diff options
authorEvgeniy Khramtsov <>2014-05-30 23:11:46 +0400
committerEvgeniy Khramtsov <>2014-05-30 23:14:52 +0400
commit32998f7e187e9a8d55fc1be17e4232f5d9d47214 (patch)
parentMerge pull request #228 from weiss/turn-down-carbons-logging (diff)
Process 'Contact' headers more accurately (as per RFC3261)
2 files changed, 182 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/src/mod_sip_proxy.erl b/src/mod_sip_proxy.erl
index b05c4906..185d72af 100644
--- a/src/mod_sip_proxy.erl
+++ b/src/mod_sip_proxy.erl
@@ -66,15 +66,15 @@ wait_for_request({#sip{type = request} = Req, TrID}, State) ->
Opts = State#state.opts,
Req1 = prepare_request(, Req),
case connect(Req1, Opts) of
- {ok, SIPSockets} ->
+ {ok, SIPSocketsWithURIs} ->
NewState =
- fun(_SIPSocket, {error, _} = Err) ->
+ fun(_SIPSocketWithURI, {error, _} = Err) ->
- (SIPSocket, #state{tr_ids = TrIDs} = AccState) ->
+ ({SIPSocket, URI}, #state{tr_ids = TrIDs} = AccState) ->
Req2 = add_record_route(SIPSocket,, Req1),
Req3 = add_via(SIPSocket,, Req2),
- case esip:request(SIPSocket, Req3,
+ case esip:request(SIPSocket, Req3#sip{uri = URI},
{?MODULE, route, [self()]}) of
{ok, ClientTrID} ->
NewTrIDs = [ClientTrID|TrIDs],
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ wait_for_request({#sip{type = request} = Req, TrID}, State) ->
- end, State, SIPSockets),
+ end, State, SIPSocketsWithURIs),
case NewState of
{error, _} = Err ->
{Status, Reason} = esip:error_status(Err),
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ connect(#sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req, Opts) ->
false ->
case esip:connect(Req, Opts) of
{ok, SIPSock} ->
- {ok, [SIPSock]};
+ {ok, [{SIPSock, Req#sip.uri}]};
{error, _} = Err ->
diff --git a/src/mod_sip_registrar.erl b/src/mod_sip_registrar.erl
index 689efe48..5080cf4a 100644
--- a/src/mod_sip_registrar.erl
+++ b/src/mod_sip_registrar.erl
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@
-define(CALL_TIMEOUT, timer:seconds(30)).
+-define(DEFAULT_EXPIRES, 3600).
-record(binding, {socket = #sip_socket{},
call_id = <<"">> :: binary(),
cseq = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
timestamp = now() :: erlang:timestamp(),
+ contact :: {binary(), #uri{}, [{binary(), binary()}]},
tref = make_ref() :: reference(),
expires = 0 :: non_neg_integer()}).
@@ -50,20 +52,19 @@ request(#sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req, SIPSock) ->
US = {LUser, LServer},
CallID = esip:get_hdr('call-id', Hdrs),
CSeq = esip:get_hdr('cseq', Hdrs),
- Expires = esip:get_hdr('expires', Hdrs, 0),
+ Expires = esip:get_hdr('expires', Hdrs, ?DEFAULT_EXPIRES),
case esip:get_hdrs('contact', Hdrs) of
[<<"*">>] when Expires == 0 ->
- case unregister_session(US, SIPSock, CallID, CSeq) of
- ok ->
+ case unregister_session(US, CallID, CSeq) of
+ {ok, ContactsWithExpires} ->
?INFO_MSG("unregister SIP session for user ~s@~s from ~s",
[LUser, LServer, inet_parse:ntoa(PeerIP)]),
- Contact = {<<"">>, #uri{user = LUser, host = LServer},
- [{<<"expires">>, <<"0">>}]},
+ Cs = prepare_contacts_to_send(ContactsWithExpires),
#sip{type = response,
status = 200,
- hdrs = [{'contact', [Contact]}]});
+ hdrs = [{'contact', Cs}]});
{error, Why} ->
{Status, Reason} = make_status(Why),
@@ -72,51 +73,35 @@ request(#sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req, SIPSock) ->
reason = Reason})
[{_, _URI, _Params}|_] = Contacts ->
- ExpiresList = lists:map(
- fun({_, _, Params}) ->
- case to_integer(
- esip:get_param(
- <<"expires">>, Params),
- 0, (1 bsl 32)-1) of
- {ok, E} -> E;
- _ -> Expires
