parados"}.
{"Storage Type","Tipo de armazenamento"}.
{"Store binary backup:","Armazenar backup binário:"}.
{"Store plain text backup:","Armazenar backup em texto:"}.
@@ -408,6 +419,7 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","Hosts virtuais"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Nesta sala, os visitantes não podem mudar seus apelidos"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Os visitantes não podem enviar mensagens a todos os ocupantes"}.
{"Voice request","Requisição de voz"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Requisições de voz estão desabilitadas nesta conferência"}.
@@ -419,7 +431,7 @@
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Você precisa de um cliente com suporte de x:data para poder registrar o nick"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Você precisa de um cliente com suporte a x:data para registrar o seu apelido"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Necessitas um cliente com suporte de x:data para configurar as opções de mod_irc"}.
-{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Necessitas um cliente com suporte de x:data para configurar la sala"}.
+{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Necessitas um cliente com suporte de x:data para configurar a sala"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necessitas um cliente com suporte de x:data para poder buscar"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Sua lista de privacidade ativa negou o roteamento deste."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Sua fila de mensagens offline esta cheia. Sua mensagem foi descartada"}.
diff --git a/priv/msgs/uk.msg b/priv/msgs/uk.msg
index 985796ca..568ac092 100644
--- a/priv/msgs/uk.msg
+++ b/priv/msgs/uk.msg
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
{"Access Configuration","Конфігурація доступу"}.
{"Access Control List Configuration","Конфігурація списків керування доступом"}.
{"Access control lists","Списки керування доступом"}.
@@ -21,7 +22,9 @@
{"Allow users to send invites","Дозволити користувачам надсилати запрошення"}.
{"Allow users to send private messages","Дозволити приватні повідомлення"}.
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Дозволити відвідувачам змінювати псевдонім"}.
+{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Дозволити відвідувачам відсилати приватні повідомлення"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Дозволити відвідувачам відсилати текст статусу в оновленнях присутності"}.
+{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Дозволити відвідувачам надсилати голосові запрошення"}.
{"All Users","Всі користувачі"}.
{"anyone","всім учасникам"}.
@@ -29,6 +32,7 @@
{"Backup Management","Керування резервним копіюванням"}.
+{"Backup of ~p","Резервне копіювання ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Резервне копіювання в файл на "}.
{"Backup","Резервне копіювання"}.
{"Bad format","Неправильний формат"}.
@@ -56,6 +60,7 @@
{"Connections parameters","Параметри з'єднання"}.
{"CPU Time:","Процесорний час:"}.
+{"Database Tables at ~p","Таблиці бази даних на ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Конфігурація таблиць бази даних на "}.
{"Database","База даних"}.
@@ -73,15 +78,19 @@
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Копіювання в текстовий файл на "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Копіювання в текстовий файл"}.
{"Edit Properties","Змінити параметри"}.
+{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Підтвердить або відхилите голосовий запит"}.
{"ejabberd IRC module","ejabberd IRC модуль"}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","ejabberd MUC модуль"}.
+{"ejabberd Multicast service","Мультікаст ejabberd сервіс"}.
{"ejabberd Publish-Subscribe module","Модуль ejabberd Публікації-Підписки"}.
{"ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module","ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams модуль"}.
{"ejabberd vCard module","ejabberd vCard модуль"}.
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Веб-інтерфейс Адміністрування ejabberd"}.
{"Email","Електронна пошта"}.
+{"Empty Rooms","Порожні кімнати"}.
{"Enable logging","Включити журнал роботи"}.
+{"Enable message archiving","Ввімкнути архівацію повідомлень"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Кодування для сервера ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Закінчити Сеанс Користувача"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Введіть перелік такого виду {Module, [Options]}"}.
@@ -97,8 +106,10 @@
{"Example: [{\"\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"\", \"utf-8\"}].","Приклад: [{\"\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Пропускати ці Jabber ID без CAPTCHA-запиту"}.
+{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Експорт усіх таблиць, як SQL запити, у файл"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Експорт даних всіх користувачів сервера до файлу PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Експорт даних користувачів домена до файлу PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
+{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Помилка витягнення JID з вашого схвалення голосового запиту"}.
{"Family Name","Прізвище"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Заповніть поля для пошуку користувача Jabber"}.
@@ -112,6 +123,7 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Отримати Час Останнього Підключення Користувача"}.
{"Get User Password","Отримати Пароль Користувача"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Отримати Статистику по Користувачу"}.
+{"Grant voice to this person?","Надати голос персоні?"}.
{"Group ","Група "}.
{"has been banned","заборонили вхід в кімнату"}.
@@ -130,8 +142,9 @@
{"Import users data from a PIEFXIS file (XEP-0227):","Імпорт даних користовучів з файлу PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Import users data from jabberd14 spool directory:","Імпорт користувачів з діректорії спула jabberd14:"}.
{"Import Users from Dir at ","Імпортування користувача з директорії на "}.
-{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Імпорт користувачів зі спулу jabberd14"}.
+{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Імпорт користувачів з jabberd14 файлів \"Spool\""}.
{"Improper message type","Неправильний тип повідомлення"}.
+{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Вхідні s2s-з'єднання:"}.
{"Incorrect password","Неправильний пароль"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Недопустимий ранг: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Недопустима роль: ~s"}.
@@ -144,6 +157,7 @@
{"IRC username","Ім'я користувача IRC"}.
{"IRC Username","Ім'я користувача IRC"}.
{"is now known as","змінив(ла) псевдонім на"}.
+{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Не дозволяється відправляти помилкові повідомлення в кімнату. Учасник (~s) відправив помилкове повідомлення (~s), та був виганий з кімнати"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Не дозволяється надсилати приватні повідомлення типу \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Не дозволяється надсилати приватні повідомлення в конференцію"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Приватні повідомлення не дозволені"}.
@@ -165,6 +179,7 @@
{"Listened Ports at ","Відкриті порти на "}.
{"Listened Ports","Відкриті порти"}.
{"List of modules to start","Список завантажуваних модулів"}.
+{"List of rooms","Перелік кімнат"}.
{"Low level update script","Низькорівневий сценарій поновлення"}.
{"Make participants list public","Зробити список учасників видимим всім"}.
{"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Зробити кімнату захищеною капчею"}.
@@ -184,12 +199,17 @@
{"Message body","Тіло повідомлення"}.
{"Middle Name","По-батькові"}.
+{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Мінімальний інтервал між голосовими запитами (в секундах)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Необхідні права модератора"}.
{"moderators only","тільки модераторам"}.
