diff options
authorBadlop <>2009-06-23 21:00:43 +0000
committerBadlop <>2009-06-23 21:00:43 +0000
commit29a11c89b1408a5eab9c12927b6976c1482f6be0 (patch)
parentAdd Vim folding (diff)
Improvements in the WebAdmin browsing menus.
SVN Revision: 2334
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/src/web/ejabberd_web_admin.erl b/src/web/ejabberd_web_admin.erl
index 8500eb79..c24aa6a7 100644
--- a/src/web/ejabberd_web_admin.erl
+++ b/src/web/ejabberd_web_admin.erl
@@ -48,6 +48,95 @@
{"value", Value}])).
+%%%% get_acl_access
+%% @spec (Path::[string()]) -> {HostOfRule, AccessRule}
+%% All accounts can access those URLs
+get_acl_rule([]) -> {"localhost", all};
+get_acl_rule(["style.css"]) -> {"localhost", all};
+get_acl_rule(["logo.png"]) -> {"localhost", all};
+get_acl_rule(["logo-fill.png"]) -> {"localhost", all};
+get_acl_rule(["favicon.ico"]) -> {"localhost", all};
+get_acl_rule(["additions.js"]) -> {"localhost", all};
+%% This page only displays vhosts that the user is admin:
+get_acl_rule(["vhosts"]) -> {"localhost", all};
+%% The pages of a vhost are only accesible if the user is admin of that vhost:
+get_acl_rule(["server", VHost | _RPath]) -> {VHost, configure};
+%% Default rule: only global admins can access any other random page
+get_acl_rule(_RPath) -> {global, configure}.
+%%%% Menu Items Access
+get_jid(Auth, HostHTTP) ->
+ case get_auth_admin(Auth, HostHTTP, []) of
+ {ok, {User, Server}} ->
+ jlib:make_jid(User, Server, "");
+ {unauthorized, Error} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Unauthorized ~p: ~p", [Auth, Error]),
+ throw({unauthorized, Auth})
+ end.
+get_menu_items(global, cluster, Lang, JID) ->
+ {Base, _, Items} = make_server_menu([], [], Lang, JID),
+ lists:map(
+ fun({URI, Name}) ->
+ {Base++URI++"/", Name};
+ ({URI, Name, _SubMenu}) ->
+ {Base++URI++"/", Name}
+ end,
+ Items
+ );
+get_menu_items(Host, cluster, Lang, JID) ->
+ {Base, _, Items} = make_host_menu(Host, [], Lang, JID),
+ lists:map(
+ fun({URI, Name}) ->
+ {Base++URI++"/", Name};
+ ({URI, Name, _SubMenu}) ->
+ {Base++URI++"/", Name}
+ end,
+ Items
+ );
+get_menu_items(Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
+ {Base, _, Items} = make_host_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID),
+ lists:map(
+ fun({URI, Name}) ->
+ {Base++URI++"/", Name};
+ ({URI, Name, _SubMenu}) ->
+ {Base++URI++"/", Name}
+ end,
+ Items
+ ).
+is_allowed_path(BasePath, {Path, _}, JID) ->
+ is_allowed_path(BasePath ++ [Path], JID);
+is_allowed_path(BasePath, {Path, _, _}, JID) ->
+ is_allowed_path(BasePath ++ [Path], JID).
+is_allowed_path(["admin" | Path], JID) ->
+ is_allowed_path(Path, JID);
+is_allowed_path(Path, JID) ->
+ {HostOfRule, AccessRule} = get_acl_rule(Path),
+ allow == acl:match_rule(HostOfRule, AccessRule, JID).
+%% @spec(Path) -> URL
+%% where Path = [string()]
+%% URL = string()
+%% Convert ["admin", "user", "tom"] -> "/admin/user/tom/"
+%%path_to_url(Path) ->
+%% "/" ++ string:join(Path, "/") ++ "/".
+%% @spec(URL) -> Path
+%% where Path = [string()]
+%% URL = string()
+%% Convert "admin/user/tom" -> ["admin", "user", "tom"]
+url_to_path(URL) ->
+ string:tokens(URL, "/").