- end
- end, Contacts),
- Expires1 = lists:max(ExpiresList),
- Contact = {<<"">>, #uri{user = LUser, host = LServer},
- [{<<"expires">>, jlib:integer_to_binary(Expires1)}]},
+ ContactsWithExpires = make_contacts_with_expires(Contacts, Expires),
+ Expires1 = lists:max([E || {_, E} <- ContactsWithExpires]),
MinExpires = min_expires(),
- if Expires1 >= MinExpires ->
- case register_session(US, SIPSock, CallID, CSeq, Expires1) of
- ok ->
- ?INFO_MSG("register SIP session for user ~s@~s from ~s",
- [LUser, LServer, inet_parse:ntoa(PeerIP)]),
- mod_sip:make_response(
- Req,
- #sip{type = response,
- status = 200,
- hdrs = [{'contact', [Contact]}]});
- {error, Why} ->
- {Status, Reason} = make_status(Why),
- mod_sip:make_response(
- Req, #sip{type = response,
- status = Status,
- reason = Reason})
- end;
- Expires1 > 0, Expires1 < MinExpires ->
- mod_sip:make_response(
+ if Expires1 > 0, Expires1 < MinExpires ->
+ mod_sip:make_response(
Req, #sip{type = response,
status = 423,
hdrs = [{'min-expires', MinExpires}]});
- true ->
- case unregister_session(US, SIPSock, CallID, CSeq) of
- ok ->
- ?INFO_MSG("unregister SIP session for user ~s@~s from ~s",
- [LUser, LServer, inet_parse:ntoa(PeerIP)]),
+ true ->
+ case register_session(US, SIPSock, CallID, CSeq,
+ ContactsWithExpires) of
+ {ok, Res} ->
+ if Res == updated ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("register SIP session for user "
+ "~s@~s from ~s",
+ [LUser, LServer,
+ inet_parse:ntoa(PeerIP)]);
+ Res == deleted ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("unregister SIP session for user "
+ "~s@~s from ~s",
+ [LUser, LServer,
+ inet_parse:ntoa(PeerIP)])
+ end,
+ Cs = prepare_contacts_to_send(ContactsWithExpires),
- #sip{type = response, status = 200,
- hdrs = [{'contact', [Contact]}]});
+ #sip{type = response,
+ status = 200,
+ hdrs = [{'contact', Cs}]});
{error, Why} ->
{Status, Reason} = make_status(Why),
@@ -128,22 +113,15 @@ request(#sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req, SIPSock) ->
[] ->
case mnesia:dirty_read(sip_session, US) of
[#sip_session{bindings = Bindings}] ->
- case pop_previous_binding(SIPSock, Bindings) of
- {ok, #binding{expires = Expires1}, _} ->
- Contact = {<<"">>,
- #uri{user = LUser, host = LServer},
- [{<<"expires">>,
- jlib:integer_to_binary(Expires1)}]},
- mod_sip:make_response(
- Req, #sip{type = response, status = 200,
- hdrs = [{'contact', [Contact]}]});
- {error, notfound} ->
- {Status, Reason} = make_status(notfound),
- mod_sip:make_response(
- Req, #sip{type = response,
- status = Status,
- reason = Reason})
- end;
+ ContactsWithExpires =
+ lists:map(
+ fun(#binding{contact = Contact, expires = Es}) ->
+ {Contact, Es}
+ end, Bindings),
+ Cs = prepare_contacts_to_send(ContactsWithExpires),
+ mod_sip:make_response(
+ Req, #sip{type = response, status = 200,
+ hdrs = [{'contact', Cs}]});
[] ->
{Status, Reason} = make_status(notfound),
@@ -158,7 +136,11 @@ request(#sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req, SIPSock) ->
find_sockets(U, S) ->
case mnesia:dirty_read(sip_session, {U, S}) of
[#sip_session{bindings = Bindings}] ->
- [Binding#binding.socket || Binding <- Bindings];
+ lists:map(
+ fun(#binding{contact = {_, URI, _},
+ socket = Socket}) ->
+ {Socket, URI}
+ end, Bindings);
[] ->
@@ -176,8 +158,8 @@ init([]) ->
handle_call({write, Session}, _From, State) ->
Res = write_session(Session),
{reply, Res, State};
-handle_call({delete, US, SIPSocket, CallID, CSeq}, _From, State) ->
- Res = delete_session(US, SIPSocket, CallID, CSeq),
