path: root/src/gen_pubsub_node.erl
blob: c608dad81240b9dd2e04a442e21b03899a751231 (plain) (tree)














































%%% ====================================================================
%%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
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%%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%%% under the License.
%%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ProcessOne.
%%% Portions created by ProcessOne are Copyright 2006-2015, ProcessOne
%%% All Rights Reserved.''
%%% This software is copyright 2006-2015, ProcessOne.
%%% @copyright 2006-2015 ProcessOne
%%% @author Christophe Romain <>
%%%   []
%%% @version {@vsn}, {@date} {@time}
%%% @end
%%% ====================================================================

%%% @private
%%% @doc <p>The module <strong>{@module}</strong> defines the PubSub node
%%% plugin behaviour. This behaviour is used to check that a PubSub plugin
%%% respects the current ejabberd PubSub plugin API.</p>



-type(host() :: mod_pubsub:host()).
-type(nodeId() :: mod_pubsub:nodeId()).
-type(nodeIdx() :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx()).
-type(itemId() :: mod_pubsub:itemId()).
-type(pubsubNode() :: mod_pubsub:pubsubNode()).
-type(pubsubState() :: mod_pubsub:pubsubState()).
-type(pubsubItem() :: mod_pubsub:pubsubItem()).
-type(subOptions() :: mod_pubsub:subOptions()).
-type(affiliation() :: mod_pubsub:affiliation()).
-type(subscription() :: mod_pubsub:subscription()).
-type(subId() :: mod_pubsub:subId()).
-type(accessModel() :: mod_pubsub:accessModel()).
-type(publishModel() :: mod_pubsub:publishModel()).
-type(payload() :: mod_pubsub:payload()).

-callback init(Host :: binary(),
	ServerHost :: binary(),
	Opts :: [any()]) -> atom().

-callback terminate(Host :: host(),
	ServerHost :: binary()) -> atom().

-callback options() -> [{atom(), any()}].

-callback features() -> [binary()].

-callback create_node_permission(Host :: host(),
	ServerHost :: binary(),
	Node :: nodeId(),
	ParentNode :: nodeId(),
	Owner :: jid(), Access :: atom()) ->
    {result, boolean()}.

-callback create_node(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	Owner   :: jid()) ->
    {result, {default, broadcast}}.

-callback delete_node(Nodes :: [pubsubNode(),...]) ->
	{default, broadcast,
		    [{ljid(), [{subscription(), subId()}]},...]},...]
		    [{ljid(), [{subscription(), subId()}]},...]},...]

-callback purge_node(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	Owner :: jid()) ->
    {result, {default, broadcast}} |
    {error, xmlel()}.

-callback subscribe_node(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	Sender :: jid(),
	Subscriber :: jid(),
	AccessModel :: accessModel(),
	SendLast :: 'never' | 'on_sub' | 'on_sub_and_presence',
	PresenceSubscription :: boolean(),
	RosterGroup :: boolean(),
	Options :: subOptions()) ->
    {result, {default, subscribed, subId()}} |
    {result, {default, subscribed, subId(), send_last}} |
    {result, {default, pending, subId()}} |
    {error, xmlel()}.

-callback unsubscribe_node(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	Sender :: jid(),
	Subscriber :: jid(),
	SubId :: subId()) ->
    {result, default} |
    {error, xmlel()}.

-callback publish_item(NodeId :: nodeIdx(),
	Publisher :: jid(),
	PublishModel :: publishModel(),
	Max_Items :: non_neg_integer(),
	ItemId :: <<>> | itemId(),
	Payload :: payload()) ->
    {result, {default, broadcast, [itemId()]}} |
    {error, xmlel()}.

-callback delete_item(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	Publisher :: jid(),
	PublishModel :: publishModel(),
	ItemId :: <<>> | itemId()) ->
    {result, {default, broadcast}} |
    {error, xmlel()}.

-callback remove_extra_items(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	Max_Items :: unlimited | non_neg_integer(),
	ItemIds :: [itemId()]) ->
    {result, {[itemId()], [itemId()]}

-callback get_node_affiliations(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx()) ->
    {result, [{ljid(), affiliation()}]}.

-callback get_entity_affiliations(Host :: host(),
	Owner :: jid()) ->
    {result, [{pubsubNode(), affiliation()}]}.

-callback get_affiliation(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	Owner :: jid()) ->
    {result, affiliation()}.

-callback set_affiliation(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	Owner :: jid(),
	Affiliation :: affiliation()) ->
    ok |
    {error, xmlel()}.

-callback get_node_subscriptions(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx()) ->
	[{ljid(), subscription(), subId()}] |
	[{ljid(), none},...]

-callback get_entity_subscriptions(Host :: host(),
	Key :: jid()) ->
    {result, [{pubsubNode(), subscription(), subId(), ljid()}]

-callback get_subscriptions(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	Owner :: jid()) ->
    {result, [{subscription(), subId()}]}.

-callback get_pending_nodes(Host :: host(),
	Owner :: jid()) ->
    {result, [nodeId()]}.

-callback get_states(NodeIdx::nodeIdx()) ->
    {result, [pubsubState()]}.

-callback get_state(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	Key :: ljid()) ->

-callback set_state(State::pubsubState()) ->
    ok |
    {error, xmlel()}.

-callback get_items(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	JID :: jid(),
	AccessModel :: accessModel(),
	Presence_Subscription :: boolean(),
	RosterGroup :: boolean(),
	SubId :: subId(),
	RSM :: none | rsm_in()) ->
    {result, {[pubsubItem()], none | rsm_out()}} |
    {error, xmlel()}.

-callback get_items(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	From :: jid(),
	RSM :: none | rsm_in()) ->
    {result, {[pubsubItem()], none | rsm_out()}}.

-callback get_item(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	ItemId :: itemId(),
	JID :: jid(),
	AccessModel :: accessModel(),
	PresenceSubscription :: boolean(),
	RosterGroup :: boolean(),
	SubId :: subId()) ->
    {result, pubsubItem()} |
    {error, xmlel()}.

-callback get_item(NodeIdx :: nodeIdx(),
	ItemId :: itemId()) ->
    {result, pubsubItem()} |
    {error, xmlel()}.

-callback set_item(Item :: pubsubItem()) ->
%   | {error, _}.

-callback get_item_name(Host :: host(),
	ServerHost :: binary(),
	Node :: nodeId()) ->

-callback node_to_path(Node :: nodeId()) ->

-callback path_to_node(Node :: [nodeId()]) ->