%%%% process/2
process(["doc", LocalFile], _Request) ->
@@ -74,13 +163,15 @@ process(["doc", LocalFile], _Request) ->
-process(["server", SHost | RPath], #request{auth = Auth, lang = Lang, host = HostHTTP} = Request) ->
+process(["server", SHost | RPath] = Path, #request{auth = Auth, lang = Lang, host = HostHTTP} = Request) ->
Host = jlib:nameprep(SHost),
case lists:member(Host, ?MYHOSTS) of
true ->
- case get_auth_admin(Auth, Host, HostHTTP) of
+ case get_auth_admin(Auth, HostHTTP, Path) of
{ok, {User, Server}} ->
+ AJID = get_jid(Auth, HostHTTP),
process_admin(Host, Request#request{path = RPath,
+ auth = {auth_jid, Auth, AJID},
us = {User, Server}});
{unauthorized, "no-auth-provided"} ->
@@ -99,9 +190,11 @@ process(["server", SHost | RPath], #request{auth = Auth, lang = Lang, host = Hos
process(RPath, #request{auth = Auth, lang = Lang, host = HostHTTP} = Request) ->
- case get_auth_admin(Auth, global, HostHTTP) of
+ case get_auth_admin(Auth, HostHTTP, RPath) of
{ok, {User, Server}} ->
+ AJID = get_jid(Auth, HostHTTP),
process_admin(global, Request#request{path = RPath,
+ auth = {auth_jid, Auth, AJID},
us = {User, Server}});
{unauthorized, "no-auth-provided"} ->
@@ -116,26 +209,27 @@ process(RPath, #request{auth = Auth, lang = Lang, host = HostHTTP} = Request) ->
ejabberd_web:make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Unauthorized")])}
-get_auth_admin(Auth, Host, HostHTTP) ->
+get_auth_admin(Auth, HostHTTP, RPath) ->
case Auth of
{SJID, Pass} ->
+ {HostOfRule, AccessRule} = get_acl_rule(RPath),
case jlib:string_to_jid(SJID) of
error ->
{unauthorized, "badformed-jid"};
#jid{user = "", server = User} ->
%% If the user only specified username, not username@server
- get_auth_account(Host, User, HostHTTP, Pass);
+ get_auth_account(HostOfRule, AccessRule, User, HostHTTP, Pass);
#jid{user = User, server = Server} ->
- get_auth_account(Host, User, Server, Pass)
+ get_auth_account(HostOfRule, AccessRule, User, Server, Pass)
undefined ->
{unauthorized, "no-auth-provided"}
-get_auth_account(Host, User, Server, Pass) ->
+get_auth_account(HostOfRule, AccessRule, User, Server, Pass) ->
case ejabberd_auth:check_password(User, Server, Pass) of
true ->
- case acl:match_rule(Host, configure,
+ case acl:match_rule(HostOfRule, AccessRule,
jlib:make_jid(User, Server, "")) of
deny ->
{unauthorized, "unprivileged-account"};
@@ -154,15 +248,16 @@ get_auth_account(Host, User, Server, Pass) ->
%%%% make_xhtml
-make_xhtml(Els, Host, Lang) ->
- make_xhtml(Els, Host, cluster, Lang).
+make_xhtml(Els, Host, Lang, JID) ->
+ make_xhtml(Els, Host, cluster, Lang, JID).
-%% @spec (Els, Host, Node, Lang) -> {200, [html], xmlelement()}
+%% @spec (Els, Host, Node, Lang, JID) -> {200, [html], xmlelement()}
%% where Host = global | string()
%% Node = cluster | atom()
-make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, Lang) ->
+%% JID = jid()
+make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
Base = get_base_path(Host, cluster), %% Enforcing 'cluster' on purpose here
- MenuItems = make_navigation(Host, Node, Lang),
+ MenuItems = make_navigation(Host, Node, Lang, JID),
{200, [html],
{xmlelement, "html", [{"xmlns", ""},
{"xml:lang", Lang},
@@ -648,41 +743,25 @@ logo_fill() ->
#request{path = [],
+ auth = {_, _, AJID},
lang = Lang}) ->
- Base = get_base_path(global, cluster),
- MenuItems2 = make_menu_items(global, cluster, Base, Lang),
+ %%Base = get_base_path(global, cluster),
make_xhtml(?H1GL(?T("Administration"), "toc", "Contents") ++
- [?LI([?ACT("/admin/acls/", "Access Control Lists"), ?C(" "),
- ?ACT("/admin/acls-raw/", "(Raw)")]),
- ?LI([?ACT("/admin/access/", "Access Rules"), ?C(" "),
- ?ACT("/admin/access-raw/", "(Raw)")]),
- ?LI([?ACT("/admin/vhosts/", "Virtual Hosts")]),
- ?LI([?ACT("/admin/nodes/", "Nodes")]),
- ?LI([?ACT("/admin/stats/", "Statistics")])
- ] ++ MenuItems2
+ [?LI([?ACT(MIU, MIN)]) || {MIU, MIN} <- get_menu_items(global, cluster, Lang, AJID)]
- ], global, Lang);
+ ], global, Lang, AJID);
#request{path = [],
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