+handle_call({delete, US, CallID, CSeq}, _From, State) ->
+ Res = delete_session(US, CallID, CSeq),
{reply, Res, State};
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
Reply = ok,
@@ -189,8 +171,8 @@ handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
handle_info({write, Session}, State) ->
{noreply, State};
-handle_info({delete, US, SIPSocket, CallID, CSeq}, State) ->
- delete_session(US, SIPSocket, CallID, CSeq),
+handle_info({delete, US, CallID, CSeq}, State) ->
+ delete_session(US, CallID, CSeq),
{noreply, State};
handle_info({timeout, TRef, US}, State) ->
delete_expired_session(US, TRef),
@@ -208,70 +190,102 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
%%% Internal functions
-register_session(US, SIPSocket, CallID, CSeq, Expires) ->
- Session = #sip_session{us = US,
- bindings = [#binding{socket = SIPSocket,
- call_id = CallID,
- cseq = CSeq,
- timestamp = now(),
- expires = Expires}]},
+register_session(US, SIPSocket, CallID, CSeq, ContactsWithExpires) ->
+ Bindings = lists:map(
+ fun({Contact, Expires}) ->
+ #binding{socket = SIPSocket,
+ call_id = CallID,
+ cseq = CSeq,
+ timestamp = now(),
+ contact = Contact,
+ expires = Expires}
+ end, ContactsWithExpires),
+ Session = #sip_session{us = US, bindings = Bindings},
call({write, Session}).
-unregister_session(US, SIPSocket, CallID, CSeq) ->
- Msg = {delete, US, SIPSocket, CallID, CSeq},
+unregister_session(US, CallID, CSeq) ->
+ Msg = {delete, US, CallID, CSeq},
-write_session(#sip_session{us = {U, S} = US,
- bindings = [#binding{socket = SIPSocket,
- call_id = CallID,
- expires = Expires,
- cseq = CSeq} = Binding]}) ->
- case mnesia:dirty_read(sip_session, US) of
- [#sip_session{bindings = Bindings}] ->
- case pop_previous_binding(SIPSocket, Bindings) of
- {ok, #binding{call_id = CallID, cseq = PrevCSeq}, _}
- when PrevCSeq > CSeq ->
- {error, cseq_out_of_order};
- {ok, #binding{tref = Tref}, Bindings1} ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(Tref),
- NewTRef = erlang:start_timer(Expires * 1000, self(), US),
- NewBindings = [Binding#binding{tref = NewTRef}|Bindings1],
- mnesia:dirty_write(
- #sip_session{us = US, bindings = NewBindings});
- {error, notfound} ->
- MaxSessions = ejabberd_sm:get_max_user_sessions(U, S),
- if length(Bindings) < MaxSessions ->
- NewTRef = erlang:start_timer(Expires * 1000, self(), US),
- NewBindings = [Binding#binding{tref = NewTRef}|Bindings],
- mnesia:dirty_write(
- #sip_session{us = US, bindings = NewBindings});
- true ->
- {error, too_many_sessions}
+write_session(#sip_session{us = {U, S} = US, bindings = NewBindings}) ->
+ PrevBindings = case mnesia:dirty_read(sip_session, US) of
+ [#sip_session{bindings = PrevBindings1}] ->
+ PrevBindings1;
+ [] ->
+ []
+ end,
+ Res = lists:foldl(
+ fun(_, {error, _} = Err) ->
+ Err;
+ (#binding{call_id = CallID,
+ expires = Expires,
+ cseq = CSeq} = Binding, {Add, Del}) ->
+ case find_binding(Binding, PrevBindings) of
+ {ok, #binding{call_id = CallID, cseq = PrevCSeq}}
+ when PrevCSeq > CSeq ->
+ {error, cseq_out_of_order};
+ {ok, PrevBinding} when Expires == 0 ->
+ {Add, [PrevBinding|Del]};
+ {ok, _} ->
+ {[Binding|Add], Del};
+ {error, notfound} when Expires == 0 ->
+ {error, notfound};
+ {error, notfound} ->
+ {[Binding|Add], Del}
- end;
- [] ->
- NewTRef = erlang:start_timer(Expires * 1000, self(), US),
- NewBindings = [Binding#binding{tref = NewTRef}],
- mnesia:dirty_write(#sip_session{us = US, bindings = NewBindings})
+ end, {[], []}, NewBindings),
+ MaxSessions = ejabberd_sm:get_max_user_sessions(U, S),