{"Modified modules","Змінені модулі"}.
+{"Modules at ~p","Модулі на ~p"}.
+{"Multi-User Chat","Багато-користувальницький чат"}.
@@ -198,9 +218,11 @@
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Псевдонім ~s в кімнаті відсутній"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Тіло оголошення має бути непустим"}.
{"No Data","Немає даних"}.
{"Node ID","ID вузла"}.
{"Node not found","Вузол не знайдено"}.
+{"Node ~p","Вузол ~p"}.
{"No limit","Без обмежень"}.
@@ -222,8 +244,10 @@
{"Online Users","Підключені користувачі"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Доставляти повідомленнями тільки доступним користувачам"}.
+{"Only members may query archives of this room","Тільки модератори можуть запитувати архіви цієї кімнати"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Тільки модератори та учасники можуть змінювати тему в цій кімнаті"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Тільки модератори можуть змінювати тему в цій кімнаті"}.
+{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Тільки модератори можуть схвалювати голосові запити"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Тільки присутнім дозволяється надсилати повідомленняя в конференцію"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Тільки присутнім дозволяється відправляти запити в конференцію"}.
{"Only service administrators are allowed to send service messages","Тільки адміністратор сервісу може надсилати службові повідомлення"}.
@@ -234,6 +258,7 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Вихідні s2s-з'єднання"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Необхідні права власника"}.
{"Password ~b","Пароль ~b"}.
{"Password Verification:","Перевірка Пароля:"}.
{"Password Verification","Перевірка Пароля"}.
@@ -243,9 +268,13 @@
{"Path to File","Шлях до файла"}.
{"Period: ","Період"}.
+{"Permanent rooms","Постійні кімнати"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Зберегати публікації до сховища"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Зауважте, що ця опція відповідає за резервне копіювання тільки вбудованної бази даних Mnesia. Якщо Ви також використовуєте інше сховище для даних (наприклад за допомогою модуля ODBC), то його резервне копіювання потрібно робити окремо."}.
+{"Please specify file name.","Будь ласка вкажіть ім'я файлу."}.
+{"Please specify file size.","Будь ласка вкажіть розмір файлу."}.
+{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Будь ласка, почекайте деякий час перед тим, як знову відправляти голосовий запит"}.
{"Port ~b","Порт ~b"}.
@@ -259,9 +288,10 @@
{"RAM and disc copy","ОЗП та диск"}.
{"RAM copy","ОЗП"}.
{"Raw","необроблений формат"}.
-{"Really delete message of the day?","Насправді видалити повідомлення дня?"}.
+{"Really delete message of the day?","Насправді, видалити повідомлення дня?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Адресата немає в конференції"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Зареєструвати Jabber-акаунт"}.
+{"Registered nicknames","Зареєстровані імена"}.
{"Registered Users:","Зареєстровані користувачі:"}.
{"Registered Users","Зареєстровані користувачі"}.
@@ -279,6 +309,7 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Відновити з бінарної резервної копії негайно:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Відновити з текстової резервної копії негайно:"}.
{"Restore","Відновлення з резервної копії"}.
+{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Ролі для яких поширюється наявність"}.
{"Room Configuration","Конфігурація кімнати"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Створювати конференцію заборонено політикою служби"}.
{"Room description","Опис кімнати"}.
@@ -302,6 +333,7 @@
{"Server ~b","Сервер ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Встановити повідомлення дня та надіслати його підключеним користувачам"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Встановити повідомлення дня на всіх хостах та надійслати його підключеним користувачам"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Спільні групи контактів"}.
@@ -343,6 +375,7 @@
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Помилка при зміні пароля: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Помилка при створенні акаунту:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Помилка при видаленні акаунту: "}.
+{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Ця IP адреса у чорному списку ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Регістр не має значення: \"МАША\" та \"маша\" буде сприйматися як одне й те саме ім'я."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Тут ви можете зареєструвати обліковий запис Jabber на цьому сервері. Ваш JID (ідентифікатор Jabber) матиме вигляд \"користувач@сервер\". Щоб вірно заповнити поля нижче, будь ласка, уважно читайте інструкції до них."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Ця сторінка дозволяє видалити свій акаунт з Jabber-сервера."}.
@@ -350,7 +383,10 @@
{"Time delay","Час затримки"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Надто багато CAPTCHA-запитів"}.
+{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Забагато (~p) помилок авторизації з цієї IP адреси (~s). Адресу буде розблоковано о ~s UTC"}.
+{"Too many unacked stanzas","Занадто багато пакетів без відповідей"}.
{"To ~s","До ~s"}.
+{"Total rooms","Всього кімнат"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Швидкість передачі інформації було перевищено"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Транзакції відмінені:"}.
@@ -364,15 +400,18 @@
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Оновити повідомлення дня (не надсилати)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Оновити повідомлення дня на всіх хостах (не надсилати)"}.
-{"Update plan","План поновлення"}.
+{"Update plan","План оновлення"}.
+{"Update ~p","Оновлення ~p"}.
{"Update script","Сценарій поновлення"}.
{"Uptime:","Час роботи:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Ви мусите використовувати STARTTLS"}.
+{"User JID","JID Користувача"}.
{"User Management","Управління Користувачами"}.
{"Username:","Ім'я користувача:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Користувачам не дозволено так часто реєструвати облікові записи"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Статистика останнього підключення користувачів"}.
+{"User ~s","Користувач ~s"}.
@@ -380,6 +419,9 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","віртуальні хости"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Відвідувачам не дозволяється змінювати псевдонім в цій кімнаті"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Відвідувачам не дозволяється надсилати повідомлення всім присутнім"}.
+{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Голосові запити відключені в цій конференції"}.
+{"Voice request","Голосовий запит"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Коли надсилати останній опублікований елемент"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Дозволяти підписку"}.
diff --git a/priv/msgs/wa.msg b/priv/msgs/wa.msg
index 9c79a6f7..8946b71d 100644
--- a/priv/msgs/wa.msg
+++ b/priv/msgs/wa.msg
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
{"Access Configuration","Apontiaedje des accès"}.
{"Access Control List Configuration","Apontiaedje des droets (ACL)"}.
{"Access control lists","Droets (ACL)"}.
@@ -16,24 +17,35 @@
{"A friendly name for the node","On no uzeu-ahessåve pol nuk"}.
{"All activity","Dispoy todi"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Permete ki ci Jabber ID ci si poye abouner a ç' nuk eplaidaedje-abounmint ci?"}.