lang = Lang}) ->
- Base = get_base_path(Host, cluster),
- MenuItems2 = make_menu_items(Host, cluster, Base, Lang),
+ %%Base = get_base_path(Host, cluster),
make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Administration"),
- [?LI([?ACT(Base ++ "acls/", "Access Control Lists"), ?C(" "),
- ?ACT(Base ++ "acls-raw/", "(Raw)")]),
- ?LI([?ACT(Base ++ "access/", "Access Rules"), ?C(" "),
- ?ACT(Base ++ "access-raw/", "(Raw)")]),
- ?LI([?ACT(Base ++ "users/", "Users")]),
- ?LI([?ACT(Base ++ "online-users/", "Online Users")]),
- ?LI([?ACT(Base ++ "last-activity/", "Last Activity")]),
- ?LI([?ACT(Base ++ "nodes/", "Nodes")]),
- ?LI([?ACT(Base ++ "stats/", "Statistics")])
- ] ++ MenuItems2
+ [?LI([?ACT(MIU, MIN)]) || {MIU, MIN} <- get_menu_items(Host, cluster, Lang, AJID)]
- ], Host, Lang);
+ ], Host, Lang, AJID);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = ["style.css"]}) ->
{200, [{"Content-Type", "text/css"}, last_modified(), cache_control_public()], css(Host)};
@@ -702,6 +781,7 @@ process_admin(_Host, #request{path = ["additions.js"]}) ->
#request{path = ["acls-raw"],
q = Query,
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
lang = Lang}) ->
Res = case lists:keysearch("acls", 1, Query) of
@@ -739,11 +819,12 @@ process_admin(Host,
?INPUTT("submit", "submit", "Submit")
- ], Host, Lang);
+ ], Host, Lang, AJID);
#request{method = Method,
path = ["acls"],
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
q = Query,
lang = Lang}) ->
?DEBUG("query: ~p", [Query]),
@@ -782,10 +863,11 @@ process_admin(Host,
?C(" "),
?INPUTT("submit", "submit", "Submit")
- ], Host, Lang);
+ ], Host, Lang, AJID);
#request{path = ["access-raw"],
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
q = Query,
lang = Lang}) ->
SetAccess =
@@ -846,12 +928,13 @@ process_admin(Host,
?INPUTT("submit", "submit", "Submit")
- ], Host, Lang);
+ ], Host, Lang, AJID);
#request{method = Method,
path = ["access"],
q = Query,
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
lang = Lang}) ->
?DEBUG("query: ~p", [Query]),
Res = case Method of
@@ -882,11 +965,12 @@ process_admin(Host,
?INPUTT("submit", "delete", "Delete Selected")
- ], Host, Lang);
+ ], Host, Lang, AJID);
#request{path = ["access", SName],
q = Query,
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
lang = Lang}) ->
?DEBUG("query: ~p", [Query]),
Name = list_to_atom(SName),
@@ -921,36 +1005,41 @@ process_admin(Host,
?INPUTT("submit", "submit", "Submit")
- ], Host, Lang);
+ ], Host, Lang, AJID);
#request{path = ["vhosts"],
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
lang = Lang}) ->
- Res = list_vhosts(Lang),
- make_xhtml(?H1GL(?T("ejabberd virtual hosts"), "virtualhost", "Virtual Hosting") ++ Res, global, Lang);
+ Res = list_vhosts(Lang, AJID),
+ make_xhtml(?H1GL(?T("ejabberd virtual hosts"), "virtualhost", "Virtual Hosting") ++ Res, global, Lang, AJID);
#request{path = ["users"],
q = Query,
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
lang = Lang}) when is_list(Host) ->
Res = list_users(Host, Query, Lang, fun url_func/1),
- make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Users")] ++ Res, Host, Lang);
+ make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Users")] ++ Res, Host, Lang, AJID);
#request{path = ["users", Diap],
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
lang = Lang}) when is_list(Host) ->
Res = list_users_in_diapason(Host, Diap, Lang, fun url_func/1),
- make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Users")] ++ Res, Host, Lang);
+ make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Users")] ++ Res, Host, Lang, AJID);
path = ["online-users"],
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
lang = Lang}) when is_list(Host) ->
Res = list_online_users(Host, Lang),
- make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Online Users")] ++ Res, Host, Lang);
+ make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Online Users")] ++ Res, Host, Lang, AJID);
#request{path = ["last-activity"],
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
q = Query,