+ case Res of
+ {error, Why} ->
+ {error, Why};
+ {AddBindings, _} when length(AddBindings) > MaxSessions ->
+ {error, too_many_sessions};
+ {AddBindings, DelBindings} ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(#binding{tref = TRef}) ->
+ erlang:cancel_timer(TRef)
+ end, DelBindings),
+ Bindings = lists:map(
+ fun(#binding{tref = TRef,
+ expires = Expires} = Binding) ->
+ erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
+ NewTRef = erlang:start_timer(
+ Expires * 1000, self(), US),
+ Binding#binding{tref = NewTRef}
+ end, AddBindings),
+ case Bindings of
+ [] ->
+ mnesia:dirty_delete(sip_session, US),
+ {ok, deleted};
+ _ ->
+ mnesia:dirty_write(
+ #sip_session{us = US, bindings = Bindings}),
+ {ok, updated}
+ end
-delete_session(US, SIPSocket, CallID, CSeq) ->
+delete_session(US, CallID, CSeq) ->
case mnesia:dirty_read(sip_session, US) of
[#sip_session{bindings = Bindings}] ->
- case pop_previous_binding(SIPSocket, Bindings) of
- {ok, #binding{call_id = CallID, cseq = PrevCSeq}, _}
- when PrevCSeq > CSeq ->
- {error, cseq_out_of_order};
- {ok, #binding{tref = TRef}, []} ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
- mnesia:dirty_delete(sip_session, US);
- {ok, #binding{tref = TRef}, NewBindings} ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
- mnesia:dirty_write(sip_session,
- #sip_session{us = US,
- bindings = NewBindings});
- {error, notfound} ->
- {error, notfound}
+ case lists:all(
+ fun(B) when B#binding.call_id == CallID,
+ B#binding.cseq > CSeq ->
+ false;
+ (_) ->
+ true
+ end, Bindings) of
+ true ->
+ ContactsWithExpires =
+ lists:map(
+ fun(#binding{contact = Contact,
+ tref = TRef}) ->
+ erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
+ {Contact, 0}
+ end, Bindings),
+ mnesia:dirty_delete(sip_session, US),
+ {ok, ContactsWithExpires};
+ false ->
+ {error, cseq_out_of_order}
[] ->
{error, notfound}
@@ -308,17 +322,6 @@ to_integer(Bin, Min, Max) ->
-pop_previous_binding(#sip_socket{peer = Peer}, Bindings) ->
- case lists:partition(
- fun(#binding{socket = #sip_socket{peer = Peer1}}) ->
- Peer1 == Peer
- end, Bindings) of
- {[Binding], RestBindings} ->
- {ok, Binding, RestBindings};
- _ ->
- {error, notfound}
- end.
call(Msg) ->
case catch ?GEN_SERVER:call(?MODULE, Msg, ?CALL_TIMEOUT) of
{'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
@@ -329,6 +332,47 @@ call(Msg) ->
+make_contacts_with_expires(Contacts, Expires) ->
+ lists:map(
+ fun({Name, URI, Params}) ->
+ E1 = case to_integer(esip:get_param(<<"expires">>, Params),
+ 0, (1 bsl 32)-1) of
+ {ok, E} -> E;
+ _ -> Expires
+ end,
+ Params1 = lists:keydelete(<<"expires">>, 1, Params),
+ {{Name, URI, Params1}, E1}
+ end, Contacts).
+prepare_contacts_to_send(ContactsWithExpires) ->
+ lists:map(
+ fun({{Name, URI, Params}, Expires}) ->
+ Params1 = esip:set_param(<<"expires">>,
+ list_to_binary(
+ integer_to_list(Expires)),
+ Params),
+ {Name, URI, Params1}
+ end, ContactsWithExpires).
+find_binding(#binding{contact = {_, URI1, _}} = OrigBinding,
+ [#binding{contact = {_, URI2, _}} = Binding|Bindings]) ->
+ case cmp_uri(URI1, URI2) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, Binding};
+ false ->
+ find_binding(OrigBinding, Bindings)
+ end;
+find_binding(_, []) ->
+ {error, notfound}.
+%% TODO: this is *totally* wrong.
+%% Rewrite this using URI comparison rules
+cmp_uri(#uri{user = U, host = H, port = P},
+ #uri{user = U, host = H, port = P}) ->
+ true;
+cmp_uri(_, _) ->
+ false.
make_status(notfound) ->
{404, esip:reason(404)};
make_status(cseq_out_of_order) ->