+{"Allow users to change the subject","Les uzeus polèt candjî l' tite"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Les uzeus polèt cweri ls ôtes uzeus"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Les uzeus polèt evoyî priyaedjes"}.
{"Allow users to send private messages","Les uzeus polèt evoyî des messaedjes privés"}.
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permete ki les viziteus candjexhe leus metous nos"}.
+{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Les uzeus polèt evoyî des messaedjes privés"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permete ki les viziteus evoyexhe des tecse d' estat dins leus messaedjes di prezince"}.
+{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Les uzeus polèt evoyî des dmandes di vwès"}.
{"All Users","Tos les uzeus"}.
{"anyone","tot l' minme kî"}.
+{"A password is required to enter this room","I fåt dner on scret po poleur intrer dins cisse såle ci"}.
{"Backup","Copeye di såvrité"}.
{"Backup Management","Manaedjaedje des copeyes di såvrité"}.
+{"Backup of ~p","Copeye di såvrité po ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Fé ene copeye di såvrité dins on fitchî so "}.
{"Bad format","Mwais fôrmat"}.
{"Birthday","Date d' askepiaedje"}.
+{"CAPTCHA web page","Pådje web CAPTCHA"}.
{"Change Password","Candjî l' sicret"}.
{"Change User Password","Candjî l' sicret d' l' uzeu"}.
+{"Characters not allowed:","Caracteres nén permetous:"}.
{"Chatroom configuration modified","L' apontiaedje del såle di berdelaedje a candjî"}.
+{"Chatroom is created","Li såle di berdelaedje est ahivêye"}.
+{"Chatroom is destroyed","Li såle di berdelaedje est distrûte"}.
+{"Chatroom is started","Li såle di berdelaedje est enondêye"}.
+{"Chatroom is stopped","Li såle di berdelaedje est ahotêye"}.
{"Chatrooms","Såles di berdelaedje"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Tchoezixhoz on no d' uzeu eyet on scret po vs edjîstrer so ç' sierveu ci"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Tchoezixhoz les modules a-z arester"}.
@@ -43,10 +55,13 @@
{"Conference room does not exist","Li såle di conferince n' egzistêye nén"}.
+{"Configuration of room ~s","Apontiaedje del såle ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Raloyî avou les rsoûces:"}.
+{"Connections parameters","Parametes des raloyaedjes"}.
{"CPU Time:","Tins CPU:"}.
{"Database","Båze di dnêyes"}.
+{"Database Tables at ~p","Tåves del båze di dnêyes so ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Apontiaedje des tåves del båze di dnêyes so "}.
{"Default users as participants","Les uzeus sont des pårticipants come prémetowe dujhance"}.
@@ -59,17 +74,24 @@
{"Disc only copy","Copeye seulmint sol deure plake"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Groupes håynés:"}.
+{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Ni dnez vosse sicret a nolu, nén ddja ås manaedjeus do sierveu Jabber."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Copeye di såvritè viè on fitchî tecse so "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Schaper en on fitchî tecse"}.
{"Edit Properties","Candjî les prôpietés"}.
+{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Aprover oudonbén rifuzer li dmande di vwès."}.
{"ejabberd IRC module","Module IRC po ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","Module MUC (såles di berdelaedje) po ejabberd"}.
+{"ejabberd Multicast service","siervice multicast d' ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd Publish-Subscribe module","Module d' eplaidaedje-abounmint po ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module","Module SOCKS5 Bytestreams po ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd vCard module","Module vCard ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Manaedjeu waibe ejabberd"}.
+{"Empty Rooms","Såles vudes"}.
{"Enable logging","Mete en alaedje li djournå"}.
+{"Enable message archiving","Mete en alaedje l' årtchivaedje des messaedjes"}.
+{"Encoding for server ~b","Ecôdaedje pol sierveu ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Fini l' session d' l' uzeu"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Dinez ene djivêye del cogne {Module, [Tchuzes]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Dinez l' metou no ki vos vloz edjîstrer"}.
@@ -77,7 +99,17 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Dinez l' tchimin viè l' ridant di spool jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Dinez l' tchimin viè l' fitchî di spool jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Dinez l' tchimin viè l' fitchî tecse"}.
+{"Enter the text you see","Tapez l' tecse ki vos voeyoz"}.
+{"Enter username and encodings you wish to use for connecting to IRC servers. Press 'Next' to get more fields to fill in. Press 'Complete' to save settings.","Dinez les nos d' uzeu et ls ecôdaedjes ki vos vloz eployî po vs raloyî åzès sierveus IRC Clitchîz so «Shuvant» po-z aveur di pus di tchamps a rimpli. Clitchîz so «Fini» po schaper les apontiaedjes."}.
+{"Enter username, encodings, ports and passwords you wish to use for connecting to IRC servers","Dinez l' no d' uzeu, les ecôdaedjes, les pôrts et les screts ki vos vloz eployî po vs raloyî åzès sierveus IRC"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Sierveu Jabber Erlang"}.
+{"Example: [{\"\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"\", \"utf-8\"}].","Egzimpe: [{\"\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
+{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Esclure les IDs Jabber des kesses CAPTCHA"}.
+{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Espoirter totes les tåves, come des cmandes SQL, viè on fitchî"}.
+{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Espoirter les dnêyes di tos les uzeus do sierveu viè des fitchîs PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
+{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Espoirter les dnêyes di tos les uzeus do sierveu viè des fitchîs PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
+{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Nén moyén di rsaetchî on JID foû d' l' aprovaedje di vosse dimande di vwès"}.
{"Family Name","No d' famile"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Rimplixhoz les tchamps po cweri èn uzeu Jabber"}.
@@ -91,6 +123,7 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Riçure li date/eure do dierin elodjaedje di l' uzeu"}.
{"Get User Password","Riçure sicret d' l' uzeu"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Riçure les statistikes di l' uzeu"}.
+{"Grant voice to this person?","Permete li vwès po cisse djin ci?"}.
{"Group ","Groupe "}.
{"has been banned","a stî bani"}.
@@ -100,26 +133,42 @@
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","a stî pité evoye cåze ki l' såle a stî ristrindowe åzès mimbes seulmint"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," a candjî l' tite a: "}.
+{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Si vos n' voeyoz nole imådje CAPTCHA chal, vizitez l' pådje waibe."}.
+{"If you want to specify different ports, passwords, encodings for IRC servers, fill this list with values in format '{\"irc server\", \"encoding\", port, \"password\"}'. By default this service use \"~s\" encoding, port ~p, empty password.","Si vos vloz dner des pôrts, sicrets ou ecôdaedjes diferins po les sierveus IRC, rimplixhoz cisse djivêye ci avou des valixhances del cogne «{\"sierveu irc\", \"ecôdaedje\", pôrt, \"sicret\"}». Les prémetowès valixhances do siervice sont «~s» po l' ecôdaedje, «~p» pol pôrt, et on vude sicret."}.