lang = Lang}) when is_list(Host) ->
?DEBUG("query: ~p", [Query]),
@@ -986,55 +1075,61 @@ process_admin(Host,
?C(" "),
?INPUTT("submit", "integral", "Show Integral Table")
])] ++
- Res, Host, Lang);
+ Res, Host, Lang, AJID);
#request{path = ["stats"],
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
lang = Lang}) ->
Res = get_stats(Host, Lang),
- make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Statistics")] ++ Res, Host, Lang);
+ make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Statistics")] ++ Res, Host, Lang, AJID);
#request{path = ["user", U],
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
q = Query,
lang = Lang}) ->
case ejabberd_auth:is_user_exists(U, Host) of
true ->
Res = user_info(U, Host, Query, Lang),
- make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang);
+ make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang, AJID);
false ->
- make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Not Found")], Host, Lang)
+ make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Not Found")], Host, Lang, AJID)
#request{path = ["nodes"],
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
lang = Lang}) ->
Res = get_nodes(Lang),
- make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang);
+ make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang, AJID);
#request{path = ["node", SNode | NPath],
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID},
q = Query,
lang = Lang}) ->
case search_running_node(SNode) of
false ->
- make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Node not found")], Host, Lang);
+ make_xhtml([?XCT("h1", "Node not found")], Host, Lang, AJID);
Node ->
Res = get_node(Host, Node, NPath, Query, Lang),
- make_xhtml(Res, Host, Node, Lang)
+ make_xhtml(Res, Host, Node, Lang, AJID)
%%%% process_admin default case
-process_admin(Host, #request{lang = Lang} = Request) ->
+process_admin(Host, #request{lang = Lang,
+ auth = {_, _Auth, AJID}
+ } = Request) ->
{Hook, Opts} = case Host of
global -> {webadmin_page_main, [Request]};
Host -> {webadmin_page_host, [Host, Request]}
case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(Hook, Host, [], Opts) of
- [] -> setelement(1, make_xhtml([?XC("h1", "Not Found")], Host, Lang), 404);
- Res -> make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang)
+ [] -> setelement(1, make_xhtml([?XC("h1", "Not Found")], Host, Lang, AJID), 404);
+ Res -> make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang, AJID)
@@ -1328,8 +1423,17 @@ parse_access_rule(Text) ->
%%%% list_vhosts
-list_vhosts(Lang) ->
+list_vhosts(Lang, JID) ->
Hosts = ?MYHOSTS,
+ HostsAllowed = lists:filter(
+ fun(Host) ->
+ allow == acl:match_rule(Host, configure, JID)
+ end,
+ Hosts
+ ),
+ list_vhosts2(Lang, HostsAllowed).
+list_vhosts2(Lang, Hosts) ->
SHosts = lists:sort(Hosts),
@@ -2454,14 +2558,24 @@ pretty_string_int(String) when is_list(String) ->
%%%% navigation menu
-%% @spec (Host, Node, Lang) -> [LI]
-make_navigation(Host, Node, Lang) ->
- HostNodeMenu = make_host_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang),
- HostMenu = make_host_menu(Host, HostNodeMenu, Lang),
- NodeMenu = make_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang),
- Menu = make_server_menu(HostMenu, NodeMenu, Lang),
+%% @spec (Host, Node, Lang, JID::jid()) -> [LI]
+make_navigation(Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
+ Menu = make_navigation_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID),
make_menu_items(Lang, Menu).
+%% @spec (Host, Node, Lang, JID::jid()) -> Menu
+%% where Host = global | string()
+%% Node = cluster | string()
+%% Lang = string()
+%% Menu = {URL, Title} | {URL, Title, [Menu]}
+%% URL = string()
+%% Title = string()
+make_navigation_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
+ HostNodeMenu = make_host_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID),
+ HostMenu = make_host_menu(Host, HostNodeMenu, Lang, JID),
+ NodeMenu = make_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang),
+ make_server_menu(HostMenu, NodeMenu, Lang, JID).
