path: root/doc/guide.tex
diff options
authorAlexey Shchepin <>2003-01-23 20:57:55 +0000
committerAlexey Shchepin <>2003-01-23 20:57:55 +0000
commit66792183d06ebec2192e5bff1aa2870103bd4892 (patch)
treeb952e4996875956cd7961d55a01738a775124f3c /doc/guide.tex
parent*** empty log message *** (diff)
*** empty log message ***
SVN Revision: 48
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/guide.tex')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/guide.tex b/doc/guide.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0703acbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/guide.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+\title{Ejabberd Installation and Operation Guide}
+\author{Alexey Shchepin \\
+ \ahrefurl{} \\
+ \ahrefurl{}}
+\date{January 23, 2003}
+ \maketitle{}
+ %\includegraphics{logo.png}
+ {\centering
+ \imgsrc{logo.png}{}
+ }
+\ejabberd{} is a Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant \Jabber{}
+server. It writen mostly in Erlang.
+\subsection{Installation Requirements}
+To compile \ejabberd{}, you need following packages:
+\item GNU Make;
+\item GCC;
+\item libexpat 1.95 or later;
+\item Erlang/OTP R8B or later.
+Currently no stable version released.
+Latest alpha version can be retrieved via CVS. Do following steps:
+\item \texttt{export}
+\item \texttt{cvs login}
+\item Enter empty password
+\item \texttt{cvs -z3 co ejabberd}
+%\subsection{Initial Configuration}
+\subsection{Initial Configuration}
+Configuration file is loaded after first start of \ejabberd{}. It consists of
+sequence of Erlang terms. Parts of lines after \texttt{`\%'} sign are ignored.
+Each term is tuple, where first element is name of option, and other are option
+\subsubsection{Host Name}
+Option \texttt{hostname} defines name of \Jabber{} domain that \ejabberd{}
+serves. E.\,g. to use \texttt{} domain add following line in config:
+{host, ""}.
+This option is mandatory.
+\subsubsection{Listened Sockets}
+Option \texttt{listen} defines list of listened sockets and what services
+runned on them. Each element of list is a tuple with following elements:
+\item Port number;
+\item Module that serves this port;
+\item Function in this module that starts connection (likely will be removed);
+\item Options to this module.
+Currently three modules implemented:
+\item \texttt{ejabberd\_c2s}: serves C2S connections;
+\item \texttt{ejabberd\_s2s\_in}: serves incoming S2S connections;
+\item \texttt{ejabberd\_service}: serves connections to \Jabber{} services (i.e.
+ that used \texttt{jabber:component:accept} namespace).
+For example, following configuration defines that C2S connections listened on
+port 5222, S2S on port 5269 and that service \texttt{}
+must be connected to port 8888 with password ``\texttt{secret}''.
+{listen, [{5222, ejabberd_c2s, start, []},
+ {5269, ejabberd_s2s_in, start, []},
+ {8888, ejabberd_service, start, ["", "secret"]}
+ ]}.
+\subsubsection{Access Rules}
+Option \texttt{modules} defines list of modules that will be loaded after
+\ejabberd{} startup. Each list element is a tuple where first element is a
+name of module and second is list of options to this module. Refer to
+section~\ref{sec:modules} for detailed information on each module.
+{modules, [
+ {mod_register, [one_queue]},
+ {mod_roster, [one_queue]},
+ {mod_configure, [one_queue]},
+ {mod_disco, [one_queue]},
+ {mod_stats, [one_queue]},
+ {mod_vcard, [one_queue]},
+ {mod_offline, []},
+ {mod_echo, []},
+ {mod_private, [one_queue]},
+ {mod_time, [one_queue]},
+ {mod_version, [one_queue]}
+ ]}.
+\subsection{Online Configuration}
+To use facility of online reconfiguration of \ejabberd{} needed to have
+\modconfigure{} loaded (see section~\ref{sec:modconfigure}). Also highly
+recommended to load \moddisco{} (see section~\ref{sec:moddisco}), because
+\modconfigure{} highly integrates with it. Also recommended to use
+disco-capable client.
+\section{Built-in Modules}