{"Import Directory","Sititchî d' on ridant"}.
{"Import File","Sititchî d' on fitchî"}.
+{"Import user data from jabberd14 spool file:","Sititchî des dnêyes uzeus foû d' on fitchî spoûle jabberd14:"}.
{"Import User from File at ","Sititchî uzeu d' on fitchî so "}.
+{"Import users data from a PIEFXIS file (XEP-0227):","Sititchî des dnêyes uzeus foû d' on fitchî PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
+{"Import users data from jabberd14 spool directory:","Sititchî des dnêyes uzeus foû d' on ridant spoûle jabberd14:"}.
{"Import Users from Dir at ","Sitichî des uzeus d' on ridant so "}.
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Sititchî des uzeus Jabberd 1.4"}.
{"Improper message type","Sôre di messaedje nén valide"}.
+{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Raloyaedjes s2s en intrêye:"}.
{"Incorrect password","Sicret nén corek"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Afiyaedje nén valide: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Role nén valide: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Adresses IP"}.
+{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Canå IRC (èn nén mete li prumî #)"}.
+{"IRC server","Sierveu IRC"}.
+{"IRC settings","Apontiaedjes IRC"}.
{"IRC Transport","Transpoirt IRC"}.
+{"IRC username","No d' uzeu IRC"}.
{"IRC Username","No d' uzeu IRC"}.
{"is now known as","est asteure kinoxhou come"}.
+{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","On n' pout nén evoyî des messaedjes d' aroke sol såle. Li pårticipan (~s) a-st evoyî on messaedje d' aroke (~s) ey a stî tapé foû."}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Ci n' est nén permetou d' evoyî des messaedjes privés"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","C' est nén possibe d' evoyî des messaedjes privés del sôre «groupchat»"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","On n' pout nén evoyî des messaedjes privés dins cisse conferince ci"}.
+{"Jabber Account Registration","Edjîstraedje di conte Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Li Jabber ID ~s n' est nén valide"}.
+{"Join IRC channel","Radjonde canå IRC"}.
{"joins the room","arive sol såle"}.
+{"Join the IRC channel here.","Radjonde li canå IRC droci."}.
+{"Join the IRC channel in this Jabber ID: ~s","Radjonde li canå IRC e cist ID Jabber: ~s"}.
{"Last Activity","Dierinne activité"}.
@@ -130,8 +179,10 @@
{"Listened Ports at ","Pôrts drovous so "}.
{"Listened Ports","Pôrts drovous"}.
{"List of modules to start","Djivêye di modules a-z enonder"}.
+{"List of rooms","Djivêye des såles"}.
{"Low level update script","Sicripe di metaedje a djoû d' bas livea"}.
{"Make participants list public","Rinde publike li djivêye des pårticipants"}.
+{"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Rinde li såle di berdelaedje protedjeye pa CAPTCHA"}.
{"Make room members-only","Rinde li såle di berdelaedje ristrindowe ås mimbes seulmint"}.
{"Make room moderated","Rinde li såle di berdelaedje moderêye"}.
{"Make room password protected","Rinde li såle di berdelaedje protedjeye pa scret"}.
@@ -142,29 +193,41 @@
{"Max # of items to persist","Nombe macsimoms di cayets permanints"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Contnou macsimom en octets"}.
+{"Membership is required to enter this room","I fåt esse mimbe po poleur intrer dins cisse såle ci"}.
+{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Rimimbrez vosse sicret, ou scrijhoz l' so on papî ki vos wådroz en ene place bén a hoûte, ca avou Jabber i n' a pont moyén di rapexhî vosse sicret si vos l' rovyîz."}.
{"Message body","Coir do messaedje"}.
{"Middle Name","No do mitan"}.
+{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Tins minimom etur deus dmandes di vwès (e segondes)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","I fåt des priviledjes di moderateu"}.
{"moderators only","les moderateus seulmint"}.
+{"Modified modules","Modules di candjîs"}.
+{"Modules at ~p","Modules so ~p"}.
+{"Multi-User Chat","Berdelaedje a sacwants"}.
{"Name:","Pitit no:"}.
+{"New Password:","Novea scret:"}.
{"Nickname","Metou no"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Edjîstraedje di metou no amon "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Li metou no ~s n' egzistêye nén dins l' såle"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","I n' a nou coir do messaedje po ciste anonce la"}.
{"No Data","Nole dinêye disponibe"}.
{"Node ID","ID d' nuk"}.
{"Node not found","Nuk nén trové"}.
+{"Node ~p","Nuk ~p"}.
{"No limit","Pont d' limite"}.
{"No resource provided","Nole rissoûce di dnêye"}.
+{"Not Found","Nén trové"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Notifyî åzès abounés cwand des cayets sont oisté foû do nuk"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Notifyî åzès abounés cwand l' apontiaedje do nuk candje"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Notifyî åzès abounés cwand l' nuk est disfacé"}.
@@ -176,10 +239,15 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Messaedjes ki ratindèt:"}.
{"Offline Messages","Messaedjes ki ratindèt"}.
{"OK","'l est bon"}.
+{"Old Password:","Vî scret:"}.
{"Online Users:","Uzeus raloyîs:"}.
{"Online Users","Uzeus raloyîs"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Seulmint evoyî des notifiaedje åzès uzeus disponibes"}.
+{"Only members may query archives of this room","Seulmint les mimbes polèt cweri les årtchives dins cisse såle ci"}.
+{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Seulmint les moderateus et les pårticipants polèt candjî l' sudjet dins cisse såle ci"}.
+{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Seulmint les moderateus polèt candjî l' sudjet dins cisse såle ci"}.
+{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Seulmint les moderateus polèt aprover des dmandes di vwès"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Seulmint les prezints polèt evoyî des messaedjes al conferince"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Seulmint les prezints polèt evoyî des cweraedjes sol conferince"}.
{"Only service administrators are allowed to send service messages","Seulmint les manaedjeus d' siervices polèt evoyî des messaedjes di siervice"}.
@@ -190,31 +258,46 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Raloyaedjes s2s e rexhowe"}.
{"Owner privileges required","I fåt des priviledjes di prôpietaire"}.
+{"Password ~b","Sicret ~b"}.
+{"Password Verification:","Acertinaedje do scret:"}.