%% @spec (Host, Node, Base, Lang) -> [LI]
make_menu_items(global, cluster, Base, Lang) ->
HookItems = get_menu_items_hook(server, Lang),
@@ -2480,19 +2594,21 @@ make_menu_items(Host, Node, Base, Lang) ->
make_menu_items(Lang, {Base, "", HookItems}).
-make_host_node_menu(global, _, _Lang) ->
+make_host_node_menu(global, _, _Lang, _JID) ->
{"", "", []};
-make_host_node_menu(_, cluster, _Lang) ->
+make_host_node_menu(_, cluster, _Lang, _JID) ->
{"", "", []};
-make_host_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang) ->
+make_host_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
HostNodeBase = get_base_path(Host, Node),
- HostNodeFixed = [{"modules/", "Modules"}],
- HostNodeHook = get_menu_items_hook({hostnode, Host, Node}, Lang),
- {HostNodeBase, atom_to_list(Node), HostNodeFixed ++ HostNodeHook}.
+ HostNodeFixed = [{"modules/", "Modules"}]
+ ++ get_menu_items_hook({hostnode, Host, Node}, Lang),
+ HostNodeBasePath = url_to_path(HostNodeBase),
+ HostNodeFixed2 = [Tuple || Tuple <- HostNodeFixed, is_allowed_path(HostNodeBasePath, Tuple, JID)],
+ {HostNodeBase, atom_to_list(Node), HostNodeFixed2}.
-make_host_menu(global, _HostNodeMenu, _Lang) ->
+make_host_menu(global, _HostNodeMenu, _Lang, _JID) ->
{"", "", []};
-make_host_menu(Host, HostNodeMenu, Lang) ->
+make_host_menu(Host, HostNodeMenu, Lang, JID) ->
HostBase = get_base_path(Host, cluster),
HostFixed = [{"acls", "Access Control Lists"},
{"access", "Access Rules"},
@@ -2500,9 +2616,11 @@ make_host_menu(Host, HostNodeMenu, Lang) ->
{"online-users", "Online Users"},
{"last-activity", "Last Activity"},
{"nodes", "Nodes", HostNodeMenu},
- {"stats", "Statistics"}],
- HostHook = get_menu_items_hook({host, Host}, Lang),
- {HostBase, Host, HostFixed ++ HostHook}.
+ {"stats", "Statistics"}]
+ ++ get_menu_items_hook({host, Host}, Lang),
+ HostBasePath = url_to_path(HostBase),
+ HostFixed2 = [Tuple || Tuple <- HostFixed, is_allowed_path(HostBasePath, Tuple, JID)],
+ {HostBase, Host, HostFixed2}.
make_node_menu(_Host, cluster, _Lang) ->
{"", "", []};
@@ -2512,21 +2630,23 @@ make_node_menu(global, Node, Lang) ->
{"backup/", "Backup"},
{"ports/", "Listened Ports"},
{"stats/", "Statistics"},
- {"update/", "Update"}],
- NodeHook = get_menu_items_hook({node, Node}, Lang),
- {NodeBase, atom_to_list(Node), NodeFixed ++ NodeHook};
+ {"update/", "Update"}]
+ ++ get_menu_items_hook({node, Node}, Lang),
+ {NodeBase, atom_to_list(Node), NodeFixed};
make_node_menu(_Host, _Node, _Lang) ->
{"", "", []}.
-make_server_menu(HostMenu, NodeMenu, Lang) ->
+make_server_menu(HostMenu, NodeMenu, Lang, JID) ->
Base = get_base_path(global, cluster),
Fixed = [{"acls", "Access Control Lists"},
{"access", "Access Rules"},
{"vhosts", "Virtual Hosts", HostMenu},
{"nodes", "Nodes", NodeMenu},
- {"stats", "Statistics"}],
- Hook = get_menu_items_hook(server, Lang),
- {Base, "ejabberd", Fixed ++ Hook}.
+ {"stats", "Statistics"}]
+ ++ get_menu_items_hook(server, Lang),
+ BasePath = url_to_path(Base),
+ Fixed2 = [Tuple || Tuple <- Fixed, is_allowed_path(BasePath, Tuple, JID)],
+ {Base, "ejabberd", Fixed2}.
get_menu_items_hook({hostnode, Host, Node}, Lang) ->