{"Password Verification","Acertinaedje do scret"}.
{"Path to Dir","Tchimin viè l' ridant"}.
{"Path to File","Tchimin viè l' fitchî"}.
{"Period: ","Termene:"}.
+{"Permanent rooms","Såles tofer la"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Cayets permanints a wårder"}.
+{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Notez ki ces tchuzes la vont seulmint fé ene copeye di såvrité del båze di dnêyes Mnesia costrûte å dvins do programe. Si vos eployîz ene difoûtrinne båze di dnêyes avou l' module ODBC, vos dvoz fé ene copeye di såvrité del båze SQL da vosse sepårumint."}.
+{"Please specify file name.","Dinez l' no do fitchî."}.
+{"Please specify file size.","Dinez l' grandeu do fitchî."}.
+{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Ratindez ene miete s' i vs plait divant d' rivoyî ene nouve dimande di vwès"}.
+{"Port ~b","Pôrt ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Mostrer les vraiys Jabber IDs a"}.
{"private, ","privé, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Dimande d' eplaidaedje-abounmint d' èn abouné"}.
+{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Purdjî tos les cayets cwand l' eplaideu aloyî va foû raloyaedje"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Les cweraedjes des mimbes del conferince ni sont nén permetous dins cisse såle ci"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","Copeye e memwere (RAM) et sol deure plake"}.
{"RAM copy","Copeye e memwere (RAM)"}.
{"Raw","Dinêyes brutes"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Voloz vs vormint disfacer l' messaedje do djoû?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Li riçuveu n' est nén dins l' såle di conferince"}.
+{"Register a Jabber account","Edjîstrer on conte Jabber"}.
+{"Registered nicknames","Metous nos edjistrés"}.
{"Registered Users:","Uzeus edjistrés:"}.
{"Registered Users","Uzeus edjistrés"}.
{"Registration in mod_irc for ","Edjîstraedje dins mod_irc po "}.
{"Remote copy","Copeye å lon"}.
+{"Remove All Offline Messages","Oister tos les messaedjes ki ratindèt"}.
{"Remove User","Disfacer l' uzeu"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Replaecî pa on novea raloyaedje"}.
@@ -226,8 +309,11 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Rapexhî do côp foû d' ene copeye di såvrité binaire:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Rapexhî do côp foû d' ene copeye di såvrité tecse:"}.
+{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Roles ki leu prezince est difuzêye"}.
{"Room Configuration","Apontiaedje del såle"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","L' ahivaedje del såle est rfuzé pal politike do siervice"}.
+{"Room description","Discrijhaedje del såle"}.
+{"Room Occupants","Prezints el såle"}.
{"Room title","Tite del såle"}.
{"Roster","Djivêye des soçons"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Pårtaedjîs groupes di soçons k' on s' î pout abouner"}.
@@ -245,6 +331,9 @@
{"Send announcement to all users","Evoyî l' anonce a tos les uzeus"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Evoyî l' anonce a tos les uzeus so tos les lodjoes"}.
+{"Server ~b","Sierveu ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Defini l' messaedje do djoû et l' evoyî åzès uzeus raloyîs"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Defini l' messaedje do djoû so tos les lodjoes et l' evoyî åzès uzeus raloyîs"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Pårtaedjîs groupes ezès djivêyes di soçons"}.
@@ -252,7 +341,9 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrer crexhince"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Arester siervice"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s vos preye sol såle ~s"}.
+{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Des cliyints Jabber k' i gn a polèt wårder vosse sicret sol copiutrece, mins vos n' duvrîz fé çoula ki sol copiutrece da vosse, po des råjhons di såvrité."}.
{"Specify the access model","Sipecifyî l' modele d' accès"}.
+{"Specify the event message type","Sipecifyî l' sôre do messaedje d' evenmint"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Dinez l' modele d' eplaideu"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","messaedjes ki ratindèt el cawêye po ~s"}.
@@ -273,27 +364,54 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Adresse di l' abouné"}.
+{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Li metou no est ddja eployî pa ene ôte sakî sol såle"}.
+{"That nickname is registered by another person","Li metou no est ddja edjîstré pa ene ôte sakî"}.
+{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Li CAPTCHA est valide."}.
+{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Li verifiaedje CAPTCHA a fwait berwete"}.
+{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Les ramexhnêyes k' on nuk est afiyî avou"}.
{"the password is","li scret est"}.
+{"The password is too weak","li scret est trop flåw"}.
+{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Li scret do conte Jabber da vosse a stî candjî comifåt."}.
+{"There was an error changing the password: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot candjant l' sicret: "}.
+{"There was an error creating the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot ahivant l' conte: "}.
+{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot disfaçant l' conte: "}.
+{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Ciste adresse IP est so ene noere djivêye e ~s"}.
+{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pont d' diferince etur les grandes et ptitès letes: «macbeth» est l' minme ki «MacBeth» ou co «Macbeth»"}.
+{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Cisse pådje permete d' ahiver on conte Jabber so ç' sierveu Jabber ci. Li JID (IDintifieu Jabber) da vosse serè del cogne: noduzeu@sierveu. Lijhoz atintivmint les instruccions po bén rimpli les tchamps."}.
+{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Cisse pådje permete di disdjîstrer on conte Jabber so ç' sierveu ci."}.
{"Time delay","Tårdjaedje"}.
+{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Pår trop di dmandes CAPTCHA"}.
+{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","I gn a-st avou pår trop (~p) d' otintifiaedjes k' ont fwait berwete vinant di ciste adresse IP la (~s). L' adresse serè disblokêye a ~s UTC"}.
+{"Too many unacked stanzas","Pår trop di messaedjes sins acertinaedje di rçuvaedje"}.
{"To ~s","Viè ~s"}.
+{"Total rooms","Totå di såles"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Li limite pol volume di trafik a stî passêye"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transaccions arestêyes:"}.
{"Transactions Committed:","Transaccions evoyeyes:"}.
{"Transactions Logged:","Transaccions wårdêyes e djournå:"}.
{"Transactions Restarted:","Transaccions renondêyes:"}.
+{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Nén moyén di djenerer on CAPTCHA"}.
+{"Unauthorized","Nén otorijhî"}.
+{"Unregister a Jabber account","Disdjîstrer on conte Jabber"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Mete a djoû l' messaedje do djoû (nén l' evoyî)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Mete a djoû l' messaedje do djoû so tos les lodjoes (nén l' evoyî)"}.
{"Update","Mete a djoû"}.
{"Update plan","Plan d' metaedje a djoû"}.
+{"Update ~p","Metaedje a djoû di ~p"}.
{"Update script","Sicripe di metaedje a djoû"}.
{"Uptime:","Tins dispoy l' enondaedje:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","L' eployaedje di STARTTL est oblidjî"}.
+{"User JID","JID d' l' uzeu"}.
{"User Management","Manaedjaedje des uzeus"}.
+{"Username:","No d' uzeu:"}.
+{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Les noveas uzeus n' si polèt nén edjîstrer si raddimint"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Dierinne activité des uzeus"}.
+{"User ~s","Uzeu ~s"}.
@@ -301,12 +419,22 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","Forveyous sierveus"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Les viziteus èn polèt nén candjî leus metous no po ç' såle ci"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Les viziteus n' polèt nén evoyî des messaedjes a tos les prezints"}.
+{"Voice request","Dimande di vwès"}.
+{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Les dmandes di vwès sont dismetowes e cisse conferince ci"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Cwand evoyî l' dierin cayet eplaidî"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Si on permete les abounmints"}.
+{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Vos ploz candjî vosse sicret pus tård avou on cliyint Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Vos avoz stî bani di cisse såle ci"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Vos dvoz rimpli l' tchamp «Metou no» dins l' formiulaire"}.
+{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data eyet CAPTCHA po vs edjîstrer"}.
+{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data po-z edjîstrer l' metou no"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data po candjî ls apontiaedjes di mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","I vs fåt on cliyint ki sopoite x:data por vos poleur apontyî l' såle"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data po fé on cweraedje"}.
+{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Vosse djivêye di privaceye active a rfuzé l' evoyaedje di ç' messaedje ci."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Li cawêye di messaedjes e môde disraloyî di vosse soçon est plinne. Li messaedje a stî tapé å diale."}.
+{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Li conte Jabber da vosse a stî ahivé comifåt."}.
+{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Li conte Jabber da vosse a stî disfacé comifåt."}.
+{"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","Vos messaedjes po ~s sont blokés. Po les disbloker, alez vey ~s"}.
diff --git a/priv/msgs/zh.msg b/priv/msgs/zh.msg
index 41309b16..84ac7691 100644
--- a/priv/msgs/zh.msg
+++ b/priv/msgs/zh.msg
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
{"Access Configuration","访问配置"}.
{"Access Control List Configuration","访问控制列表(ACL)配置"}.
{"Access control lists","访问控制列表(ACL)"}.
@@ -7,7 +8,7 @@
{"Access rules","访问规则"}.
{"Access Rules","访问规则"}.
{"Action on user","对用户的动作"}.
-{"Add Jabber ID","添加 Jabber ID"}.
+{"Add Jabber ID","添加Jabber ID"}.
{"Add New","添加新用户"}.
{"Add User","添加用户"}.
{"Administration of ","管理"}.
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
{"Administrator privileges required","需要管理员权限"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","该节点的友好名称"}.
{"All activity","所有活动"}.
-{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","允许该 Jabber ID 订阅该 pubsub 节点?"}.
+{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","允许该Jabber ID订阅该pubsub节点?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","允许用户更改主题"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","允许用户查询其它用户"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","允许用户发送邀请"}.
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
{"Backup Management","备份管理"}.
+{"Backup of ~p","~p的备份"}.
{"Backup to File at ","备份文件位于"}.
{"Bad format","格式错误"}.
@@ -52,12 +54,13 @@
{"Conference room does not exist","会议室不存在"}.
-{"Configuration of room ~s","房间 ~s 的配置 "}.
+{"Configuration of room ~s","房间~s的配置 "}.
{"Connected Resources:","已连接资源:"}.
{"Connections parameters","连接参数"}.
-{"CPU Time:","CPU 时间:"}.
+{"CPU Time:","CPU时间:"}.
+{"Database Tables at ~p","位于~p的数据库表"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","数据库表格配置位于"}.
@@ -71,42 +74,46 @@
{"Disc only copy","仅磁盘复制"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","已显示的组:"}.
-{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","不要将密码告诉任何人, 就算是 Jabber 服务器的管理员也不可以."}.
+{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","不要将密码告诉任何人, 就算是Jabber服务器的管理员也不可以."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","转储备份到文本文件于"}.
{"Dump to Text File","转储到文本文件"}.
{"Edit Properties","编辑属性"}.
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","接受或拒绝声音请求"}.
{"ejabberd IRC module","ejabberd IRC 模块"}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","ejabberd MUC 模块"}.
+{"ejabberd Multicast service","ejabberd多重映射服务"}.
{"ejabberd Publish-Subscribe module","ejabberd 发行-订阅模块"}.
{"ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module","ejabberd SOCKS5 字节流模块"}.
-{"ejabberd vCard module","ejabberd vCard 模块"}.
-{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd 网页管理"}.
+{"ejabberd vCard module","ejabberd vCard模块"}.
+{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd网页管理"}.
+{"Empty Rooms","空房间"}.
{"Enable logging","启用服务器端聊天记录"}.
-{"Encoding for server ~b","服务器 ~b 的编码"}.
+{"Enable message archiving","启用消息归档"}.
+{"Encoding for server ~b","服务器~b的编码"}.
{"End User Session","结束用户会话"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","请输入{模块, [选项]}列表"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","请输入您想要注册的昵称"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","请输入备份文件的路径"}.
-{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","请输入 jabberd14 spool 目录的路径"}.
+{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","请输入jabberd14 spool目录的路径"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","请输入 jabberd14 spool 文件的路径"}.
{"Enter path to text file","请输入文本文件的路径"}.
{"Enter the text you see","请输入您所看到的文本"}.
{"Enter username and encodings you wish to use for connecting to IRC servers. Press 'Next' to get more fields to fill in. Press 'Complete' to save settings.","请输入您想使用的用来连接到 IRC 服务器的用户名和编码. 按 '下一步' 获取更多待填字段. 按 '完成' 保存设置."}.
{"Enter username, encodings, ports and passwords you wish to use for connecting to IRC servers","请输入您想使用的用来连接到IRC服务器的用户名, 编码, 端口和密码."}.
-{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber 服务器"}.
+{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber服务器"}.
{"Example: [{\"\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"\", \"utf-8\"}].","例如: [{\"\", \"koi8-r\"}, 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
-{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","从验证码挑战中排除 Jabber ID"}.
+{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","从验证码挑战中排除Jabber ID"}.
+{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","将所有表以SQL查询语句导出到文件:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","将服务器上所有用户的数据导出到 PIEFXIS 文件 (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","将某主机的用户数据导出到 PIEFXIS 文件 (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","无法从你的声音请求确认信息中提取JID"}.
{"Family Name","姓氏"}.
-{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","填充字段以搜索任何匹配的 Jabber 用户"}.
-{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","填充表单以搜索任何匹配的 Jabber 用户(在字段末添加*来匹配子串)"}.
+{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","填充字段以搜索任何匹配的Jabber用户"}.
+{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","填充表单以搜索任何匹配的Jabber用户(在字段末添加*来匹配子串)"}.
{"From ~s","来自~s"}.
@@ -131,35 +138,37 @@
{"Import Directory","导入目录"}.
{"Import File","导入文件"}.
{"Import user data from jabberd14 spool file:","从 jabberd14 Spool 文件导入用户数据:"}.
-{"Import User from File at ","导入用户的文件位于 "}.
+{"Import User from File at ","导入用户的文件位于"}.
{"Import users data from a PIEFXIS file (XEP-0227):","从 PIEFXIS 文件 (XEP-0227) 导入用户数据:"}.
-{"Import users data from jabberd14 spool directory:","从 jabberd14 Spool 目录导入用户数据:"}.
-{"Import Users from Dir at ","导入用户的目录位于 "}.
+{"Import users data from jabberd14 spool directory:","从jabberd14 Spool目录导入用户数据:"}.
+{"Import Users from Dir at ","导入用户的目录位于"}.
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","从 jabberd14 Spool 文件导入用户"}.
{"Improper message type","不恰当的消息类型"}.
+{"Incoming s2s Connections:","入站 s2s 连接:"}.
{"Incorrect password","密码不正确"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","无效加入: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","无效角色: ~s"}.
-{"IP addresses","IP 地址"}.
+{"IP addresses","IP地址"}.
-{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC 频道 (不要输入第一个#号)"}.
-{"IRC server","IRC 服务器"}.
-{"IRC settings","IRC 设置"}.
-{"IRC Transport","IRC 传输"}.
-{"IRC username","IRC 用户名"}.
-{"IRC Username","IRC 用户名"}.
+{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC频道 (不要输入第一个#号)"}.
+{"IRC server","IRC服务器"}.
+{"IRC settings","IRC设置"}.
+{"IRC Transport","IRC传输"}.
+{"IRC username","IRC用户名"}.
+{"IRC Username","IRC用户名"}.
{"is now known as","现在称呼为"}.
+{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","不允许将错误消息发送到该房间. 参与者(~s)已发送过一条消息(~s)并已被踢出房间"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","\"群组聊天\"类型不允许发送私聊消息"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","不允许向会议发送私聊消息"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","不可以发送私聊消息"}.
-{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber 帐户注册"}.
+{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber帐户注册"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s 无效"}.
-{"Join IRC channel","加入 IRC 频道"}.
+{"Join IRC channel","加入IRC频道"}.
{"joins the room","加入房间"}.
-{"Join the IRC channel here.","在这里加入 IRC 频道."}.
-{"Join the IRC channel in this Jabber ID: ~s","用此 Jabber ID: ~s 加入 IRC 频道"}.
+{"Join the IRC channel here.","在这里加入IRC频道."}.
+{"Join the IRC channel in this Jabber ID: ~s","用此Jabber ID ~s加入IRC频道"}.
{"Last Activity","上次活动"}.
@@ -167,9 +176,10 @@
{"Last month","上个月"}.
{"Last year","上一年"}.
{"leaves the room","离开房间"}.
-{"Listened Ports at ","监听的端口位于 "}.
+{"Listened Ports at ","监听的端口位于"}.
{"Listened Ports","被监听的端口"}.
{"List of modules to start","要启动的模块列表"}.
+{"List of rooms","房间列表"}.
{"Low level update script","低级别更新脚本"}.
{"Make participants list public","公开参与人列表"}.
{"Make room CAPTCHA protected","保护房间验证码"}.
@@ -185,29 +195,34 @@
{"Membership is required to enter this room","进入此房间需要会员身份"}.
-{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","记住你的密码, 或将其记到纸上并放于安全位置. 如果你忘记了密码, Jabber 也没有自动恢复密码的方式."}.
+{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","记住你的密码, 或将其记到纸上并放于安全位置. 如果你忘记了密码, Jabber也没有自动恢复密码的方式."}.
{"Message body","消息主体"}.
{"Middle Name","中间名"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","声音请求的最小间隔(以秒为单位)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","需要主持人权限"}.
{"moderators only","仅主持人"}.
{"Modified modules","被修改模块"}.
+{"Modules at ~p","位于~p的模块"}.
+{"Multi-User Chat","多用户聊天"}.
-{"New Password:","新密码: "}.
-{"Nickname Registration at ","昵称注册于 "}.
-{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","昵称 ~s 不在该房间"}.
+{"New Password:","新密码:"}.
+{"Nickname Registration at ","昵称注册于"}.
+{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","昵称~s不在该房间"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","通知消息无正文内容"}.
{"No Data","没有数据"}.
-{"Node ID","节点 ID"}.
+{"Node ID","节点ID"}.
{"Node not found","没有找到节点"}.
+{"Node ~p","节点~p"}.
{"No limit","不限"}.
@@ -229,6 +244,7 @@
{"Online Users","在线用户"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","仅将通知发送给可发送的用户"}.
+{"Only members may query archives of this room","只有会员可以查询本房间的存档"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","只有主持人和参与人可以在此房间里更改主题"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","只有主持人可以在此房间里更改主题"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","仅主持人能确认声音请求"}.
@@ -242,7 +258,8 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","出站 s2s 连接"}.
{"Owner privileges required","需要持有人权限"}.
-{"Password ~b","~b 的密码"}.
+{"Password ~b","~b的密码"}.
{"Password Verification:","密码确认:"}.
{"Password Verification","确认密码"}.
@@ -251,18 +268,21 @@
{"Path to File","文件路径"}.
{"Period: ","持续时间: "}.
+{"Permanent rooms","永久房间"}.
{"Persist items to storage","持久化内容条目"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","注意:这些选项仅将备份内置的 Mnesia 数据库. 如果您正在使用 ODBC 模块, 您还需要分别备份您的数据库."}.
+{"Please specify file name.","请指定文件名称."}.
+{"Please specify file size.","请指定文件大小."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","请稍后再发送新的声音请求"}.
-{"Port ~b","~b 的端口"}.
+{"Port ~b","~b的端口"}.
-{"Present real Jabber IDs to","将真实 Jabber ID 显示给"}.
+{"Present real Jabber IDs to","将真实Jabber ID显示给"}.
{"private, ","保密, "}.
-{"PubSub subscriber request","PubSub 订阅人请求"}.
+{"PubSub subscriber request","PubSub订阅人请求"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","相关发布人离线后清除所有选项"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","本房间不可以查询会议成员信息"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","内存与磁盘复制"}.
@@ -270,7 +290,8 @@
{"Really delete message of the day?","确实要删除每日消息吗?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","接收人不在会议室"}.
-{"Register a Jabber account","注册 Jabber 帐户"}.
+{"Register a Jabber account","注册Jabber帐户"}.
+{"Registered nicknames","注册的昵称"}.
{"Registered Users:","注册用户:"}.
{"Registered Users","注册用户"}.
@@ -288,45 +309,47 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","立即恢复二进制备份:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","立即恢复普通文本备份:"}.
+{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","广播存在性的角色"}.
{"Room Configuration","房间配置"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","创建房间被服务策略拒绝"}.
{"Room description","房间描述"}.
{"Room Occupants","房间人数"}.
{"Room title","房间标题"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","允许订阅的花名册组"}.
-{"Roster of ","花名册属于 "}.
+{"Roster of ","花名册属于"}.
{"Roster size","花名册大小"}.
{"RPC Call Error","RPC 调用错误"}.
{"Running Nodes","运行中的节点"}.
-{"~s access rule configuration","~s 访问规则配置"}.
+{"~s access rule configuration","~s访问规则配置"}.
{"Script check","脚本检查"}.
{"Search Results for ","搜索结果属于关键词 "}.
-{"Search users in ","搜索用户于 "}.
+{"Search users in ","搜索用户于"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","发送通知给所有主机的在线用户"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","发送通知给所有在线用户"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","发送通知给所有主机上的所有用户"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","发送通知给所有用户"}.
-{"Server ~b","服务器 ~b"}.
+{"Server ~b","服务器~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","设定每日消息并发送给所有在线用户"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","设置所有主机上的每日消息并发送给在线用户"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","共享的花名册组群"}.
{"Show Integral Table","显示完整列表"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","显示普通列表"}.
{"Shut Down Service","关闭服务"}.
-{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s 邀请你到 ~s 房间"}.
+{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s邀请你到房间~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","某些 Jabber 客户端可以在你的计算机里存储密码. 请仅在你确认你的计算机安全的情况下使用该功能."}.
{"Specify the access model","指定访问范例"}.
{"Specify the event message type","指定事件消息类型"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","指定发布人范例"}.
-{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s 的离线消息队列"}.
+{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s的离线消息队列"}.
{"Start Modules at ","要启动的模块位于 "}.
{"Start Modules","启动模块"}.
-{"Statistics of ~p","~p 的统计"}.
+{"Statistics of ~p","~p的统计"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","要停止的模块位于 "}.
{"Stop Modules","停止模块"}.
@@ -348,18 +371,22 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","加入结点的集合"}.
{"The password is too weak","密码强度太弱"}.
{"the password is","密码是"}.
-{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","你的 Jabber 帐户密码已成功更新."}.
+{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","你的Jabber帐户密码已成功更新."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","修改密码出错: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","帐户创建出错: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","帐户删除失败: "}.
+{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","此IP地址在~s中已被列入黑名单"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","此处不区分大小写: macbeth 与 MacBeth 和 Macbeth 是一样的."}.
-{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","本页面允许在此服务器上创建 Jabber 帐户. 你的 JID (Jabber ID) 的形式如下: 用户名@服务器. 请仔细阅读说明并正确填写相应字段."}.
-{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","此页面允许在此 Jabber 服务器上注销 Jabber 帐户"}.
+{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","本页面允许在此服务器上创建Jabber帐户. 你的JID (Jabber ID) 的形式如下: 用户名@服务器. 请仔细阅读说明并正确填写相应字段."}.
+{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","此页面允许在此Jabber服务器上注销Jabber帐户"}.
{"Time delay","时间延迟"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","验证码请求太多"}.
+{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","来自IP地址(~p)的(~s)失败认证太多. 该地址将在UTC时间~s被禁用."}.
+{"Too many unacked stanzas","未被确认的节太多"}.
{"To ~s","发送给~s"}.
+{"Total rooms","所有房间"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","已经超过传输率限制"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","取消的事务:"}.
@@ -369,42 +396,45 @@
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","无法生成验证码"}.
-{"Unregister a Jabber account","注销 Jabber 帐户"}.
+{"Unregister a Jabber account","注销Jabber帐户"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","更新每日消息(不发送)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","更新所有主机上的每日消息(不发送)"}.
{"Update plan","更新计划"}.
+{"Update ~p","更新~p"}.
{"Update script","更新脚本"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","要求使用 STARTTLS"}.
-{"User JID","用户 JID"}.
+{"User JID","用户JID"}.
{"User Management","用户管理"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","不允许用户太频繁地注册帐户"}.
{"Users Last Activity","用户上次活动"}.
+{"User ~s","用户~s"}.
-{"vCard User Search","vCard 用户搜索"}.
+{"vCard User Search","vCard用户搜索"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","虚拟主机"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","此房间不允许用户更改昵称"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","不允许访客给所有占有者发送消息"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","该会议的声音请求以被禁用"}.
{"Voice request","声音请求"}.
{"When to send the last published item","何时发送最新发布的内容条目"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","是否允许订阅"}.
-{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","你可以稍后用 Jabber 客户端修改你的密码."}.
+{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","你可以稍后用Jabber客户端修改你的密码."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","您已被禁止进入该房间"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","您必须填充表单中\"昵称\"项"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","您需要一个支持 x:data 和验证码的客户端进行注册"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","您需要一个支持 x:data 的客户端来注册昵称"}.
-{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","您需要一个兼容 x:data 的客户端来配置 mod_irc 设置"}.
+{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","您需要一个兼容 x:data 的客户端来配置mod_irc设置"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","您需要一个兼容 x:data 的客户端来配置房间"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","您需要一个兼容 x:data 的客户端来搜索"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","你的活跃私聊列表拒绝了在此房间进行路由分发."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","您的联系人离线消息队列已满. 消息已被丢弃"}.
-{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","你的 Jabber 帐户已成功创建."}.
+{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","你的Jabber帐户已成功创建."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","你的 Jabber 帐户已成功删除."}.
-{"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","您发送给 ~s 的消息已被阻止. 要解除阻止, 请访问 ~s"}.
+{"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","您发送给~s的消息已被阻止. 要解除阻止, 请访问 ~s"}.